This game is utterly horrific for new players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vorpal, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. iller

    Tutorials Don't really change the fact that the TTK is hilariously skewed. .... Infact for the first 10 levels for a new player, they should probably be granted immunity to headshots and that new 50% flak armor just so they're not constantly turned into hamburger before they can even get their Reticles near the people who are currently insta-killing them :\
  2. OminousZ

    There are about 10 tutorials videos. Look in the PS2 launcher.
  3. Moep

    Iam a player with a high frust tolerance...
    I played eve for 4 years and even harpoon and some other games youd rather work then play,

    But this game realy tried to make me uninstall it asap.
    I had a kd of 0,13 after one evening....
    Just gave it a 2 try because of some friends.
  4. Ixal

    Thats working as intended.
    Look at the game closely you will see that the game is centered around people farming infantry for certs. SOEs now think that by making new players miserable, they will buy weapons to either counter things which make them miserable and then recognizing they do not work and then spend more money to buy farming weapons themselves.
  5. therah

    and to that I say GOOD, i'm sure the game will be granted a tutorial soon but for now the people that carry on playing the game are those that can learn without having their hand held. And it makes new players stronger not only in this game but as gamers on the whole.

    Even if you decide you don't want to learn anything beyond what you already know in a shooter you can use the context clues of what color you and all your friends are in the game AND character creation screen find the same color on the map and use a button on the map (M, a universally used key) that takes you to the border of your color and a different color. It. is. not. hard.
  6. Karmak85

    Agreed. There are tutorials all over the site and youtube but most players dont look there. Most players dont even visit the site or the forum, they just want to play.
    And when you start the game you are just thrown in. Here FIGHT! No tutorial of what you are supposed to do, no tutorial of anything.
    You only get walls of text in the start describing something that you dont know anything about. It could as well be in chinese letters
    They really need some tutorial in the game
  7. DrakeDude

    game is definitely not noob friendly.....they should prob have a video as soon as u log in
  8. PhanttoM

    The most annoying thing is that it throws new players randomly down in a drop pod, with no chance of setting up controls. (Sensitivity, keybindings, HUD customization)

    A few days ago, one my outfit members was introducing the game a friend of his - it took us 10 minutes for him to meet us at the correct continent warpgate, simply because he got dropped on some other continent in some random battle.
    Even with us guiding him through, I got the feeling that his first impression of this game was very negative.
  9. Apina

    Planetside is HC game at least slightly. But its worth it.
  10. Snows

    People like you dumb down video games.

    Because of you games like Call Of Duty exist.
  11. TeknoBug

    I thought it was pretty bad that when you install teh game, load patch updates, click Play, create your character and suddenly get hot dropped into action (and sometimes getting shot by an aircraft before you even finish loading or watching the planetary guide part. This was a nightmare for me when starting fresh,I'm left handed so I have to keybind alot of stuff and I couldn't do much when I got hot dropped on my first login.
  12. BuzWeaverPS2

    Since I subscribe to both RivalxFactor and LvlCap from BF3 their video's are incredibly helpful along with a few others I've found on Youtube:

    Map and Resources:

    Weapons and Classes:



    Infantry Mouse Settings and Setup:

    PS2 The Engineer:

    Finding A Squad and How To Communicate:

    Certification Points Guide:

    How To Capture A Bilolab:

    Tech Plants, Ending A Stalemate:

    How To Capture Tech Plants:

    Reaver Upgrades and Certs:

    Liberator Upgrades and Certs:

    Best Anti-Infantry Setup Lighting Tank:

    Complete Heavy Assault:

    All Scopes, All Factions:

    Infantry Customized Camo Patters:
  13. D0n

    This was brought up during early closed beta, rush development? take results.
  14. NoctD

    I'll say that hot-dropping someone right into the middle of crossfire is a really bad idea! A second later, you get your real welcome to PS2... you're dead! If you're going to drop-pod people, at least do it behind friendly lines... not right smack in the middle of crossfire.

    I don't even use the Deploy option much in the game, since the drop pod location is almost always way too HOT.
  15. T0nyDanza

    I didn't read the wall of text the OP made.
    But I completely agree with the thread title. I never played beta or Planetside 1.

    First time I loaded this game it was completely and utterly overwhelming. It took a good two days to start to understand the UI. Shoot, I'm still learning about aspects of it. (Just learned how to mute all these annoying donkeys in proximity voip)

    Still don't know how to report teamkillers or if anything is done about them.

    That said, it's a game worth sticking to and I have very much enjoyed my experience thus far, already leading a sizable outfit running a platoon every night. The community is great, you find lots of people who are willing to help with various things over voip in squad. Really makes it easy to form/manage squads to platoons to outfits with relative ease once you've gained a basic understanding of the games UI.

    But overall, I would agree some sort of a UI tutorial would really be a boon for new players, as it is very overwhelming.
  16. Nakor

    Free to play, if you can figure it out! Hur hur hur.

    I've seen links to a lot of useful information in this thread. SOE could take a first step to addressing this problem by stickying some of this stuff in an obvious place somewhere on this forum.
  17. TurboSax

    I have respectfully disagree. The introduction actually drives home the war feeling, no time for chatter, get in and learn as you go. Also, while it indeed can be difficult for a new player to start out, at the same time they learn almost everything organically and by experience. If new players got squawked at about generators and points and blah blah blah, they likely wouldn't care much. Having to look and see what your experienced allies/enemies are doing and adapt as such is great. It's a hell of a lot more intuitive than a big-*** tutorial and smattering of random info could ever hope to be.

    As for the other gripes, you gotta learn how to watch the map, and the announcements are pretty straightforward as are objectives. Also, you can aim drop-pods with WASD, albeit slowly which lets you land on top of bio-domes and in other tactical spots. Another thing or two, the mobile spawn points get blown up, and the ones in bases get taken over by enemies. Finally, MAXs have anti-air gun attachments for the right arm when changing gear.
  18. LT_Latency

    I do not understand how it is hard to learn how to play.

    Right on the front page. A huge flash screen pops up saying " NEW TO THE GAME COME WATCH THIS VIDEOS TO LEARN TO PLAY"

    If you are having trouble killing people. Spend some money. The game is worth a 60 dollar box prices and you can buy a few weapons and gear you might need.
  19. T0nyDanza

    It's not so much about how or what to do on the battlefield. Every player who's played any online game will understand that in absolutely no time.
    It's the UI that is overwhelming at first. It's not the action.
  20. LT_Latency