Xp Grinding in action

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marka Ragnos, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Marka Ragnos

    Guenidine Server. Esimer Lower left corner. 2 afk sunders with macros firing and reloading. Needs to stop. triend to push em out of bounds but they realized what was going on b4 i could. Stop EM!!
  2. Fox234

    What the h*ll do you care what 2 people are doing away from you?
  3. Dubious

    EVERYTHING is being recorded

    So just report them
  4. Dubious

    So, you dont care if people are Cheating/Exploiting?
  5. Fox234

    Doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form, so no I don't.
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  6. Phyr

    I terrible BR40 player is still a terrible BR40 player. The only effect it has is taking up space.
  7. Fugly

    Hey everybody,

    This guy doesn't want to relentlessly pursue cheaters and burn them at the stake. What a loser!
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  8. Poorform

    People say this until rank 55's are killing them with "pay 2 win" items they got through methods like these. Then it becomes the center of all complaints in the game. You just wait.
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  9. Phyr

    What advantage does a BR 55 player have?
  10. Fox234

    Ohhh I'm against aim bots and wall hacks. However 2 guys cert farming in an isolated area away from people isn't exactly "game breaking".
  11. Siuki

    found 4 people doing it reported all of them cant do much more than that
  12. Fox234

    lol! What P2W weapons? They didn't pay a dime. Macros are free online, all you need is a freeware macro program.
  13. LeanV

    Actually, rank 55's that are using all the shiny weapons probably did this through blood, sweat, and rocketpods.
  14. Marka Ragnos

    Cant thier names arnt showing up. just says sunderer. i suspect it is because they are not in the driver seat.
  15. Siuki

    don't worry i got their names and i reported them
  16. illgot

    something like this sounds more like "OMG, she's wearing white shoes after labor day"

    Now, if someone is using an aimbot to kill a whole squad with a standard rifle... ok, then call in the air strike.
  17. Badname2059

    lol. the cert gain from ammo refills is ungodly slow, not even sure I would consider this an exploit considering they could spend 8-10 hours doing this for only 10-20 certs...
  18. StrangerDanger

    you kids do realize that those crazy awesome cash shop guns are side grades right? Certainly not pay to win guns. Take the week to farm the 1k certs and see yourself. Yeah one might be better at close or long range by sacrificing the other...

    Just report the people and move on. They will get delt with.
  19. Thentar

    Well if they where their and realised what you where doing then how do you know they were macroing?
  20. Fox234

    Actually it reminds me of those people who go out of their way to force their beliefs on others.

    I don't eat meat so NO ONE can eat meat.
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