Sunderer issue.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Vodkabeast, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Vodkabeast

    Hello, I had my sunderer mobilized at a popular area where everyone spawned and another sunderer owner put C4 on mine and destroyed it so he could have the spot for himself. WDF?

    I couldn't report him because I didn't know who did it. And his got blown up also by someone else.

    Deal with the TK stuff because they can do the that stuff better because it ain't helping. Or just remove TK..
  2. Vodkabeast

    Yay 5th time this happened.

    Player named: TheSlidingBeluga just tried to kill my sunderer with a rocket launcher. Killed him though.

    This is really annoying.
  3. Bomber

    Yea having the ability to TK in a free mmo is just a funnel for the trolls. I probably get purposely killed 4x an hour. My favorite is me just selecting my kit and being TKd while selecting it. Or even better one guy just randomly following me around TKing for no reason.
  4. Gamertech

    Yep, while I agree that friendly fire is an essential part of an FPS as it (supposed to anyway) teaches players to aim properly rather than bunnyhopping around spraying COD style, it just doesn't work in a free MMOFPS due to the 60% of the population that either suck, don't care or deliberately go out of their way to troll their team by killing them.

    Not to mention the massive amount of ways that you can accidentally team kill or can be trolled by groups of fools standing in front of the vehicle spawn pads causing innocent players to get weapons locked or kicked due to the stupid "auto move forward 20 meters on spawn" crap...

    Also the huge prevalence of brain-dead players that see you shooting out of a door at 20 enemies shooting back at you and they walk out in front... These players should just pour their red cordial into their computer tower and be done with it...
  5. Gary

    I have yet to experience this issue. Maybe i am lucky or have a perfect spot for it. I can how ever see the issue. How do you know its a friendly doing it? Focused enemy fire or C4/AT mines can drop your sunderer instantly. If you see someone do this follow them and then hold "Q" and select Tell/send message/Whisper(not sure what its called) this will put there name into the chat box. Simply remove everything but the name and add "/report".

    If the player is deliberately griefing they will no doubt have multiple reports against them increasing the chances of action been taken. remember that using the /Report will also get your account attention.
    Remember No naming and shaming on the forums! There are proper ways to report players you that you believe need reporting.
  6. Vodkabeast

    Uh because I saw him.. There were like 50 people around so I couldn't tell who was who. And repairing your vehicle doesn't give XP when a friendly did it.
  7. Vodkabeast

    Maybe the damage inflicted onto friendlies is reduced by 60% or so? That would help.
  8. Raka Maru

    Yes, something needs to be done by SOE about the Sunderer TK'ing. It doesn't matter the excuse, tactical or whatever they want to give.