Three weeks in, and it's a vehicle game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dankshasta, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. GraphicJ

    To be fair I agree with OP to some extent. Vehicles are easily accessible. When this happens you see a spam of ESfs, tanks, Sunderers etc. Don't get me wrong I love vehicles so much that I'm a bona-fide air-wh*re... That's why PS2 and Battlefield have always been my favorite games.

    Let me explain:

    One way we could of prevented the rocket spam and 50% of the unnecessary nerfs/buffs in upcoming Air/AA patch was to make ESFs kinda expensive to use... Similar to tanks, they are (AND SHOULD BE) very powerful vehicles. Instead of 180-200 resource points, make them cost around to at least 500. I would pick 550-600. But why would I say that if I love flying and mostly do that 75% OF THE TIME? Because it seems logical. This would prevent the over-spam of vehicles and include more infantry fire fights. To be fair this would be applicable if the silly, easy to use A2A were removed or nerfed to oblivion or at least flares reloaded at the same tme as the A2A rockets do.

    This same idea of cost could also be applied to Tanks and Sunderers. Transportaion vehicles like the Galaxy, ATV and upcoming buggie should not feel this pinch. With the exception of the Sunderer... that thing is sometimes better to use than tanks.

    It's only an idea, probably too late to implement it but if Devs actually think about it... it would make the game better as players would use real tactics so they won't to lose their vehicle.
  2. Ky3217

    So go play COD if you dont want vehicles. Otherwise, pull out a rocket launcher and deal with them

    The devs dont have to cater to just you. The world doesnt revolve around you. Stop complaining. Grow up.
    • Up x 3
  3. 13lackCats

    I bet that the people who think that are too many vehicles are also the ones who get farmed nonstop. Run out of spawn. Die. Rinse/Repeat.

    Seriously. Take a look at the world away from your spawn. If you as infantry can't figure out how to at least survive, then you need a sensei.
  4. hostilechild

    Pretty much everyone should be rolling between points in a vehicle, pretty much suicide not too. There for the initial fight at bases is outside you die/leave a burning hulk and fight as infantry to capture. Works pretty well. Yes some bases are way to easy to bombard with tanks but thats stupid base design not OP tanks. :rolleyes:
  5. medbot544

    Most certs u can gain per hour legitly is flipping bases, pretty much. Vehicles are strong for sure but on the other hand most objectives other than a few require you to get outa that tank and stand by a console thus exposing your squishie butt to the enemy.

    Anyways, one HA can dust a tank in 2 shots from behind or 3-4 anywhere else.

    I hear next week they are getting yet another rocket launcher that is designed to smoke vehicles even better.

    Like HA really needed more buffs lol; already the single best/most played class in game. But hey, let's make em better yay!

    If anything, I think tanks are too weak defence wise....I have never had a tank last very long in this game. Some plane or HA will make sure to annialate it in a blink of an eye.
  6. RockHarder

    Its a game about a battleground, which are dominated by vehicles. Want to play infantry only? Fine, but stay in the goddamn bases, which are your little preserve.
  7. RockHarder

    If you can't take out vehicles as this elite infantry player I would speculate you overestimate your skills.
  8. Dankshasta

    I don't see how everyone has decided to talk about "vehicle killing strats" as if that is what this thread was about. It's about the fundamental direction the game has taken in the first three weeks. Some people on here are fairly thick.
  9. Telamon

    killing vehicles needs to be more rewarding, XP should be correlated to effort required
  10. Novmiech

    Don't really have an issue with the vehicle game for balance - during beta I pretty much made my living exclusively by hunting tanks and air as an HA.

    It does get a little boring at times only because the vehicle zerg is just too common and loses its wow factor.

    Amerish did a pretty great job at creating non-tank fighting zones, air is still too prevalent in these areas but will hopefully be rolled back a couple notches with upcoming AA changes.

    I expect the next continent to be even better tuned for the infantry game.
  11. Dieselpunk

    Considering how easy it is to take out said vehicles, what's the problem again?
  12. Telamon

    maybe they will make every base a biolab