Daily reminder that the cloak is useless in CQ.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by YelkoBurger, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. YelkoBurger

    As far as I know(correct me if I'm wrong) enemies and allies look identical when cloaked so these images should represent what a cloaked enemy INF should look like.

    These first images are on the lowest settings.


    And these are on high settings.

    (he isn't moving on this one)

    If you look hard enough on the last one you can just make out his gun. I personally play with everything on lowest settings otherwise my FPS is so low i can't hit anything. As you should know already, cloaking barely helps at all unless you are crouching, and on max settings for that matter. Nine times out of ten when I'm cloaked inside an enemy base and an enemy runs by me, they see me and most of the time I get killed.

    Another thing is the noise when you cloak/decloak. Whoever invented a cloaking device that makes such a loud and distinct noise should be whacked over the head with their rolled up masters degree in Cloaking Mechanics. (How does bending light make sound anyway?)

    For a class that claims to be(it should be) elusive and the best at infiltration, it seems more like a semi-transparent person in pyjamas running around behind enemy lines making really odd farting noises.
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  2. Benevon

    Wow, I never realized how easy it is to see an Inf with low settings. That should be fixed. I've been playing on mostly high settings myself.
  3. Whargoul

    So the photos were he is harder to spot he uses terrain to blend in and the ones where he is pretty easy to spot are all skyline behind him. Gotcha.
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  4. Novmiech

    I hear that when trying to hunt infiltrators they are usually within melee distance directly in front of your face and you never ever have 200 other people running around and chaotically blowing stuff up around you.
  5. Blackhand

    I play a CQC infiltrator pretty exclusively. The cloak is loud but it still works pretty well. You just cant think of it as a free ticket to run around out in the open without someone spoting you. Its basically a upgraded camo. Use it as such, while never fooling youself into beliving your invisible. You're not. Move quick in and out of cover. Stay on the move and position yourself as if you werent cloaked at all. Also, the biggest lesson ive learned is, don't be afraid to run. We are soft targets, so if your spotted run away, reposition, and live to harrass another day.
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  6. Ezekius

    You're right beside him, of course you can see him. Anyone paying attention will see a cloak, and I actually think SOE handled cloak well in this game.
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  7. m44v

    bah, I have infiltrated bases more easily without the cloak, enemies would walk past me without noticing me simply because they weren't looking for me and I was in their peripheral vision. Use the cloak and the whole base starts looking for you.

    The cloak did save me a couple of times from tanks, they seem to be blind or always in third person mode so they won't notice somebody cloaked in front of them.
  8. Ganen

    environments with no background and with too much light are a dangerous place for a infiltrator to tread, fast movement also helps the eye catch something up, but its usually a confusing and temporary detection, personally I like it that way, It feels exactly how a sci-fi light bending cloak should be.
    to say its useless in CQC is just wrong, in fact the noise gives me away more often than the situations described above.

    if anything, the noise should be more subtle and only heard at very close ranges tbh
  9. Fishie

    VS weapons are useless in close quarters, too. I don't get it. Shotguns were removed because...? Everyone agrees that the cloak isn't intended to be used in close quarters. You'd think it would make sense. High, single target damage from range, ala sniper rifles. Now? Punching bags at close range. Jesus, this class is frustrating to play sometimes. I guess I should just get over it and play light assault until infiltrators have any reason to live up to the name.

    Another funny thought just occured to me. Infiltrators are utterly useless in close quarters, but can be extremely deadly in wide, open spaces. Ironic.
  10. Ganen

    huh? why are VS weapons useless in CQ?
    shotguns were rightfully removed for infiltrators, its not fun to be insta gibbed from a target you had slim chances of detecting until he was already on top of you with a mean shotgun

    I do agree that the infiltrator class is much more prone to be sniping behind the front line than to be going deep to the front "infiltrating", nut they are NOT useless at all if you get past the steep learning curve of its stealth and weapons.
  11. Fishie

    Sorry, I got a bit carried away! Anyway, the beamer, as I'm sure you know, isn't the greatest gun to bring to a firefight. I'm speaking specifically about the nyx, which has crazy recoil/scope jitter when you're taking fire, and hip fire is just out of the question. It scatters everywhere after the first round.

    I haven't tried the artemis, as I'm reluctant to spend more money on this class right now, but I haven't heard good things about it. It isn't "useless", but let's just say the light assault class is going to do the job of "infiltration" far, far better any day of the week.
  12. Dr. Euthanasia

    Look, I paid 500 certs as a VS Infiltrator just to unlock the NC's default pistol with a different model. I still lose almost every direct confrontation with any enemy player who possesses an automatic weapon, and this includes TR Infiltrators. If you can describe my interaction with another player as a fight, I have either lost it or outright humiliated my opponent for surviving an entire magazine of their automatic fire as the only class in the game with a lower shield capacity than its peers.

    The damage is underwhelming, the projectile speed is slow even in close quarters, the damage falloff distance is shorter than I could throw rocks, and the accuracy is merely decent. You could argue that this is acceptable in a void where both factions (let alone classes) don't have an inherent advantage against me on the basis that it's an ambush weapon, but I'm only capable of hiding for 12 seconds at a time, and nobody within my weapon's effective range is ever going to miss the sound of my cloak turning off.

    Disregarding the times when I'm sniping people who actually matter, the only situations where I feel useful as an Infiltrator are when I get lucky enough to go unnoticed without my stealth and manage to sneak up behind large clusters of enemy players to deliver proximity mines directly to their feet. My most effective combat tactic similarly revolves around these mines: I get shot at, run away like a little girl, and leave mines in my path while hoping that the enemy considers me too small of a threat to be worried about traps.
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  13. Drazen

    "If you can describe my interaction with another player as a fight, I have either lost it or outright humiliated my opponent for surviving an entire magazine of their automatic fire as the only class in the game with a lower shield capacity than its peers."

    CLASSIC ,, PURE GOLD made me lol. thanks dude, also. yeah no point in buying the improved pistol...no point at all, sry u had to waste certs.......and TR AND NC get better pistols FOR FREE, especially tr
  14. 888GRM

    Heres the contradiction about actual infiltration:
    The cloak only lasts about 12 seconds. Which means you are encouraged to be constantly on the move. You cant sit/camp/ambush/hide/observe if you've got only 12 secs and then loud sound, no cloak, some1 passes by and you are dead.

    Alright, cloak only lasts a little, we need to move.

    But moving is as if you are no cloaked at all, its when you are most visible, so you dont want to cloak and run, its plain obvious.

    So when the cloak is most effective?
    When you are standing still and crouched.

    Conclusion: If you are going to make a cloak that encourages us to move (dont lasts long), make it effective for moving, so we can move about effectively.
    Or if you are going to make one that encourages us to stay still (most effective when u are crouched and not moving) make it last longer so we can actually stay still with it for a while before taking our next move.

    What we can do now:
    Take the long way and thus take forever to get anywhere doing the obvious cloak, run for cover, recharge, repeat.
    Or dont use the cloak for moving and pray for every god you know that that group of enemies nearby the place you are hiding cloaked and crouched wont stay there for another 2 secs or that they are deaf or both.

    As it is now, the cloak is not effective neither for moving about and neither for ambushing people.
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  15. iller

    lol, this.

    I can go Ninja-Heavy and rack up 4x the K/D that way....
  16. Dr. Euthanasia

    Oh, there's a point in buying the Manticore. An underpowered and overpriced pea shooter it may be, but it's still objectively superior to the Beamer, and if you want to play the Infiltrator at all, you're not going to have the willpower to simply keep 500-1000 certs sitting around for the fateful day when SOE sees fit to grace us with a straight upgrade. Not when your only alternative is being forced to use the Beamer for what could become months, at least. I don't regret buying the Manticore, and I won't start regretting it until the next best thing comes out and my 700 certs (can't forget those attachments which don't carry over across the same weapon class!) go to waste. When such a time comes, I'll probably be too busy celebrating to really feel all that bad about it.
  17. Drazen

    I know , its sad, why do the devs hate vanu so much?
  18. MaddBomber

    As a medic, with the anti Inf scope, I love watching you guys run in and crouch. Head shot!
  19. Loki1991

    this is what drives me nuts when people say the cloak is great. honestly it's "good" not great. i have used it properly to do some amazing CQC and got 10 kills within 30 seconds because i ran out like a nut job shot a few people ran around the corner crouched and cloaked in the shadow and because none of them had night vision on their guns when they turned and looked right at me all i could do was smile and wave before they turned around and continued running thinking i wasn't there while i shot them in the back with my NYX! honestly even i have the night vision on my nyx just so i have an advantage when spotting people (including other inf). the only downside to night vision is the drop off range and the lose of any real aiming after like 30-50 meters. after about there the night vision just leaves everything looking pitch black. would be nice if i could turn that on and off so i could aim for my medium to long range shots without adjustments and calculations with a little guess work ( to hit a target that is pitch black. (i have landed a few kills like that. it makes the kill all that more satisfying).

    at first the CQC inf made me wanna punch my screen because i was so **** with it and it was so hard to get the cloaking done right. not only that you can't tell if someone has the night vision scope till it's too late. i love the inf because of the cloak and i don't want to give my cloak up however as far as i can tell even the medics can rack up more kills then an inf just because of the fact of that heal and their starting gun is just as good as my nyx with all its attachments.

    in the end CQC inf isn't bad it's just the other classes can do so much more. wanna get into bases? go LA! wanna snipe? go HA and have a medium range gun with a nice scope and watch me hit those snipers with 1 out of 3 shots that are fired every half a second! only takes about 3-4 hits to kill an inf with some of those machine guns from like 200+ meters (and somehow managed a lucky head shot 1/4 long distance fights) not only that but the bullet speed of the machine guns are way faster then any sniper i have seen! have not tried the new sniper they just released yet. and sniping isn't all that great ether at the moment because i have the view distance as high as i can and i still have people vanish in and out on my screen just because they are at the view distance cap. it gets smaller as more players are in the smaller area so in a small fight i don't notice it but when there are heaps of people my sniping distance is only 1/2 to 3/4 of what it normally is. on a side note it pisses me off when im flying and there were so many people in a group it doesn't load till after im flying on top of them and have like 5-10 lock on rockets on my tail!

    eh i think im done trying to get my point across. i will stop now before i look like too much of a cry baby.
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  20. Bassiuloir

    The Hunter Cloak is perfect for what it is....the DEFAULT cloak. It's just too bad it's all we really have to work with right now, I don't count the Nano-armor cloak, if you're close enough to need it you're already dead. Anyone who followed BETA knows that alot of the stuff for all the classes isn't in yet.

    In BETA, Infiltrators had certs for: normal grenades as well as EMP and IFF grenades. Active Camo detection (displays cloaked guys on your map), Adrenaline Converter (killing = Cloak CD reduction), ability to see deployed object (mines/claymores, etc) and ability to diffuse explosives. EMP spiker (damages shields and disrupts cloaks), IFF device (reveals enemies on mini-map) and Scrambler (disables enemies mini-map). Not everything had been unlocked by the end of BETA so they couldn't be tested so who knows what kinda shenanigans we could gotten up too.

    Most importantly though, we had 6 different cloaks.
    Cloaking Device - available now as the default Hunter Cloak
    Reinforced Cloak - available now as the Nano-Armor Cloak
    Dash Cloak - Increased Sprint speed while cloaked
    Wraith Cloak - Faster cloak time, when fully certed it cloaked the Flash ATV if you were riding one
    Nano-Efficient Cloak - Stay cloaked for an extended period of time
    Stalker Cloak - Can only equip pistols, no Snipe rifle. Stay cloaked indefinitely while stationary. Upgrading allowed cloak capacitor to slowly recharged while cloaked and stationary. Fully upgraded allowed pistols to be fired while cloaked.

    So for right now we will have to make due with sniping and hacking terminals and getting our ***** handed to us. Not everything in BETA will make it to LIVE and even if it does it may not be exactly the same but bigger and better things are coming and we will just have to wait patiently until the rest of our toys are added.
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