Shoved through the ground by wreckage????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nst6563, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. nst6563

    Anyone ever have this happen? I was playing last night and had some wreckage roll over me. Not sure if it came from the air or the ground, but instead of killing me it shoved me underground where I fell for about 30 seconds and finally died. It was amusing at best...but I was actually getting kills for once so it was a bit disappointing at the same time.
  2. Boogy

    Happened to me two or three times. Every time i was under deployed sundy, repairing it from beneath. Sometimes it's parked with a lot of space under it, but if other vehicle collides with it, sundy might move and eventually push me down through the ground, while it should just crush me to death.
  3. Canaris

    it's what we now refer to as the "Call of the core".... if you ever played PS1 you'll know about the core, if not then lucky you. ;)
    falling through the planet is a major bug, watch where you step. Mostly around where a straight line of say a wall, meets a curved line of the ground.
  4. Disrespecting

    This happened to me four times, i get out of my scythe to repair, usually around 50% health but I'm on a slightly sloped piece of terrain, scythe slides into me, and i fall through the world, It never gets less annoying :x

    But I'll try patience, I'm sure they know this is happening ^^
  5. MaxDamage

    Yup. More than once.