Stuck on Character Listing

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Banick, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Banick

    I have been attempting to play on Briggs (AU) and after clicking Play, nothing happens.

    This happens quite often for Briggs, not just for myself but others in my Outfit. Some days it will take a few minutes to eventually load my character and allow me to play. But at the moment it has been 10 minutes and I'm still waiting.
  2. Mortucus

    yep same here u just un docked my cpu cores and wanted to see if there was a change and poof no entry just lags out on the same screen was on all day too :(
  3. Willy_Wolfy

    Same for me (Briggs). My char picture wouldn't load, then reloaded and no access and then my char pic dissappeared. Oh well.
  4. Myr

    Aye, here as well.
  5. Stoned Skeleton

    Same here on Briggs as well :/ I just signed up for the membership too :/
  6. Birdkiller

    Also stuck on Briggs, mine eventually put me ingame while i was alt tabbed, but disconnected shortly after.
  7. UnnamedSG

    Same here, apparently even if you do get it, you'll get a crash within 10 minutes of play anyway :(
  8. HerbertKnivez

    This is happening every ******* night, WHY THE **** WON'T SONY FIX THIS.
    • Up x 1
  9. Feckless

    Same here, and it's pissing me off. It's like a slap in the face with the x2 XP weekend.
    I'm a member, I pay money to enjoy this game a bit more. Whether member or not, this unreliability has to stop for the sake of ALL players!
    I know it's not a problem with our computers, we've all been playing today, so PLEASE, SOE get your people to talk to the Aussie ISP and tell them to sort their **** out or you will lose valuable clientele! :(
  10. Epsyle

    Again this is happening it seems.
  11. Rustychops

    Yeah I havnt been able to play for around 5-6 hours now because of this. Sometimes I can get around this problem when I log into another character then log back onto my AU char. However now its just not working. This happens all the time to me and its a real pain in the ***. Definitely worth the subscription!

    This has been happening all weekend. Ah well im glad all the other servers can enjoy the double xp. When I was on this morning I also got randomly dced twice while driving a sunderer for my outfit. They were real impressed.
  12. UnnamedSG

    Just got this error
  13. UnnamedSG

    A game file is corrupt. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support.
    G9 Error noooooo :(
  14. Feckless

    I'm seriously thinking of discontinuing my membership because of this.
    UPDATE: Now it's booting me out of the main menu and giving me the old "G9 error" message in a browser window. Good fraking job SOE...
  15. DirtyHarry

    Can confirm. I've got 5 people from different parts of Australia experiencing "Click play, nothing happens" on briggs. Waiting 10+ minutes after clicking play does not work.
    • Up x 1
  16. ScrapperCB

    It's just that the server is completely rooted. They need to fix it asap.
  17. ProperBo

    I'm having the same problem. Ah well.. didn't want that double XP anyway...
  18. SpectorWave

    Same stuck on character screen have been for 25 minutes.
  19. brad3458

    New Zealand here, same thing.
  20. Kizbot

    Brisbane... SAME. Think it's everyone.