Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Angelus359, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Angelus359

    I've been using the pulsar LSW. I mostly engage at medium to long range, with some short range thrown in there. I use the og 4x scope, which I love, along with foreward grip.

    Is there a better LMG for medium/long range combat? The orion didn't seem as accurate as the pulsar LSW when you really start firing heavy (slower ROF means less recoil issues?), when both didn't have foregrip, plus I like the extra ammo, though the polaris vx29 is even more ammo than that. I really disliked the limited ammo of the orion.

    How does the polaris vx29 with advanced foregrip, and compensator compare to the pulsar LSW with regular foregrip, both scoped og-4x?

    For polaris vx29, does the lower rate of fire, plus the compensator and advanced foregrip make it more accurate? How well does it handle with those mods, and high velocity ammo?

    What about the flare? How is that as a weapon, with and without mods?

    I was considering a secondary loadout with IRNV, foregrip, and silencer on pulsar LSW
  2. Mercadion

    I can only speak for the SVA-88, but after test runs with all the LMG (half hour stock runs) I preferred it over both the pulsar and flare. Keep in mind also that the foregrip will do very little for any of our weapons as it only horizontally stabilizes.

    That said, since you scope the compensator will also only moderately help you. Without trying to compensate recoil yourself you can get 3-4 round bursts and stay on target, with the compensator I get 5...rarely 6 rounds. When your 70 yards off that one shot doesnt do much for you. But one thing I did test thoroughly was high velocity ammo with and without the compensator. Without it I could only keep 2 rounds on target at the same 70 yards, and with it I was back to my normal 3-4 rounds.

    Overall I really recommend the SVA-88 over any of our others, I use the CSZ(4x) optic, compensator, and high velocity when attacking because I tend to sit back and plink. I may not get the actual kill but I rack up tons of assists especially at the crown and surrounding areas. When I have to go inside I use the HPR-reflex optic, and laser site. Having used soft points on another character I dont miss them one bit.

    Also keep in mind lower rate of fire when using a magnified scope of any kind just means less rounds on target, as you wont be able to hold the recoil down at range. But spend a session of playing and use the free trial they offer and see what you think. The mods will only slightly change the way the weapon performs in any case so you can base it off that.
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  3. Bjens

    I'm looking for input on NC lmg's.
    1: For default use, I feel like I can burstfire well on my own, so I don't want to unlock the SAW S, though is the EM6 worth the points? I see different opinions and imagine for the EM6 it's a mix of it having higher ROF compensating the lower damage, and the higher ROF giving the target the shakes and throwing em off.

    2: Warden battlerifle ... What exactly is this? Sniper lmg? ... Something like a G3.
  4. MrMacaroli

    1: The EM6 is a fine well-rounded LMG, with a fair set of attachments that can customize. If you want to learn a gun and have it perform decently at both CQC and longer ranges, it's a fair choice. The whole hitting-targets and having them shake seems unreliable at best, but it comes down to taste and personal choice as to whether you want the damage of the SAW S or the ROF of the EM6.

    2: The Warden battlerifle is a semiautomatic rifle with a 20 round clip and a decent TTK, favoring headshots as more of a designated marksman weapon. It's got a selection of attachments that include 6x scopes (highest of any HA weapon alongside the SAW) and is basically a countersniper's godsend. It can also be used on the Engineer.
  5. Mercadion

    Dont have ANY exp on NC but the rule of thumb is still the same, you can read pages and pages of input from people an still find that your own taste may be completely opposite. The best thing soe did was give you a chance to test the weapons, even if its only for a half hour. Test one and go into heavy battle with it.

    fyi...you can also test out vehicle weapons the same way
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  6. Bjens

    Well then the first thing I have to say is thanks (both replies), second is sorry for my next question, but test weapons?

    How can I do this? :D
    I got accepted to the beta but got soldering problems on my old GPU and only got to play post launch after I recieved my new GPU a couple days ago.

    I think the primary issue people have is at which range and in which situation they chose to engage... I favor range and aim-fire rather than hipfire. Probably because having played battlefield in between ps 1 and 2.

    Having said that, the CQC basecaps doesn't seem to be decided sadly at this range :(
    I think at least one shotgun should have been available to heavies at reduced cert cost rather than one of the crappy LMG's to compensate for this if any change was to be made to NC HA's. Compared to when I played PS1 there hardly seems to be any MAX players deciding the CQC fights during critical bunker basecaps, I don't know what happend during beta to have caused this.
  7. Grizzly-Konried

    I use the EM6 and love it. I'll take it's higher accuracy over the EM1's faster reload time any day. What good is a reload time if you can't land any shots, right? The video in my sig is with the default SAW. The SAW is great too. I plan on going back to it once I feel I'm done with the EM6. For now the EM6 is the balance I'm looking for.
  8. Mercadion

    Its not real well known, but when you go to the store tab, and click the unlock button on any weapon itll take you to a confimation screen. At the very bottom it will tell you if you have a trial left on it or not. You only get one, and its only for 30 mins, but it gives you a chance to try the weapon before you buy it. Since you only get one trial per weapon, and it starts as soon as you click make sure you can play for the full 30 mins to get a good idea of what it can do.

    I tend to stay at range as a heavy too, which is why I favor Indar. Its pretty easy to find a place to sit back and plink away. Out of curiosity though, do you use the 4x or 6x optic? I use the 4x cause I can still get peripheral vision out of it, has saved me a few times.
  9. Bjens

    Unlocked a 4x to begin with... thought it would be the best mix of range capability and still have some close combat options but.. have to say the weapon models are just too big, and the sight doesn't make it any better. The red dot of the reflex scope is preferable considering the mid range fight style I prefer anyway, friend recommended it and so far I'm agreeing with him :p
  10. MrMacaroli

    You might be interested in the 3.4x laser. I find it to be a happy hybrid of the reflex and the 4x, with good range capability, good CQC and an unobtrusive red dot. Only problem is that it's (kind of) blocky and obstructs a little bit around the lens.
  11. Mercadion

    I did try the 3.4 on the orion, and probably just me but figured at that point may as well have the 4, and just use a reflex sight when getting in close. I die enough that its not hard to change between what is needed lol.
  12. Bjens

    I wonder how big a deal it would be to reduce overall (for all classes and all factions) weapon default carrying stance, I imagine it's the same PC skeleton used for all the models so... perhaps it would be possible for it to be dealt with. Just a more relaxed way of carrying unscoped, and weapon being raised slightly in the event of firing from the hip.

    I'll try the 3.4 .. luckily the credits needed for unlocks are pretty balanced when it comes to mods.

    Sort of regret the C4 purchase since it couldn't even blow up a phalanx turret in one go, and neither a shielded HA ... THAT, was a waste of credits :p
  13. Mercadion

    Youll love C4 if you turn the sunderer into a shield crasher. Run right into a shielded bay, hop out an immedaitly throw c4...even if they kill you you can detonate after. Great way to clear a bay. Its suicide, but get a couple gunners so you have time to get the c4 off an its very effective....sometimes you can even manage to slip behind everything an clip a few cause they think its the gunners hurtin them.
  14. Angelus359

    I noticed an improvement after foregrip on groupings, against a wall, at like 50m with 5 round burst fire, vs not having it, both tested on pulsar. I know I like the pulsar more than orion, that's for sure! I hated the orion... it's high ROF made it's cone of fire spread too quickly.

    SVA-88, isn't that 3 round burst only, and not autofire?

    I'm pretty good at pulling down my target so vertical recoil doesn't bother me much.

    Why did you get the csz optic over og-4x, which obscures less screen? What advantage do you find in it?

    Reflex sights seem nice, but at that range, I think I'd rather have IRNV. If it's too close for IRNV (which at 1x, isn't common), I just hip fire. I've found the highlighting of enemies.

    You prefer high velocity bullets, even with the increase of spread?

    Can anyone attest on expansion of cone of fire per bullet of polaris vx29, pulsar LSW, and SVA-88?

  15. Mercadion

    The 88 is full auto. To be honest I use the 4x cause thats the one I picked first, and havent picked up the other one to compare them. I also have spent more certs on other things rather than IRNV, but its next and it will replace my reflex in most situations Im sure. I only use high vel rounds when I have the 4x on, because Im at ranged I only 3-4 round burst anyways, so the extra recoil in negligible with the compensator.

    Here is a link that will give you accurate hard data for any weapon in the game. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&gid=12

    Now mind you, like anything else, it may make sense on paper but actual use will very from person to person depending on their style. Just like I know that by the numbers the pulsar and polaris both have less recoil than my 88, but in actual use I did and still do better with the 88, as backed up by my accuracy and kill % on the stats page. I cant tell you why, can only chalk it up to how I shoot.

    Also should point out that if you decide to do the weapon trials like I suggested above, make sure to thoroughly test to make a informed decision....because while I think they should, things like scopes and rail attachments do NOT follow from rifle to rifle.
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  16. Angelus359

    I *am* liking the pulsar LSW. I have it nearly full modded.

    Since I use NVIR a lot, I'm thinking about getting a silencer.

    That chart you gave me makes it look like the polaris vx29 is the kind of long ranged accuracy due to the lower first recoil, compared to pulsar LSW, but in general is the lowest DPS LMG.

    SVA88 looks like it has some pretty nasty recoil with more shots, but it's first shot has less recoil, 0.67 vs 0.82 of the pulsar LSW... the polaris vx29 is 0.6 for first shot, making the polaris vx29 have the advantages of both, with the disadvantage of rate of fire... rate of fire is pretty important, for time to kill, but so is hitting :p

    I can see now why someone would like SVA88, and it's explicitly the low initial recoil.
  17. Mercadion

    When at close range I can pretty easily compensate for recoil on full auto. And like i say, at range I burst so I dont really notice it all that much. Major reason I picked it was the high muzzle velocity and 75 round clip. I really didnt mind the orion much but I couldnt tell when I died whether it was because of reload or because I sucked as I seemed to always be reloading lol. From the orion I actually went to the lasher (pulse cannon) which I thought was the **** until I started learning the game more, and getting back my reflexes for a first person shooter. I then realized I was doing more dmg to my alliance than my enemies lol. Overall for my style play the 88 works well for me. Ill even reach out past the min dmg mark at times with single shots just to get assist points if I cant find a closer target. No bullet drop on our weapons makes for great HA quasi-snipers lol.
  18. Angelus359

    I think I'm going to use the pulsar LSW until I can afford a polaris vx29 (down the road), based on the chart. It's basically identical to the pulsar LSW, except 8% lower ROF (16% slower than orion), but less recoil. It actually out performs the 88 for small bursts, which no other weapon does. I can see why from the chart where you'd decide on the 88, for sure. It has most of the advantages of the vx29, but higher rate of fire.

    It's the most precise of the bunch, and has all the fancy mods.
  19. Mercadion

    Def sounds like a plan. What server are you on anyhow?
  20. Angelus359

    jaeger VS
