Will this game ever be optimized

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tcbys1, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Tcbys1

    I cant even run the game with decent FPS. Less than 20 on low settings. I can run BF3,Crysis 2 ect on max settings with Way more playable frame rates than this.

    Will this ever be fixed. I wont spend a dime till I can actually play it.
  2. Fox234

    If PS1 is any indication then I would say 1 year until the game is usable by most.
  3. Pixelshader

  4. Bogarth

    Will people ever stop whining?

    I think not.
    • Up x 2
  5. Tcbys1

  6. CommodoreFrank

    At least you can play without a monthly subscription, so you can just goof off for free until you can play with a better framerate. Alternatively, you can just take a break until the fix. I understand your frustration (I play at 10-20 fps, but I have a new computer coming), but at least you have options that don't cost you anything.
  7. Xylogenesis

    And during that break you can go play the Firefall beta and realize that not only is it a more interesting game, its beta is more complete and polished than PS2's full release.

    And then that "break" becomes a "hiatus" of undetermined duration.
  8. Warruz

    If your going to complain about low FPS then for the love of *inset deity * post tech specs!
  9. Delax

    You asks for a time frame and when you get it you're not happy?

    Is there no appeasing you people?
  10. ButterNutts

    im stuck on Esamir since its environment is pretty bland since its a snowy tundra so i get 30-35 fps, 40fps if im at small outposts like Stillwater or Grey Heron Shipping with everything on low settings and render quality at %57, still cant play on Amerish cause of the amount of foliage that just kills my fps, and Indar can only play on the arid desert side of the continent, im still waiting for this game to get optimised, right now it favors ppl wtih strong computers and im running an Intel Quad Core iS3, but dont have enough RAM to support the games graphical onslaught, btu mind you its a laptop so i cant upgrade my graphics or my RAM since its all Integrated, so im trying to get my desktop rebuilt cause i wanna play FarCry 3, too lazy to buy another PS3
  11. Admiral Ackbar

    I do not know when the game is optimized.. Try not to make negative remarks against the OP, as in you Bogarth.. But, I would like the game to optimized.. I can run it quite fine but a better FPS would be nice..
  12. sustainedfire

    I always wonder the specs of the complainers computers.

  13. Delax

    "Single core cedar mill processor no work? WHY?! MAKE IT DEVS!

    hueh hueh hueh hueh"

    All I can think.
  14. RetroRayner

    Will idiots ever stop flamming?

    I think not
  15. Xylogenesis

    It's not really a believable time frame, is the thing.

    If you were a game publisher, and I gave you the choice of releasing your f2p mmofps NOW but only working on 45% of the machines trying to run it, or in 2 months, working on 90% of machines, which would you choose?

    It goes without saying you would choose the latter. There is a group of people who have tried playing PS2 at release, failed to get it running adequately the first few times, and will never play PS2 again. There are LOTS of people like that, and it's lost revenue for SOE. That's undeniable.

    If they were really that close to a fix for how processor intensive the game is and how inefficiently it utilizes GPUs, they would have pushed release. But they didn't. That means that either:

    A. The optimization changes will not have a substantial effect.
    B. The optimization changes are not coming next month.

    Pick one.
  16. Maeludir

    Processor intensive AND not designed to utilize multiple cores. It's like no one at SoE ever said "Why are we trying to run a cutting edge, high performance MMOFPS on five year old software designed to run on ten year old hardware?"
  17. Delax

    So I am right, there is nothing that will appease you people.

    I'm extremely skeptical, but I know when I'm to be appeased. You asked for a time frame and you got it from a developers twitter account. That's about as good as it will get beyond a forum moderator contacting a developer about this issue, so be happy. You don't know whats going on inside SoE so quit assuming like you know where their development team is at. You're making yourself look foolish and entitled.

    If you're having FPS problems I feel bad for you son, I've got 99 problems but AMD ain't one. HIT MEH!
    • Up x 1
  18. Bogarth

    It's really not that simple, but that won't stop you from thinking it anyways.
  19. NOX2097

    I've got 99 problems but AMD ain't one
    If you're having AMD problems I feel bad for you son
    I've got 99 problems but AMD ain't one
    HIT MEH!
  20. Warruz

    I really dont care about the rest of the parts, but dont sit here and present only two options as if they are the only ones.