Why bother using accurate weapons when...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FreelancePanic, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Limabean

    I dont mind the hits throwing your aim off, but if you notice, even if you manage to recover the croshair back on target the bullets still fly over the target. The game is deciding for you where the bullets are going or the crosshair is not working correctly while being shot.
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  2. Chenjesu

    They did, its why you didn't lose hp.
  3. Kuriby

    Thank you OP, you hit the point dead on

    When anyone is being fired at, bursting is near impossible to hit anything past 25m+. Stupid screen shaky, giant CoF.

    And people wonder why NC ***** about people UP... maybe because our weapons require us to burst? But bursting is useless if the Bloom is giant with screen shaking crap while taking fire
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  4. Rothnang

    The problem I have with the screen shaking so much is that standing upright while moving side to side and blasting full auto with a Carv is pretty much a guaranteed kill against someone who's crouching down and trying to take precise shots with a battle rifle at medium and long ranges. It's absurd that a guy with a machinegun can just hose you down with bullets and completely keep you from retaliating while still landing pretty accurate shots himself.

    And yea, the old style shooters like Unreal Tournament are superior to the new Modern Military shooters in terms of player skill. Most of their weapons were designed so you could dodge the shots, so scoring a hit was a product of your skill minus the opponents skill, instead of the new shooters, where you can't dodge anything, so scoring a hit is purely a calculation of you vs. the game mechanics.
    Of course a lot of the old mechanics don't work with a team game like PS2, but the raw gunplay was simply more involved because it wasn't just two people playing against the mechanics to see who could get the headshots faster, it was two people genuinely fighting each other.
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  5. FreelancePanic

    Right, this is what happens most of the time. I whack the guy in the head at a reasonable distance, and then he loses some health. Then he returns fire (read: sprays) with his automatic and my aim is knocked off, sending my next shot above his head, and then I'm forced to run away or hide because I can't retaliate as I'll be missing due to the flinching.

    When autos win at longer ranges, there's a problem okay?
  6. 13lackCats

    Of course I have died by that mechanic. EVERYONE HAS. I've also learned to wait for the flinching to stop before shooting, and/or run.

    Still, what about your weapon, and using it in it's effective envelope? Semi-Auto you say? Then you need to be attacking from angles, at range. Not head's up from a position where you will be totally exposed to their fire.

    All weapons have certain envelopes of effectiveness. At close range, head's up gainst an accurate opponent, the semi-auto will be outside of its envelope, and you should only expect to win when you're lucky.
  7. FreelancePanic

    Then the BR has no effective range. It's outsniped by any sniper rifle, plus any stray bullet from an automatic weapon used at long ranges will knock off your aim quite significantly (lookin' at you CARV)

    At closer ranges... well we all know how useless the BR is up close, unless you can pull off headshots, which won't happen due to the flinching mechanism.

    Therefore, we all toss our BRs into the corner and grab an automatic to fight properly.
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  8. TheEvilBlight

    Makes you wonder if the suppression mechanic should be supplemented by a damage mechanic. If you get hit by a slugger of a round, it should affect your ADS more than if bullets are whizzing by you?

    It might still favor the guy with the AR, since it's easier to suppress with bullets than to whack with a semi-auto BR?
  9. 13lackCats

    You didn't understand what I said.

    Have a nice day.
  10. StockpowerXD

    . . . yes that makes sense... the shield takes away the damage from the bullet, but then the bullet just goes on without its "damage" and hits you with the full force, but just doesn't deal damage... YES this makes sooo much sense! Why I didn't think of this superrealistic solution first? THANK YOOOOOUUUU FOR OPENING MY EYES!
  11. Rothnang

    The problem with the suppression mechanic is that the TTK in this game is so low that you aren't suppressing someone, as in, driving them into cover, but rather you're killing someone while they can't shoot back.

    I actually like the idea of suppressing fire being a factor in a game, but you're not being suppressed when you're getting killed while your screen shakes so much you can't even shoot back, you're just flat out being deprived of a good play experience.
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  12. deaded

    ROF wins. Dunno where, dunno when, but I know some sunny day ... theyll fkkin fix it. Slow auto guns cant connect shots, even with aim direcly on its target, under either #1. sustained fire, #2. fast bursts (cof resets too slow) or #3. with "flinch" (shaking when getting hit).
  13. Delax

    All this can be fixed by adding a weapons maximum Lethe range. After that range, damage and flinch should fall of.

    But if you are getting smacked 10m away by an LMG, I don't understand why you shouldn't flinch.
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  14. Incarnadine

    The flinch is too absurdly high for the RoF some weapons have. Flinching that hard for a BR, semi auto sniper, or even a bolt sniper to the body definitely. But a Carv, carbine, etc etc at 25-40m+ shouldn't be making you flinch like you're having a seizure.

    Yes, you should definitely flinch once your shield is off atleast, but before that no way in hell. It's a shield, not body armor. Body armor is what's being used under the shield. And the flinch being dependent on bullet damage or rof (with the exception of obvious stupid examples like a single bullet out of a shotgun blast from across the room making you seizure) would be a very good change
  15. Freyar

    If you're using a semi-auto or bolt-action weapon, you probably should be a little further off towards your effective range or being more careful about where you engage.

    Use the right tool for the right job, it won't always be the same weapon.
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  16. iller

    Yep. & This topic should officially replace every single "NC are weak / NC are fine" Topic on the Forum.

    If NC are having problems with their Aim Potential, it's because of this right here.
    If NC's stats were actually fine all along, then this wouldn't just magically Buff the hell out of them and Nerf TR.
    It's a complete Catch22 for anyone who thinks NC is full of whiners and it would be a real nice QOL fix for everyone.
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  17. ghnurbles

    I agree with OP. I never noticed the flinch with Carbines, but it was painfully obvious once I started using a Scout Rifle. I've heard plenty of Battle Rifle users complain about it, too.
  18. Golden_Dem0n

    Point c.

    Not a theory.
  19. Wibin

    I wish I saw this effect when I was shooting guys.

    Everytime I shoot them it seems to knock their aim right ot my head and i die after 3 bullets.
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  20. FreelancePanic

    Just a little extra to add.

    I believe BRs take 2 headshots and 1 bodyshot to kill. That's at the very least 3 bullets. After the first shot, the enemy dude would already know your position (directional damage marker + that streak of light), and can retaliate quite effectively with an automatic weapon, considering all he has to do is get a single shot in to mess up your aim. Now this means the BR is quite useless at short to medium ranges.

    Then why not move even further out and take potshots with a 6x scope? Because then I'd be better off with a sniper rifle.

    What about using weird angles to get shots in without effective retaliation? This is the weird part. The engineer and HA are the only ones able to use this weapon. They tend not to have great mobility options or stealth options to reach good vantage points. This weapon would make more sense in the hands of a LA, but not so much for a HA or engineer. Sure, both classes can reach some vantage points,but in the case of an engineer, he should be at the frontlines, deploying ammo and fixing vehicles/MAXes, not to scale some rocks or buildings and take potshots with a BR.

    Unless the flinching is reduced or removable via certing, the BR has no place in an engineer's armory as he/she can't use this weapon to the places where they are needed the most.