Terrans MBT AOE is insane

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    the Prowler HE rounds makes the splash Size is like V MBT rotated 360.

    Flak jacket even at max Barely reduces the AOE damage.

    You might aswell Call Terrans MBT a siege tank already and get it over with when they have HE rounds.

    How the AOE Effects big tank on tank Battles means that T will Do more damage aganist enemy infantry and armor just by shooting something surrounded by Enemies.

    V's MBT has AOE aswell but its smaller( the kill radius is the size of a lightning rotated 360)

    I'm seeing a problem in the Power of T's MBT HE rounds
  2. failbot

    Tanks are possible the best balanced things in the game. So I disagree with you 100%.

    Personally I like the magrider most.
  3. MasterSith88

    In the upcoming ground to air changes they are upping the explosive damage resistance of flak armor from 25% at max to 50% at max so my guess is it won't be as effective once people start creating that instead of nanoweave.
  4. Lord Robert

    Are you serious? I don't wanna fall for any troll bait here, so I gotta ask.
    • Up x 3
  5. Scr1nRusher

    Do you work for a Certain news station named after a Mammal thats orange that commonly is in the forrest?

    Because I think your reply really shows something......

    anyways the problem is T's Tank has the biggest AOE out of all the MBT's along with More HP then say NC's MBT and it has better armor the V's MBT.

    Test the Kill Radius yourself and/or just pay attention in game to it.
  6. failbot

    They have the same radius and vanguard is more heavily armored(everybody knows this).
  7. Scr1nRusher

    No I'm not Trolling.

    I'm saying Terrans MBT is Very Strong and the Splash Radius is conciderably Bigger But no one has Ever Brought this up apprenty.

    How do I know about this? Well The expression goes it depends on what side of the barrel your on, and trust me I've been on both enough to do some "Tests" That made me want to post on the furoms about it.
  8. Sifer2

    It doesn't have more HP than NC's tank it has less. At least in the front. It's also pretty tall an wide making it an easier target to hit. It's the worst of the 3 tanks most people agree on this. It has the worst special ability. Inferior secondary weapons. Off center turret with recoil making it the hardest to hit with. Can't one shot ESF's.

    It's one, and only strength compared to other tanks is it's 2 round magazine makes it better at farming Infantry.
  9. Scr1nRusher

  10. Scr1nRusher

    So how do you know it has less?

    the prowler is actaully lower then a V MBT and its actaully the same size as a NC MBT.

    I'm not talking about HP etc etc I am talking about the AOE
  11. Lord Robert

    Ok fair enough. It was my understanding that the TR had the worst MBT by far, and certainly the weakest armor, and that it was common knowledge. I've never seen anyone on any side calling for it to be nerfed. Usually arguments about who has stronger infantry weapons, and people complaining about TR guns (carv) ends with "ya but look at the TR MBT, its horrible, you get great tanks at least"
  12. failbot

  13. Scr1nRusher

  14. Scr1nRusher

    Well Its not the Tank itself thats the problem its the huge AOE Radius from its rounds thats the problem.
  15. Cluzore

    Oh, thanks, I was wondering if you ever picked up any of the mbts, that post proves you didn't.

    The prowler has the lowest damage per shot, lowest dps, but is the fastest and smallest of the tanks.
    You just probably run head first into a prowler with HE a couple of times as infantry and somehow expected to win.
  16. failbot

    Yes, I'm 100% sure.

    You only think it has huge aoe because it can shoot 2 shots pretty much instantly and both of the shots have the same aoe as 1 shot from a magrider for example.

    The prowler is the best for infantry, vanguard is the best for anti-vehicle and magrider is somewhere in the middle.
  17. MasterSith88

    The HE area of effect is the same for the prowler as it is for the vanguard but the 2 shots fired rapidly land at slightly different locations making the overall area potentially bigger. While you may see this as an advantage we would gladly trade it for double the damage per shot and only have 1 barrel with no recoil like the NC has.
  18. Sifer2

    I had seen a chart showing NC had the largest AOE actually. You may be encountering Prowlers using HE rounds which by design have big AOE radius. It probably is overpowered that HE rounds on Prowler keep the 2 round magazine. But considering how pretty much everything else about the tank is bad you wont get much support calling for it to be nerfed any more.
  19. Scr1nRusher

    ohh so thats why the AOE seems bigger, because of 2 rounds.

    and No Recoil from something thats NC? the irony in that statement XD
  20. MasterSith88
