Respawn with 0 hp?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ManDraKEarg, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. ManDraKEarg

    is a bug or what? 50% of my respawn are with 0 bars of healt, really don't know what is going on, is REALLY annoying
  2. ImGladUmad

    Thats happen to me with HA........Not much anymore.

    I don't think you actually have 0 health but it is annoying.
  3. ManDraKEarg

    yes, u have 0 healt. See what happend when u use a medkit
  4. kerzain

    Happens all the time with my LA. The worst of it is that jump pads and energy lifts don't work for you when you have "0 hp". You're actually spawning with more HP than that, but 0 is what is displayed, and 0 is how certain objects in the game see & react to you.
  5. Saviaar

    A quick fix is to just switch classes, it will put your health back to normal, then switch back. That only works when you are bugged like that, and not when you have actually taken damage.
  6. Suckinator

    It displays as 0 but you still have full health. Once your shield goes down, it displays properly. I'm like this all the time.