Three weeks in, and it's a vehicle game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dankshasta, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Dankshasta

    This game can be so great, or could have been. The way it's begininng to play out though is Vehicle Fest 2013. The xp favors vehicles, the rule set favors vehicles, and the best "bang for your buck" station cash upgrades are all for vehicles.

    Still a good game, but not what I really had hoped for. I was hoping it would be more of a shooter, but this game is completely dominated across 90% of the game world by vehicles.
  2. Wasdie

    Esmier is owned by tanks. Amerish and Indar have much more infantry fighting. Play there.
  3. ChaoticRegiement

    Still too many vehicles on all however
  4. JPRampage

    Honestly, I never have a problem finding an infantry fight. Yes, typically the large battles (aside from tech plants most of the time) are dominated by tanks. Smaller skirmishes are often infantry based with fewer vehicles. At least, this has been my experience.

    If you want more infantry fights, don't follow the zerg.
  5. Dankshasta

    Nah man, SOE has decided they are going to cater to slow reflexed nooobs who want to sit in a tank, and just buy weapon upgrades with station cash. It's cool, I knew that having PS2 be a free2play model was going to bear some consequences, and thankfully Darkfall Unholy War releases in 5 days.
  6. Mietz

    So we finally reached the "vehicles are OP" stage on the forums...
  7. Wasdie

    "Slow reflex noobs"

    How to discredit your opinion in 3 simple words.

    "I'm not a noob because I don't use tanks. Everybody who uses a tank is a skillless noob!" <--- that's what you're implying.
  8. ed_anger

    completely disagree. there's about 50 other infantry-focused FPS games out there, what distinguishes Planetside from them is the combined forces: infantry, ground and air vehicles. all three are useful and needed at different stages in fights -- in between bases you want vehicles, taking bases you need infantry.
  9. Meurtos

    You'll be in their forums complaining in 6 days.
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  10. T0nyDanza

    Attack/Defend a biolab and/or other major objectives that make vehicle play difficult; Problem solved.

    Imo Infantry/Vehicle balance is quite nice right now. Just gotta know where to go and roll with your own outfit/squad.
  11. Dankshasta

    Really? Seems to me that maybe; 1) You would discredit another's opinion too readily, and 2) you assume everyone is a native English speaker. I'll excuse you're ignorance though, as people tend to get a little over zealous on these video game forums. I know congeniality can be so hard on the interwebs.
  12. Wasdie

    You should know what "slow reflex noobs" means despite whatever your native language is. You're sitting there implying you're better than others just because they use tanks in a combined arms game where 1/3rd of the game revolves around vehicles.
  13. Mietz

    Not if I can drive my Sunderer up those stairs!
  14. Monnor

    Play super mario , problem solved.
  15. BurialDay

  16. Chiss

    No, we reached the "there are too many vehicles" point. Learn to comprehend.

    PS1 addressed this well, as being able to use vehicles meant you couldnt use other things.
  17. CheeseN!P

    Then I have a feeling this game is not for you.

    That's not saying I don't understand where you are coming from though, in BF2 I sometimes played on infantry only maps alot.
  18. Exaar

    I hardly ever drive vehicles, like, maybe 2% of my playtime, and I have no problem finding people to shoot. And I die far more often to other infantry than to vehicles.

    Yeah there are a lot of vehicles. But the fact remains that for most large facilities, you can't cap the point from a vehicle so you have to get out and fight. Therefore there will always be a necessary, central role for non-vehicle combat.
  19. jimw3st

    Respectfully disagree with the OP. Yes, on a wide-open battlefield, tanks and other vehicles should confer an advantage against regular infantry. There are plenty of counters, though, ranging from mines to anti-vehicle rockets. Once the fight moves indoors, too, the rifleman is king.
  20. serenekaos

    Don't worry. There are ways to balance this. Increasing the cost/timer on MBT's would be my personal solution. Let's not forget that the Decimator is going to be added soon which will make armor much more fragile. Give it some time, right now it is definitley "Vehicleside 2" but I think they can get it better balanced.
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