MAX Balance Request List [Community Driven]

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Blackfire1, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Riftmaster

    I'd add the option to cert and equip AP or HE rounds to replace the default flak rounds on the burster.

    This would allow you to set up a burster MAX for mid-long range AV or AI combat in addition to AA combat, or mix and match the 3 to get a build you liked...

    But perhaps that's me just liking the look/feel of a burster max and wanting more options :D
  2. Krrr8or

    Give MAX the empire specific abilities and balance the TTK of the weapons to match infantry. As fun as it is insta killing close and being mediocre long I would prefer a nice balance. Also give max the utility to be as useful as a HA to promote use of them in roles besides LOL MAX spam in biolabs and AA deterrence elsewhere.
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  3. Takoita

    I can't believe I've forgotten about the Typhoon - kudos to whoever brought it up.
  4. I'm behind you

    I just want more options. Other classes seem to have much more interesting customisations.
  5. kukuman

    Give us ps1 max level ! Bulleproof exept anti armor rounds and AV weapons !
  6. Corb

    ^^ no, oh god please no. I agree the MAX needs an armor buff because it should be winning 1v2 with any infantry it comes across...but limiting it to only being killed by tanks and HA is not a good idea. A group of infantry should be able to take down a MAX without having to cert into special weapons/ return they should have to actually work for that kill.
  7. kukuman

    Nah , maxes shouldnt die exept explosive , anti vehicular , grenades .. and armor piercing bullets
  8. rlsmooth

    NC max default AV weapon is like throwing rocks at a tank. I mostly use it as AI. It's my only effective ranged weapon. It needs a boost pls.
  9. Vonluckner

    1) Improve MAX durability to small arms fire. I don't think it's a huge problem right now, but just from a logical standpoint it makes no sense to be in a big armored suit and take full damage from assault rifles.

    2) Increase the accuracy of all MAX weapons except the close range ones. Make the long range, or high ammo weapons a serious choice.

    3) Make dead MAXes show up to medics

    4) MAX abilities- I think they should not be empire-specific. I'd like to see jump jets, lock down, and a shield. Make them available to all factions not only for balance, but also so that there is some depth to the class and how you put together your loadouts.

    5) Give more vision modes. Both NV and thermal should be available to MAX. Also, flashlights.

    6) Make Vanu MAX weapons more interesting. I love playing my NC MAX, but trying out the Vanu weapons was pretty boring from a design standpoint.
  10. ghnurbles

    What I'd like to see:
    • Better acquisition timer reductions, or an increased resource cost with buffs to match. If you're using only a MAX, it's pretty much impossible to run out of resources with the current timers and cost.
    • OHK melee.
    • Slightly better default explosive resistance. At the moment MAX units are a joke against HA rockets and C4.
    • A less frustrating-to-use charge ability, especially for distances shorter than the charge itself.
  11. Yojinj

    + More mags should not replace any useable skill. Make it a passive feature.
    + Weapon mag upgrades should either:
    -double the total amount of ammo with mag cap increase
    -or, if it stays mag cap increase > reduce the hefty price of 500 certs to 250 or something
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  12. Marinealver

    I would say give them back the Surface 2 air missles and make the TR one.
    Problem with MAXs they look scary but are not. they definatly do not have the iornman feel to them and I am not talking about dominating softies. They just don't do anything.
  13. Deavonere

    It would be good if MAX could accelerate like trains. Move slowly at first, but speed would increase while in "running mode". After 10 seconds it would move with around 50km/h. It would not make a difference in general combat, but it could help when you are stuck in an empty base.
  14. exLupo

    Some weapon notes from the current datamining:

    AVx2 loadout:. All empires do approx 2.25x of a HA with a much higher fire rate (error correction) and vastly superior sustain time. No need for a buff whatsoever. The only change that could be made is quality of life (projectile speed) but the current damage, when left to fire unchecked, is ko-razy.

    TR and VS AIx2: TTK is just slightly better than the best LMG.

    TR/VS AI+AV: TTK about 60% higher than the best LMG.


    I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with the AI. It is, technically, one of the best AI platforms in game that isn't a bomb/shell/grenade but the TTK advantage is so very slight. The only balancing factor I can see on it is the huge EHP advantage that a MAX has over any softie. Mostly I'm thinking about the AI+AV combo. Slightly better AV DPS than a HA while still having the AI weapon live, even if it is half a LMG's outfit if not supported by the AV arm. Perhaps a small RoF boost to TR/VS AI to further push AIx2 to a superior position (as it is one-trick) and to give AI+AV a more competitive stance.
  15. therah

    Changes will need to be made to the MAX as more drivers unlock increased armor upgrades and faster refire times on tanks
  16. therah

    It's by far the best of all the current AV arms for MAX
  17. Blackfire1

    I really miss my travel mode. :(
  18. Garmr

    You've clearly never played the original planetside before

    A locked down anti air TR max was probably the most effective AA in the game, and locking down in a choke point (techplants especially) with a dedicated engineer would just be a cert making machine.

    If anything I don't like the NC ability, just give them what they had before, a shield which absorbs some extra damage.
  19. MaxDamage


    Anyone who calls it the weakest empire specific ability was a terrible MAX player.

    It was a matter of positioning. Find the right position and you were a threat even to magriders with AV.
    Could hold down certain positions as efficiently as the NC scatmax with AI.
    And AA bursters probably saw the most benefit!

    Each empire had great abilities, remember too that they gave us mobile capacitor based rate of fire increase on top of lockdown in Planetside 1 (something I thought was a present for whiners who couldn't learn that lock down positioning took brains, but it was nice for those of us who already knew the class).
  20. crippler38

    1. NC mid range weapon, like a low fire rate cannon that fires slugs with a bigger clip.
    and give the other 2 a shotgun type gun to compensate
    2. a winged max for air combat which would own

    give them less health, higher speed, and let them fly. with bursters it could be an air supiority weapon with REALLY low hp, but could chase ESFs or be shot out of the sky really fast. maybe give them only 1 gun.

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