Why does NC only get the interesting Anti-infantry weapons?

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Village, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. kukuman

    because , we , vanu , have a softy ttk of 0.5 sec using one ai one AV weapon ( 1 av round , 2 ai round , and no more infantry )
  2. Nosins

    I really don't understand why people complain about the VS MAX beeing bad against Infantry. Just equipt 1 or 2 of the anti-tank weapons and have fun killing inantry. The AI weapon might be bad against AI, but the AV one does the job fine, and i f you dont want to spend too many certs you can take 1 and 1, as the AI weapon is a good finish off weapon(very bad accuracy, thus you dont need to aim, just sway it in his direction).
  3. MartianDiscoFish

    No one uses quasars for anti-infantry, they're just so boring.
    I have to use AV weapons to be a viable threat to infantry.
    Two comet hits will one shot kill infantry units, I've managed to snipe infiltrators from a ridiculously long range.

    Honestly I would love if VS maxes got some unique AI weapons, quasar is obviously just an inferior dual cycler, no more of this 'middle child' bullcrap.
  4. vampwood

    TR DUAL mercy max, bring the pain.
  5. Corb

    OP...yeah so you really haven't used dual nebulas have you? As long as you're playing smart with your max (stop running out the front door like a hero) you have 2 cqc => med range room sweepers...with a large spread, high rof, and very good AI damage. I would describe them as fully automatic shotguns (hiding behind a facade of a chain-gun) that stand up to NC or TR max just fine...and as far as those strafing infantry, the spread is large enough that they get hit and die even at point blank. The only downside here? med range gets difficult from accuracy problems (read large spread), long range is like trying to HS someone with a pump shotty in CS:Source, its a dice roll and you're trying to roll 2 sixes. Also, if your teammates are running into your line of fire they are volunteering to be turned into ground beef and you can't really do much about it because again, the spread is large. I agree, the MAX weapons could use some changes (I'm still working on experimenting outside of bursters/nebulas), but we VS MAXes aren't setup to drop on the floor and lift our skirts, try changing your tactics.
  6. Sebyos

    UH what ? NC Max anti infantry weapons sucks *** past 3 meters... The best Max we got in the outfit uses...anti tank guns against infantry cause shotties suck so bad.

  7. Flharfh

    Because while it is balanced by poor range and small clip size, they pretty much instakill inf at close range, and people hate being instakilled.
  8. Zaik

    Slug ammo scattercannons instakill infiltrators at close range but have 2 to 4x the effective range. You don't even have to buy two of those.
  9. Ronin Oni


    I've seen scattermaxes at work in the labs... they're bloody well nasty.

    I don't have a problem with that... but the NC MAX is the biggest powerhouse for in building combat.

    All the factions have different strengths though... IMO it works.
  10. MartianDiscoFish

    This video is 3 months old....
  11. Sebyos

    Hell can you read ? NC maxes can't hit **** past 3 meters with their shotties it's ridiculous. Of course they can clear small rooms it's usually small enough for them to hit anything, but passed that forget it.

    Also prove me SOE significantly changed maxes in the last 3 months and I will never use it.
  12. Goats

    Actually, yes, the scattercannons have been buffed since then. It was in the patch notes, all that jazz. A while ago, though, I'm not sure when.
  13. Jourmand1r

    Did the Scatter max have slugs? Were the hacksaws? did he miss? did he have lag compared to the TR guy?

    This video means nothing.
  14. doorap

    That video is no longer relevant. IMO scattermaxes are on par with other maxes when they have slugs equipped(from what ive heard).
  15. Dimachaerus

    You're an idiot. Blueshift's are actually LESS accurate than the standard guns, with ten less bullets per clip. If you want accurate (lol, that word should never really be used when describing any of the VS AI weaps) VS guns, roll Cosmos. Slower firing rate for sure, but you can actually hit things at 20 feet instead of just at 10. Also the 75 round mag is pretty ballin' for suppressing fire.

    PS: Scat cannons may be balls outdoors comparitively, but indoors, they are literally the kings of the battlefield. I've had some mean streaks with my VS max, but holy fudgeballs, if I had Scat cannons I'd be a freaking god. Yes, I have used them, but my buddies want to play VS and hey, i love me some magrider action.
    • Up x 1
  16. MGP

    And here we go... just as i thought what NC players can't get any more dumber.
    On the OPs question: Because NC is flooded with little kids who can't play on equal ground. This is why they really need all that "one-shot-kills-you" weapons. Without them they'll be sitting in warpgate 24/7.
  17. Runkel

    OMG LOL! Made my Day!
  18. Runkel

    Max Suite sucks, i Played TR in Beta and was shocked after the first time i used the NC Max even the Melee Attack is better than these crap Shotguns, the only usefull weapon is the Burster.
  19. MGP

    Yep. I agree. The one-shot-kill weapon is too weak. If you're NC.
  20. Runkel

    If you get killed by a NC Max (with these shotguns) you are a pretty bad player.
    Make a NC Character and play for a Week, this WILL change your minde, i played all 3 faction sience beta and the NC got the worst weapons of all, but i stick to them because i like them the most.