It's time for baseline small arms resist

Discussion in 'MAX' started by therah, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. therah

    I play an NC max and not even using hacksaws every single MAX v MAX fight I engage in is disgustingly unfair to them and to me. I equipped shotgun arms to kill infantry something you can define the MAX as using only the loosest definition.

    A proper isolated MAX v MAX fight should involve strafing and charge usage with one or more ANTI-VEHICLE arms. You know something is wrong when while running double falcons (AV arms) against another MAX that knows what he is doing, (Jumping during reloads, using line of sight, etc...) my fights last LONGER than if I had simply equipped shotguns and charged into almost melee range and unloaded 8 shots into him in under 1.5 seconds.

    There's no room for skill or finesse while AI weapons like my shotguns are able to end fights so quickly.

    What I don't want is for the opposite end of the spectrum to be, you shoot 2 comets or 2 falcons or 4 pounder shells to end a MAX fight either. This thread is to offer perspective on how the out of wack small arms resistance is not just ruining things from an infantry vs MAX perspective but is also diluting mirror matchups.

    Imagine if every MBT fight you've ever engaged in involved doing nothing but spotting an enemy tank, using a magrider charge that's suddenly available to every faction and then switching to your gunner 2 position and shooting that instead. It's boring and it's exactly the same thing for MAXs. Do something please.

    Just to avoid derails I know that the other layer to this current problem lies in just how many tiers above the other factions AI weapons the shotguns are but that's a different topic entirely and this change will change the metagame so much as to make it irrelevant.
  2. Hosp

    ES-MAX abilities aren't in yet. I'd wait to see how those change things up.
  3. therah

    I'm sure we'll be waiting anyways