Reason NC players think NC is underpowered. A simple fix with 100 certs!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Narutobieber, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Fuze

    TR - Black n Red. More appealing to the masses.

    Even babies can shoot with their weapons it's silly.
    Their tanks are very good, probably not for head to head but if you play them properly it's a very good tank so I don't quite know what you mean with that they get "shafted" or I completely misunderstood.

    I'm not going to be to hard on you here but when you say VS guns suck you don't quite know what you are talking about, their weapons are among the best ones in game atm.

    Both VS and TR have a VERY low skillcap.
  2. NietCheese

    A 2.6 KDR on TR would be about a 1.2 KDR if you were playing NC. I have played years of FPS, played all 3 factions in this game and the NC infantry weapons are significantly worse than the TR. You are playing noob-friendly mode.
  3. Fuze

    Oh brilliant, you speak for everyone here I assume then (NC)

    It's nice to see that u've placed a nice label on us "NC" players.

    Unfortunately for you I don't play only NC, I'm swapping between all 3 factions as I please.

    Bet your one of those people who goes "Oh those americans" judging type of mentality.
  4. StrangerDanger

    Yup those fractional differences really matter when the TTK is so fast.

    My point went over your head, no big deal though.
  5. Narutobieber

    You sound mad.
  6. Fuze

    And you sound stupid.
  7. Ryloxx

    The real Forumfall died years ago when everyone that mattered left the game. All that remains is the non-factors trying to figure out who was the best of the worst.

    Guess it wil be Forumfall 2.0 soon though. ;)
  8. mercc1

    Even the devs mentioned that the nc weapons are broken... I am nc but I do like all the factions I just happened to pick NC for playstyle. I have unloaded half a clip into the back of a TR only to have them turn around and blow me away in half the time or less FREQUENTLY, and this has been reported by many of the outfit members. That is just one example and I even switched to vanu and tr to see if I did any better with their weapons and it turns out I was able to hold a tech plant alone against a squad of 4-7 for over 30 minutes before they had backup with over 75 kills (2-4 hours worth of kills as NC). With the gun I was easily able to take down the NC with no recoil it felt at all , more speed, and just as good damage... We are underpowered stop trying to bs because we are a diffrent faction. I dont want to be a op NC i just want to be balanced It is boring without a challenge but this is far too difficult with this dissadvantage.
  9. lsp1

    Nc weapons have been confirmed by the developers to be under powered in comparison to the other factions. No amount of VS or TR bias will change that fact. I've seen so many of these so called "facts" or spread sheets with different numbers on them, I don't trust the findings.

    Even less when a TR links a thread saying that TR and NC weapons are equal. I have a 1000 cert em1 with 530 certs dumped into it, and the carv still ROF me down. Even when I have the drop on someone, the carv and orion are still better. And those are default weapons. High ROF with high accuracy=win in every situation. Yes our LA and engineer get access to decent weapons, but HA is seriously lacking. the carv and orion should not be default weapons. It is also confirmed that the NC weapons have the highest COF and the highest TTK, which is why we have to burst fire. Not due to recoil, it's because after your 5-7 bullet the cof is so great everything after it will miss.

    That's actually pulled right out of the game files, don't know how you could dispute that.
  10. ImGladUmad

    So jelly.

    Man I only been playing 1 year of FPS....I guess you got me.

    I bet you were 5 years old when Planetside 1 came out.
  11. TeknoBug

    I deleted my TR alt and rolled an NC, not really sure what I'm missing on the complaints, I'm getting more kills on my NC than either TR or VS. Perhaps it's because I know how to shoot and control the recoil and NC weapons do more overall damage. VS weapons can be a pain in the neck to get kills with, regardless of how accurate they are, a 1 on 1 fight you can lose often with VS guns.
  12. Deladin

    The issue with NC is that yes, are stock LMG is garbage, and the EM6 is a slight improvement. However the main issue is that NC is not balanced around VS and TR, since 90% of the time I die from infantry it is always a HA. The TTK for other empires is so drastically shorter for HA then it is for the NC, that trying manage your recoil (which allows you to utilize your stronget bullets) just means that in the split second that you paused to let your sight come back to target you had already died three times to a TR CARV that was shooting you from 100 meters full auto.

    Several times today I would come up on a TR HA with my HA. I have the EM6 with compensator. I would get the first few rounds before he would pop his overshield. I would pop my overshield at the same time, before he got his first shot off, and he would still kill me in less then a second. And he would be missing maybe MAYBE half is armor, and that was just from the shots that hit him before he turned on his overshield. However, my over shield did nothing for me at all.

    Simply put, that extra 250 rounds per minute the CARV puts out will outclass anything the NC can use, EVER.
  13. Chiss

    You say derp, and expect anyone to take you seriously. Ha.

    The imbalance in infantry, i feel, is the cone of fire.
    It is significantly higher for NC (almost double) for most of their guns.
    This causes a certain range where NC has to burst fire to hit, while TR and VS can hold shoot with perfect accuracy for 10-15 bullets.

    I don't even play NC anymore, but thanks for the insult.
  14. Deladin

    All these TR craptastic players that are trying to keep their precious CARV easybutton in the game fail to realize the twitter post from Higby that said NC weapons are currently under performing.

    But hey, he is just he creative director, what does he know.
  15. deaded

    So does TR and it performs like a beast on steroids. Insane ROF, good for all ranges, easier to connect when shot (flinch) etc.

    Why should there be any difference?

    Are you saying T9 and possibly Orion needs a nerf instead?
  16. Spookydodger

    You saw that couple of days where people were complaining that fighters were crap because of the changes that hadn't actually happened yet? We have much more literacy than ever in the history of mankind, yet we have so very little comprehension.
  17. ForceM

    Cmon guys it's not only about the Gauss Saw really. The rest of the Weapons are also never top for their class. I played TR then NC and i drew my conclusions out of it. I am a newbie at Planetside so i have no nias about the factions at all, i just happened to find NC fluff coolest and got very disappointed after some days.

    1. NC weapons are rubbish compared to TR. Especially the starter weapons and moreso if you are not absolute Ego shooter pro. I don't get how anyone can say otherwise, it's a fact they play like utter trash.
    2. The HA class ones is the worst leading to no HA in battles leading to losing!
    3. The fact NC does not stand a chance in infantry fights is catastrophic because in biolabs or big facilities their problem is ten times worse as they have no CQ options especially now in the beginning.
    4. Because of this NC lose a lot and get cert points a lot slower which makes the problem even worse.
    5. All this leads to a bleed of NC players to the other factions. When the game started population on my NC server Ceres EU were about equal. NOW it still shows some 30% at the start screen but this is just not true. When i look on the consoles ingame we just had 6%, 19%, 17%. Now tell me WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO? This is a disaster. No wonder players just rum away from
    6. This is a vicious circle. And a real problem for SOE. I mean NOW not in 2 months, right now! Vanu had 88%, 56% and 30% on the continents. They were approx 2/3 of the server population when i just logged off. Plus TR and Vanu still teamed up on the continent where we had 20% to keep is in base.

    Conclusion: this blows. Anyone who defends their little TR and Vanu advantages pls shut up because it's pathetic. There is a problem and if you just wanna keep an imbalance between factions, you will just kill the game. In the end there will be one Factiom just dominating the two others and there will be really bad blood and hate in the community. Even more than now.

    So please SOE balance the game whatever it takes. And better hoof it before its too late!
  18. MykeMichail

    NC6 is an awesome weapon, you just have to know where to aim.

    It actually has fairly predictable recoil when you crouch and shoot in bursts. Depending on range, I usually fire 2 to 5 round bursts. Rapidly controlling the first-shot recoil (quickly pull down before the second round leaves the gun) you can generally get a 3-4 rounds into the body and if you're lucky the 5th will hit the head, but it will generally miss.

    Aiming for the hips will make the first shot recoil pull the weapon onto their chest.

    With a 3.4 scope, a player can be little more than 1/4 a scope tall and you can still put 2-3 round bursts into them (yes, I know this is easy for TR/VS players, but our weapons kick like a mule).

    However, at longer ranges, you will have to pop off single rounds whilst TR/VS heavies will still be throwing bursts at you. TR/VS players will probably say "But your weapons do more damage, so single-shot firing balances them!" The difference is, that its a lot easier to hit a moving target with bursts than when popping off single rounds, and generally your target will start moving around heaps once hit.
  19. iller

    NC stock HA is the most Balanced Heavy in the Game right now. All other HA's and unlockable items for the HA should be balanced around the NC Heavy to really reduce their TTK overall versus "squishier" Classes. I get 4-1 KDR on the stock NC Heavy despite constant stuttering in my framerate. I find it hilarious how quickly I can kill some players on what the OP rightfully calls the worst Heavy in the game.

    The TTK in this game is way too quick and the higher-performance Autos for NC/TR heavies are the biggest culprits.

    TTK against Infantry from Vehicles is already being reduced with the Changes we've been promised in the sticky at the top of this forum. Now it's the other HA's turns to get hit with the TTK nerfs. ....Maybe have their Shields recharge faster to compensate the lower TTK.
  20. Miles Cadre

    NC isnt underpowered. Anyone who says that just simply doesnt know how to play them.

    I played NC on Jaeger for a while, and I had the EM1 or whatever their LMG series is called. Loved that LMG, the lower ROF helped compensate for that ungodly recoil. Sure, if I sprayed it from the hip I wouldnt hit the broad side of a Galaxy, but if I bursted my shots and took my time (within reason), I ***** things.

    NC is all about Alpha. Sure, they fire slower, but they only need 1-2 hits to seriously hurt you or even kill you. If you catch my drift anyways.

    And yes, the GD-22 is a epic LMG and I wish I had it for my TR char. Its just pwnsauce. No, it PWNTASTIC!