Scout rifle, not even good at it's theorycrafted role

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Hoki, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Hoki

    So a semi-auto scout rifle you would think would be theoretically better at "Long" range than a medium range SMG that light assault or engineer get.

    This is not the case, because the SMG is actually more controlable than the scout rifle short bursts with an SMG, better at long range combat than the semi-auto scout rifle.

    Yes, i'm even using a compensator on it, its not enough, vertical recoil on scout rifle is too monstrous, an engineer will beat you at a long range shootout

    Its also takes more than 3 shots to down someone at long range. I have consistently gotten 3 shots off on people that survive and have them not die, making it one of the longest TTK weapons in the game. Seriously need to fix this ****** weapon. Tone down the vertical recoil BIG TIME.
  2. Nyth_

    Scout rifles in particular, but frankly most Infiltrator weapons are a bit of a joke right now.

    You get outclassed on nearly all ranges by more versatile and less vulnerable classes.

    I still cant fathom that a semi-automatic that does LESS damage (as in smaller caliber rounds), packs a recoil that is 3-4 times that of an LMG or carbine, which apparently are designed to also accurately burst down opponents over 200 meters away as well.
  3. Fishie

    I could not agree more. It seems just about any class outguns the Nyx at just about any range. The vertical recoil is nuts, and I'm pretty sure the thing bounces all over the place even more than sniper rifles if you take any return fire.

    Just now, I made an alt to try out the VS semi-auto sniper rifle for close range encounters inside bases, and the damage output felt far superior to the semi-auto scout rifle/Nyx, mainly due to the vastly increased rate of fire. Every round seems to do just about the same damage, but without the ridiculous recoil you can get off so many more reliable shots.

    As things are right now, it almost seems like the semi-auto scout rifle and sniper rifle have had their stats mixed up. I'm almost considering dropping 500 certs on the semi-auto sniper rifle.
  4. Dimachaerus

    Vanu Semi-auto sniper with the iron sights is a BEAST compared to the Nyx. Slapped a suppressor on it for the lulz and I actually feellike some kind of marksman now instead of a ****** in a wetsuit waving a rifle all over the place at his enemies.
  5. Blackhand

    Im TR and have used both scout rifles to great effect but the hsr-1 recoil is pretty horrible. So last night i decides to grab the semi auto sniper the ksr-35, and was like falling in love for the first time. I slapped a x2 reflex and suppressor on it and was decimating at range and cqc. It feels so comfortable to use. High ROF, low recoil, fairly high damge. I highly recommend cqc infs trying the low zoom semi auto snipers.
  6. ghnurbles

    The semi-auto scouts are *supposed* to be bad at long range, that's not their role. If you're not using them for close-to-medium range work, then of course you are better off with a sniper rifle.

    Compared to the low zoom semi-auto sniper rifles, the semi-auto scout rifle is usually better for close range work becuase it has better hip-fire, is much quieter, and doesn't have a vapour trail.
  7. Blackhand

    I do feel like the recoil values on the semi auto snipers and scouts have been accidentally flipped. Makes more sense for the scout to have less recoil than the sniper but that does appear to be the case.
  8. Undead Clown

    Kind of off topic, but how well do the full-auto rifles do? Haven't had a chance to test one, but the only downside I can see according to their stats is that you only get a 20 round mag. Is their recoil insane, or do they just get out done by all the other full autos?
  9. Blackhand

    I really enjoy the full autos. Its just a different playstyle. You are constantly on the move looking for 1v1 fights. You find someone and just empty the clip at their head the best you can and you gotta learn when to run away because if you dont get the intial drop on them it can go wrong real fast. Recoil isnt bad but damage is low so you burn thruogh your clip quickly. I think its like playing infiltrator in fast forward. Always running popping in and out of cover. Very fun IMO.
  10. Nyth_

    A combination of requiring 7 body shots to kill someone (more if they have nanoweave, which nearly everyone does) and a 20 ammo clip just make these guns incredibly inefficient.
    If you get the jump on someone (as the RoF and accuracy aren't the greatest either :s), you can probably kill him. But you can't face multiple opponents, or someone that is attentive and hears you decloak.
  11. Bhaltair

    The SOAS-20 (full auto) feels closer to pistol dmg than anything. an entire clip into the back of someone's head doesnt guarantee a kill. entire clip and then to pistol to finish off the target seems rather ridiculous. I want to like the infiltrator but my default (completely uncerted) HA gets more kills and is more robust in just about every scenario save for extreme long range.
  12. Fishie

    Likewise. I usually play Infiltrator because I really really want to like it, but wow, those few times I give in to play LA instead is like paradise. An accurate gun that does damage, survivability, agility...

    Curse my vanity...
  13. gunshooter

    It's an 8 shot kill with bodyshots, actually...

    You're just missing. It's ok though because humans miss.

    All it really needs is a 30 bullet clip then it'll be an amazing weapon (when combined with the Infiltrator class, I mean - not in general)

    If/when Infiltrator gets a full auto weapon with a 30 round mag it will immediately become the best class in the game.
  14. imbamakaber

    I bought almost all the NC Sniper rifles in hope of finding something that feels like sniper rifles in other games.. I feel disappointed.

    I dislike that you always go on hope when you unlock something in Planetside 2. It does not matter if it is an upgrade, weapon unlock and so on.

    We need more stats and more values for what does what on upgrades, weapons and vehicles..
    Pure stats, vehicle speed and acceleration, bullet exit velocities and so on.

    As it stands, you feel like you waste points to test stuff. The "preview " is way to short to get a feel for a werapon and was not present at the get go. Look at the guys making Blacklight Retribution, they know how to do it!
  15. VKhaun

    I think it's just a high skill cap weapon. If you headshot twice TTK is fine even with the recoil. A carbine from the iron sights is technically capable of that, but that's not how anyone uses it. Everyone just dumps entire mags at a time.

    I however cannot do that double headshot reliably on medium range targets, so I run away and snipe or charge and knife, and concede the middle ground to anyone who isn't drunk or high enough to let me pistol them to death.
  16. Ghostloadout

    Easiest thing to say is the full auto scout rifles.
    Put on the compensator, 2x scope, laser sight, boom, you win any gunfight (with good aim)
    Only problem with this is, NO AMMO TYPES <--- would like high velocity. Just turn off you laser sight with "L" it works.
  17. altonyc

    I remember someone saying that the semi-auto scout rifles actually had a lot of COF after 2 shots. Anyone else notice this?
  18. KorJax

    I've not but I use laser sight. CoF for me is insanely low with laser on a Nyx, and its ones of the reasons why I went for it over the sniper rifle varients.

    Nyx is really good you just have to be good with the default sniper before you'd want to be good with a Nyx. If you hate the default sniper, you will hate (and always die with) a Nyx. If you love the default sniper but just wish you had slightly more versatility to it (lower CoF, ability to use small sights, etc) then the Nyx is awesome.
  19. Tyzh

    I generally have more success running around with a 1x red dot on the TSAR-42 than I do with any combination of attachments on the HSR-1. I like that the HSR-1 can have a laser sight, and that it has an improved option to hip fire compared to other weapons available to the Infiltrator, but the 3 shot kill becomes 4 shots with a dash of nano-weave armor, medics/HA can heal/shield themselves taking more bullets (which is a significant point of contention when you have to pull the trigger for each one), and the unreliable nature of hip firing exacerbates the issue to the point no return. I've had people eat 6 shots from the HSR-1 before dying literally doubling the TTK of my weapon. It's not uncommon for me to fire my entire clip in a hip fire situation (the most meaningful advantage it seems to have over the KSR-35) without getting the kill. I generally do better in those situations with my handgun.

    The HSR-1 does have the ability to equip the IR optics, however. And that can be pretty fun. The best niché I've found for the weapon was using the IR to help me find and hunt down other infiltrators at close range.

    tl;dr I think the scout rifles could use some love from the buff stick. Particularly in their fire rate or stopping power.
  20. Imps

    Currently, inf is only decent at the range of just under the horrid render distance, regardless of the weapons. If effective threat distance were a circle, about 90% of the inside of the circle would be shaded as a zone where any other class with nearly any other weapon will beat you in a straight up fire fight, assuming equal skill levels. If they strafe in the least, that 10% ring shrinks to maybe 5%. I have a Nyx with the compensator and grip, nanoweave armor, and even nanoarmor cloak fully upgraded. Granted it's fun, and I survive and win waaay more fights than a standard inf (at close to med range), the amount of work that goes into each and every kill and manuever requires exponentially more work (and maaaany more certs) than any other class. Plus we have exp caps on our hacking matter the gun or set up, only play INF if you're prepared to be gimped, and play hard mode. Hell, even the infiltrator skull mask is bugged on VS. Also, if you'd like to imagine what the Artemis "scout rifle" is like, imagine a carv that got ran over by a prowler about 3 times. Seriously has barely better damage than the vs base pistol, with more kickback.