[Suggestion] put both max weapons on one arm

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Saltychipmunk, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. Saltychipmunk

    we all know it , having both max weapons on separate arms leaves a gap in the weapons firing arc where people can just sit in and take no damage .

    so the solution is simple . but both weapons on one arm, it removes the gap and frees the other arm up for cool looking melee based station cash cosmetic items like giant lances , chain saws , power fists and meat grinders.
  2. Krrr8or

    I like the current system personally. They should fix the firing gap but leave it as is. Then they should add the option to turn one or both arms into melee voila melee max build. Alas I am probably hoping for too much. :(
  3. therah

    If someone got into your deadzone you missed easy CQC shots and deserved to die. Also, you have charge. pebkac
  4. CorticalHomunculus

    At first I was like, "Naw..."

    But then the though of having a powerfist and meaningful melee sounds so awesome. Power fists, please god!
  5. CommodoreFrank

    If they're in the deadzone, you can still punch them in the face. It's better than sitting there doing nothing, and chances are, you'll still get them before they get you.
  6. Ocaml

    I'd rather want to see two-handed AI automatic weapons for MAX (not shotguns):
    1. Higher damage than the default one-handed weapons (20-25% will be enough).
    2. Right mouse brings up weapon's scope, considerably increasing your accuracy.
    3. Severe damage drop after 100 meters.

    This will give MAXes some capability to fight outdoors.
  7. irishroy

    yea, why not
    both guns on one arm?
    on one arm?
    he would limp like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame... ^^