Double XP becomes Normal XP? Thoughts?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spec_Ops729, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. MurderBunneh

    To get the TOP weapon yes. Boy I got my legendary in WOW in 2 weeks what was I thinking. <<<<<sarcasm.
  2. absolofdoom

    The gun variety in BF3 is amazing; you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. PS2 is lucky it has a lot more going for it because the guns sure as hell aren't a draw.
  3. GolDraG

    ye curent system for certs its bs. they should hawe made items more cheaper, but item upgrades(not ewery) more expensive keeping same price if u wanted fully certed weap

    as it is now, any1 that buys weapons with $ hawe wery big uperhand(its not old p2w we know but atm its still p2w). simple example: if u are new player, that doesnt nolife in game all the time, u can cert maybe in 2 things to feel a diference. stuff like dual bursters, skyguard, HE turets for tanks or any other stuff .... u cant hawe all this, but with curent game system- u need to hawe to be efective.

    it simple, greatly reduce cert price for unlocks, and then just shift all that to items upgrade certs. still would take same amount of certs to fully upgrade, ppl would be more happy since they can be more versitile and hawe diff setups, and when ppl are happy they like to spend stuff on visuals
  4. MasterCheef

    in all honesty, i think the point is that your are SUPPOSE TO BUY the high end guns, and use your certs for the attachments.

    I see no problem with that philosophy, especially since i'm doing more than fine enough with my stock weapon (LA).

    I came to this realization the other day when i was about to blow a bunch of hard earned certs on a gun that wasnt necessarily better that my starter weapon. I thought "why would i blow all this work on a gun with no attachments, when i could just buy it with cash and use the earned certs to beef it up instantly"- then it all made sense to me. suppose to buy the ridiculously priced weapons because if i spent X number of hours playing, the least i could do is throw 10$ down. Now i can use those certs to upgrade my gun to be as good as my starter.

    The funny thing is now that i have the SC to purchase the gun, ive held off on it because i find that i'm doing so well with what i have already.
  5. Jourmand1r

    The "high end guns" are just the starter guns with tiny differences. They don't even merit the money OR the cert costs.
  6. MasterCheef

    i do wish we had more 30-100 cert "sidegrade" options to spend certs on though. I wish they could vary the stats a bit more on items to give us more to spend on. For example, instead of just a grenade option, how about grenades with different fuses and a different blast radius. There should be at least 8-10 different grenades, that arent just upgrades, but changes the way you use them. They could do this with a number of different sidegrades.
  7. BobJohnson

    The mindset of some people is nonsensical. People offer suggestions which would make them enjoy the game more. Peoples enjoyment is directly related to A) How attached they become to the game and how often they play and B) How much they are willing to spend on the game.
    Less enjoyment results in less of both A and B. Which will hinder the success and longevity of the game for both F2P and Paying customers.

    There are games out there that are highly successful in both player numbers and longevity that don't use any sort of grind mechanic, so lessening it in an otherwise enjoyable game should not have a detrimental effect. If anything it would have a positive effect on the game by allowing people to focus on having fun and working as a team rather then doing what is required to farm certs.
  8. Jourmand1r

    I might as well just go to bed, since Waterson becomes a ghost town outside of Prime time hours.

    Currently VS has a 50 percent population advantage on 2 continents.

  9. Mietz

    I like how my argument was misconstrued and immediately turned into "well you don't need all the certifications anyways"
  10. waxpants

    It really needs to be normal
    It takes like a month for me to get anywhere near 1000certs
  11. 4Dentity

    Maybe small increase like 20-30exp more for kill could be reasonable? but getting double as norm would be too much as it took less than 1.5h to get over 100cert this weekend.
  12. Nubs

    If you are a member with a cert boost then the rate of xp you are getting now basically is the norm. (Slightly less depending on membership type, but membership + boost = 75-100% extra xp).

    Of course it "feels right" now. Really, it's the way it's meant to be played.
  13. James161324

    The reason why a xp increase would be good as it makes ptfo more of viable way. I was running with my outfit, instead of my usually 30-40 i get an hr, i got 60-100. It felt like i has getting somewhere vs. just grinding my way to something.

    Look at TF2 there is a f2p that has no grind, none of that crap. It is possibly the most successful f2p game ever. If i rember right there are other f2p games like that to.

    The problem at the core this game is a large scale fps, but the progression system is an grind RPG style. A single class takes 16k certs to make out. So for an average player something like 600 hrs per class.

    Not everyone is either A. Kill farming the whole time, or B. has 60 hrs a week to game. A ton of the guys i play with only have 10-20 hrs to play with, and a year to unlock 1 class fully is pushing it. You don't want the unlocks to be to quick, but you don't want it to be to much of a grind. Even with premium its a grind
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  14. IshanDeston

    I very much would love to see that happen. I too think its more reasonable and i for the first time in a long time i didn't just change into a dual burster max because i felt there was a need to, but because it actually didn't punish me as much.

    Earlier i was sitting on my own, in an outpost for an hour, defending it with occasional randoms against the same 5 Vanu. Thanks to the double exp it was "worth while". Sure i could have made much more exp elsewhere, but at least i didn't check my certs and decided "this is just not worth it" and abandoned the defense to return later to recap it.

    The current exp gain feels right. Its not to quick, the price of the unlocks are still valuable, but at least its not a crawl.

    And i only made like 2k certs since launch. So there is much room left to unlock stuff.
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  15. Dirtius

    I don't think it should be 2x all the time, but there is some room to adjust. What I feel the game needs is just cheaper utility per class, both in cert costs and SC. It's fine to leave the best of the best stat wise costing lots of certs/SC but there should be some flex to cater a class to your playstyle without investing a ton of money or certs. I am talking about things like scout rifles for Infiltrators, Anti-Air/Anti-Armor launchers for HA, etc. There also needs to be some adjustment with cert gains for people that play a more supporting role, sunderer drivers etc. It's kind of silly when it's more beneficial to turtle away in a large base for hours on end instead of spearheading assaults on outposts as an offensive minded Infiltrator.
  16. CoreDave

    I dunno, its tricky. I think the problem is that it is linear. There is no balancing factor between people who play a lot and people who play a little, nor people who are good/min-max the system vs average players or folks who play in poorly rewarded roles.

    I think the passive cert game could stand to be a LOT higher, also more ways to earn steady xp, such as xp for causing damage which would also help to reward players even if they arn't getting lots of kills and tick xp for staying on control points or defending a base.
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  17. Nubs

    Not a good or newly released full game, and not on an MMO scale you cant. Look at GW2 .. that game was lauded for breaking the mmo mould.. only.. it has a high upfront cost and still uses microtransactions with it. World of warcraft? Upfront fee and subscriptions. Planetside 1 - upfront fee & subscriptions. The Secret World? Upfront fee, microtransactions and subscriptions. Eve Online - upfront fee and either spend ages grinding isk to trade for your subscription or pay a subscription. MMO's are inherently expensive, the developers must have a way of getting a return on that investment. If they made the game how you want it (everything cheap, double the xp rate!) the game would sink.

    The point is here that you get a complete game for nothing. But its a game that will take a you a very long time to unlock everything. If you want to speed that up you can put some of that cash you would normally have expected to pay for the full price new game down on membership, or boosts or simply unlocking guns (that you can unlock without buying). It's your choice, but the fact is even if you bought one gun in this game for $7 .. it's not a ripoff because you then say my entire investment in planetisde 2 has been $7. How many hours of entertainment has it gotten you? You couldnt even go see a movie for that price for 1-2 hours entertainment.

    They;ve based the pricing structure on the most successful F2P game out there - league of legends. It's the same principle, you get faster progression if you are willing to support the game with money, you get slower progress if you are not. The point being that you still get the game even if you dont want to spend any money on it. The fact people claim planetside 2 is a ripoff is, frankly, bare faced cheek.
  18. altonyc

    I think he was saying that a new player starts with more than someone that has been playing already, if the new player spends more money than the experienced player...

    Anyway, one of the issues I think I see is the large variance in individuals' cert gain rates. There are some people who can get over a hundred certs an hour, without the double exp. WITH double exp, and while defending a biolab that was under constant infantry assault, no less, I only got 48 certs in an hour. So for me, double exp would be perfect, but for someone who has a higher cert gain rate, it would be bad to have 2x exp all the time.

    Not to mention the fact that there are some actions that have significantly higher cert/hour gain rates; if I'm helping my team by hacking terminals, and get 25 exp per terminal, I'm making significantly fewer certs than the guy gunning in a Zephyr. If I'm helping the faction by getting adjacency from small outposts while the rest are attacking a facility, I'm generally going to make significantly fewer certs.

    Hence, part of the reason there are so many different opinions and reasons of thinking behind the arguments in this thread.
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  19. MasterCheef

    you are SUPPOSE to buy those guns. Thats why they cost so much. notice how all the practical upgrades dont cost so much AND you cant buy them? Those items are what the grind is based off of, not the guns that are obviously meant for paying players. 30-500 certs isnt really all that bad. In just a few days you can get what you need for a class.

    I was doing fine without spending a penny. I got grenades, scopes and c4. Theres not really much else i feel that i HAVE to get now. I think the prices are okay, maybe some tweaking could be used, but it is in no way a rip off. I would prefer if they found a way to triple the amount of "side-grades" though. I want more options to spend my certs on. I should always be able to dump 30-100 certs into something cool if i get bored.
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  20. Mietz

    They need to tweak the non-killing related cert gains (except resurrection/heal farming)

    I'd like to see the XP for repair, resupply, hack and objective play go up if you do it as a dedicated support player.

    For example, if you repair consecutively for a while, your XP goes up (what is it, 5XP per "block" on the UI repaired?)
    Make it go up 2x and cap at that after ~30 minutes of playing engineer for example. Make the timer reset if you switch class and when you get into vehicles (that way solo-engi-vehiclers don't XP stack from both kills and repair)
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