server update in EUROPE on PRIME TIME ? WTF

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by DerApache, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. DerApache

    hey guys... du you mind that you turn on your server updates on the best playing time in europe ?
    its 18:32 on friday and you make the server update ?

    absolutly ******!!

    its ok when you do that in L.A. USA on 08:30 morning but not ON THE SAME TIME in europe... JUST MIND IT!!!
  2. Lancaster

    Its always prime time somewhere. Go grab something to eat, stretch those legs, read a book. If you're going to die from an hour or so downtime...
  3. Elixx

  4. Xihuitl

    Damm, it only servers were located in regions, so you could take each region down when its not primetime there....oh wait.....
  5. DerApache

    SURE MAN... take it by region...
  6. Lancaster

    *Shrugs* I'm no dev, I don't know how their system works. Its still only a small wait time. Hardly anything to get up in arms over.
  7. Gary

    YES OMG THEY UPDATED AT PRIME TIME TO GIVE US DOUBLE XP! How ***** ungrateful can you be? They have had server updates at both US and EU prime times so far. Stop making a big fuss over it. You can play the whole game for free!

    If they did it at different times for each region then the game would be region locked. Since you could not have 1 server playing one version and another playing a different version. This would cause issues with players downloading updates for one server but playing on a server with a different version.

    Not to mention SOE are based in the US right? Or at least the team behind PS2 is.
  8. Legedric

    Deal with it... it has been this way since ages and as PS2 has a global server systen... that's it.
  9. Masterskunk

    "server update in EUROPE on PRIME TIME"
    this bothers me everytime. At least they should bring EU up again first, not last!
    Also they should extend double xp weekend for EU.
  10. Zakuak

    Serious it's double XP weekend??

    I can't wait to get home!

    Oh yeah and sorry you guys across the pond have to have the interuptions at prime time...not cool but I imagine it will be short.
  11. newtis

    when are the servers up?