A very odd bug-Please fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marley, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Marley

    So i play NC and bought the NS-11A assault rifle for the medic funny thing is when i went to purchase a scope of it all the names of the scopes were different to any other NC guns, So i read the descriptions of each one and turns out they are all TR scopes so now i am running around with a 3.4x HDS instead of the NC's 3.4x LACO i would have if i used any other NC gun. Im guessing this is just a lolworthy mistake on the dev's part and will be fixed soon enough i just hope i don't lose the certs i spent on it. What do you guys think of NC being able to use inferior TR scopes?
  2. Marley

    blatant bump because the bug is still there. Devs i want NC scopes on my NC gun!
  3. Marley

    bump, still not fixed