Help with a CQC Loadout

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Akumatsu, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Akumatsu

    Hey fellow Infiltrators,

    I've been trying to setup my different setups so I can quickly change depending on where I am and what the battle needs. With that said, I need a little help and some suggestions on a good CQC loadout without a long range sniper rifle.

    I will be unlocking my bouncing betties soon and have my healing needle. Any suggestions on a primary and secondary weapon?

    Also another question, what is the difference between the two cloak certifications?

    Once again, you guys are awesome and thank you in advanced.

  2. Undead Clown

    Well the Hunter cloaking is the best imo, the other one only gives you damage reduction, but you can't cloak as long and takes way longer to recharge. If you are getting shot at as an inf you have already failed so longer stealth and quicker recharge is better imo. Haven't tried any of the scout rifles or the full auto rifle, but I am running with the Ghost rifle for Vanu (it's the sniper that lets you use iron sights up to 4x scopes) and with the 4x scope and a silencer on it, I do pretty well in close quarters. You have to be able to quick scope/reliably headshot, but for me the 1 shot kill is very effective. Haven't got the mines yet, but those are just icing on the cake.
  3. Akumatsu

    I will attempt to try out a setup, ill post it up once I figure somethign out