Situation on EU Woodman

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DaPuschel2, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. DaPuschel2

    Hello folks,
    i'm frustrated. You can stop reading now since i'm starting to whine for the next 20 lines.

    The situation on Woodman has changed drastically since the start, sure there would be a player drop but now it feels kinda empty, even in the evenings of the double xp weekend. Large scale fights have become rare. As did zerg vs. zerg. Most of the time little groups of ~20 people fight at major outposts. Which can be fun, but it doesnt feel that good.

    Also there's the mentality of "Oh, let them caputre it we go to another continent then, more certs!" There is not much real fighting going on. Maybe because of a missing goal or the whole cert system itself. People switch to another continent unless the whole thing is flagged and go back to re-capturing it while the opossing side does the same. And i'm talking about evening, not night hours.

    Playing on Woodman is currently no fun. Almost zero. Even the warpgates seem to be almost empty. It's hard to spot more then three galaxies during a whole afternoon play. Also, switching Server is out of option since i asked the Customer support about this and they said "Yeah, well, you're not a customer. Didnt buy any product from us, so no rights for you. You just paid bucks for virtual nothing so **** off". Of course, more fancy.

    Yeah. I'm sad.
  2. ajappat

    Just had some great zergs going on by all sides at midday on woodman. I'd expect things to get just more busy by evening.
  3. Chiss

    I'm on Woodman too, and i feel the same way. I've mostly stopped playing now though, due to the imbalances and overall bad game design decisions that have ultimately doomed PS2, as it has 0 depth. I can, and did, experience everything the game has to offer in my first 24 hours. All they needed to do was remake PS1 on a new engine, and remove some of the **** from it.
  4. DrakeDude

    PS2 is a great game, the designers aren't going to cater to you when the rest of the population are having a great time
  5. Chiss

    If huge changes aren't made soon, PS2 will be less active than PS1 within a year, and SOE will likely abandon it, as those players wont be paying, so there's no incentive for them to keep supporting the game.

    Edit; I had a great time on it too, for 2 weeks. But after the same fights every day, with the same imbalanced content, bugs, low quality content and lack of features, i've lost all interest.
  6. willTell

    Sad to hear,
    servers need to have a good amount of active community to come alive.
    That's the point of PS.

    We don't know when server transfers (and how exactly they will work) come into play.
    It's a loose loose situation for the 'customer' whether you create a new char on another server (loose progress and invested money) or stay and play with the few that are still there.

    In a f2p where fluctuation is unpredictable, having a home server is just bs.
    Have chars and put them on servers that need players when you log in (in your region, ofc), if you are in an outfit or have friends online give easy 'jump to this server' options ingame.

    PS I play on Miller(eu), this server seems to do very well.
  7. DaPuschel2

    Support told me that they're working on a fee-based server transfer. But paying to get my stuff moved which i paid (And i paid it happyli because i love the game) just feels wrong.

    And yes, heard good things about Miller. Much of the old outfits did go there.
  8. Badname2059

    They should just merge some of the servers.

    At launch, this wasn't an issue. So many people were playing all the servers were pretty much filled. Now though, I see plenty in the list with populations as Medium to Low. I play on a high population server and even I at times feel like its getting empty, can't imagine one thats medium to low.
  9. willTell

    (Payed) Server transfers is not a solution, but rather a relic from old times.

    Its f2p, nobody cares what server they are playing on.
    Servers should be running smooth and have a good number of players on them.
    Who really cares about names when their server is empty? - just assign players to servers.
    What is the benefit of low pop servers in earning money, SOE?
    Ppl will leave; will they make new chars on other servers? - The more dedicated might, but what about the money (the casual gamer) - they go away!