Just another video clip

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Muawijhe, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Muawijhe

    Bored so I decided to go through the last 2 days of FRAPS.

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  2. ST4LK3R

    Die Antwoord eff yea!!!! And quite impressive shots too...but you were shooting my brothers and sisters!
  3. Bogarth

    bad shots accompanied with bad music
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  4. Blackbird

    Did anyone notice there was no hold over ? Also several people were shot while they were behind cover ?
  5. iller

    I've experimented with Trigbots in different games (server Admin consulting... basically had to for expanding security) ... and I'm 95% sure that's not what's going on here nor would it be required to make most of those shots. (I run Suppressor on NC bolt all the time so I'm pretty jealous of people who get to click directly on heads)
  6. m44v

    getting shot around corners is common if one of the players has lag. I couldn't notice any sway but given how the clip was made (you don't know if he's holding his breath and each shot is very short) it is hard to tell.
  7. Muawijhe

    Not sure what was going on this weekend but a lot of shots were not registering and until I actually slowed down the video I did not realize that the some of the shots were hitting where they did. In the case of the shots its a lag thing or a hitbox thing; not sure which.

    I was "holding my breath" on all those shots. I start it at the same time as I bring up the scope which gives me a shorter window to shoot, but its steady from the get go.
  8. HadesR

    I chuckled at the one at 31 seconds .. Had that happen a few times .. " **** I've missed .... oh he's dead "
  9. QD998

    What gun you were using in the video?
  10. Jojotheclown

    What worries more is if he's not hacking then this video just goes to show how bad the game is. So many of his "Headshots" weren't even close to the head. They were body shots. Watch this one closely again after you look at my screenshots, he never has the crosshairs on this guys head.

    Here's just one of them.