BR3 1 shotting BR26 sounds balanced to me...not!

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Colonist, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. exLupo

    The fact that this thread exists really makes me happy. Good to know, from the players themselves, that new toons can still wreck old toons.

    GJ Dev.
  2. Ripshaft

    Fail troll is... successful? how the hell does anyone take this seriously? Cmon people, how have we fallen this far?
  3. Ipecac

    There are genuine bugs that will cause bullets to display physical impacts but not give hitmarkers or damage. There is also straight up losing a fight. This could be either.
  4. Brutus

    BR does make a difference, In the fact that the higher BR the higher Cert Points resulting in higher upgrades. At least that's how i see it.
  5. Riftmaster

    I'm near BR 30 (forget exactly), and I get killed in infantry combat alot because most of my certs went into my reaver.

    But the experience/skills I've gained have led to less infantry deaths - not so much the upgrades.

    Frankly if a BR 1 is good enough they SHOULD be able to 1-shot you, assuming they're using a weapon that can. No question.
  6. Brutus

    Good point, I should have said that as well.
  7. FrothyMug

    Yup. As I get more experience in the game in both infantry combat and combat engineering, I'm seeing my K/D ratio rise steadily. As I said earlier, getting cert points and buying weapons doesn't give you a massive advantage, those things are there to help you customize your character so it will play better in the style that you prefer. I prefer setting traps, so I play engineer and cert out explosives and utility pouch. I also prefer close-quarters-combat, so I got a high-RoF gun (LC2 Lynx) and equipped it with soft-point ammo and advanced laser sight; 3.4x dot scope for medium range. I run around with the utility pouch and NOT the flak armor nor nanoweave and I have no problems staying alive. Many upgrades give you a buff in one area and nerf you in another. I have spent a good amount of cert points so far, but I am still well on the level playing field, when it comes to lower-BR players. I just usually win because I am more experienced.
  8. lsj1

    For all you know they might have a BR45 player elsewhere and just started a new player to troll some BR26's with some friends
  9. Schenck

    I'd also like to point out, that bullet damage decreases with distance (simulating the loss of impulse through air friction in real phyiscs). So while a +20% health upgrade might still not safe you from a one-shot kill when staring into the muzzle of a bolt-action sniper rifle at point-blank, it can mean the difference between death and ... later death in a long-range shot situation.

    And I'm also glad that this is not and RPG. You really want to suggest that new players should have to level for months to be competitive with the rest of the players? Do you want a challenging game or a duck hunting simulation?
  10. Gearlock

    This thread is a thinly veiled attempt of "Let me outgear/outlevel other players as to take skill out of the equation"

    No thanks.

    Gun + Bullet + Head = Frag.

    That is the recipe for blood on the grass.

    Blood makes the grass grow.

    It does not require high battle rank.

    -Feed the earth, paint a wall red-
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  11. xpsyclosarinx



    "br3 1 shotting br26 sounds balanced to me not"

    This is the best crybaby thread I've seen since launch!!!
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  12. Riftmaster

    I would have to say, in response to the thread title....

    Actually, OP, that sounds EXACTLY like balance to me.
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  13. Riftmaster

    RTE: Was a bit off on my BR - actually around BR25
  14. Colonist

    Must be my rig then! YES it was a full mag and since the last patch am getting OOB and suicides in the middle of zone. Hmm yup too buggy for me and BTL botty popped aim botters are present, hope they sort it out. PS2 stands to be a classic but atm. 5/10.
    The annoying thing is their introducing new weapons while the older ones are still...wait for it...yes, you got it bugged! Have fun if thats what you call it. I need to read the sp. To those who understand, know what I'm talkin about. to those that obviously havn't got a clue I'll say thanks next time I take you out. K/D aint brill for an Eng but better than most HA's and when it works its great.
  15. Gearlock

    My only issue with planetside 2 is that there isn't enough storage in my apartment to store all my feces, as I feel like every 10-20 minutes something happens that makes me sh#* my pants. Yeah, I keep my poop. YOU DON'T GET TO JUDGE ME.

    Considering this is A) Free to play, B) Freshly released, C) A REALLY risky model (MMOFPS), and D) A sequel of a niche title, all things considered I call it a smashing success. I've never experienced anything you mentioned in the above post. I've experienced far worse in many other games at this point in their release however.

    Overall, it's pretty polished, pretty balanced, and pretty stable. It could be a LOT worse. A few balance tweaks (which will vary from person to person on what they think is balanced), a few fixed bugs (weapon bugs), and continued server stability and I'd call it about as good a launch as you can expect in this day and age from a game that isnt a console title with only 8 maps and 4 more ready to sell as DLC on release. I think the only real major concern is the terrible optimization, which, whaddya know, is pretty common these days. You're dying to Out of bounds messages in the middle of the zone? Often? Wow, I'd bug report that and make a post on the technical forums. Same thing about the hackers, I'd report them too. It's ok, I'll wait.

    Oh and while we wait for you to spend that time complaining instead of reacting appropriately, complaining about Aimbotters and Hackers is so classy. When I read reference to hackers and botters in a QQ post, my first thought is "Legit". Clearly this person has been hampered by someone breaking the rules. That isn't fair and at the same time adds legitimacy to the OP's assertions. It's the only explanation and all but ends the discussion there. But anyways..

    Best part of all this? When you decide that you no longer want to play the game you clearly dislike, and when you're done making passive aggressive, well dressed but still obvious troll posts on the forums there's good news at the light at the end of that tunnel:

    SoE will, and already HAS, issued you a 100% full refund for your purchase price of the box.

    Protip: /whisper it was free so theres nothing to refund

    Wait, what? You spent money on in game items and a subscription? Wow that sucks. I wouldn't spend money on things I don't like, but maybe I'm weird.

    So I thought your beef was imbalance, but now it's game state? I dunno man...I'm no mathematician but that doesn't add up.

    If I packed any more sarcasm into this post, it'd cause cancer.

    I'll close with a snappy meme I made, just for you.

  16. myrmexaw

    i was watching buzzpsycho stream last night and he got killed by a BR3 ... thats 75 BR difference !
  17. Xil

    The fact a BR 3 can kill a BR75 is what makes this game more balanced, not less :). People need to realize this.
  18. Mids

    ps1 didn't have multiple hitboxes. Could shoot them anywhere for the same effect.
  19. InZanity

    BR37-38 here, 2.5 overall KDR after 115h, nave nanoweave at 4, NEVER uses the GL, uses the smoke for the sneaky hit and run stuff tho..L2P
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  20. hat84

    upgrade your internets. sounds to me you are experiencing a high amount of lag or packets loss, yeah packet loss.