Friendly hit marker on enemy

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Ch3v4l13r, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Ch3v4l13r

    Its seems to be a very rare bug but on two occasions i have had a problem where when i shot a enemy it gave me the friendly fire hit marker and sound. Who know maybe i was just tired the times it happen and was shooting and friendly thinking it was a enemy or perhaps a friendly infiltrator was standing in the way that i didn't see but i am pretty sure it happened, lol. :D

    Anyone else encountered this before ?
  2. bennnnnn

    Yeah i saw this once in beta, before i knew what the friendly fire hit marker and sound meant. But it did happen to me again the other day, and i started recording so i've got a video of it if the devs want to have a look.
    It was on Briggs during the fun that was persistent vehicle day, so there are drop pods everywhere :)
  3. bennnnnn

    here is the video
  4. Eguias

    I have this problem too, and because it repeated a few times, I got a "Exercise more caution in the future" warning =/. There's another thread about it here it seems. The distance of my location to the server and my internet connection speed may have contributed to this...I'm not sure. Hope devs are aware of this. There is another thread about it here
  5. Tigue

    Are you sure that's not because you hit the pod behind him which appears to be a VS pod?
    Just curious.
  6. Frozennukelsoforum

    regarding the video only;
    i noted that some hits didnt land on the person that you shot at, but landed on the purple pod. take note that there was a blue pod behind it. 67% chance that the blue pod landed behind the purple but the person jumped out in front [facing you] of both pods.

    also note, the person just rendered out of the pod, so 43% chance the hit box did not render yet because of interpolation.
    you sent information faster than you got it. your game at the exact time was using old information on the location of everything. server detected you fired at that time in that direction. and that person was there at that time, but your computer didn't know that untill last second, when the server said, 'hey.. you killed him', at the same time your computer was saying "hey that a friendly pod"

    your upload is good but your download is bad... need 1mbps on up and down minimal for things to run near smooth regarding positions to and from the server.

    summary; you got small download lagg time. jump around servers to check to see if it keeps happening.
  7. Skillet

    I had this happen to me yesterday. Opponent was about 35 meters distance, I fired a burst from my red dot carbine and got the friendly hit marker so I stopped, reverified an enemy, and fire some more still getting the friendly hit marker. First thing that came to thought was Hacker. He was now firing at me and causing damage, but then he went down from an allied burst from behind. This is first time I've had this happen.
  8. Raggaroth

    I've had this problem, a few times, there is some problem. The two most recent ones were both with a lasher under 15m all hits registering friendly fire.
  9. Kozmyk

    It's not so rare a bug. I've experienced it on numerous occasions.
  10. hostilechild

    Seen it happen every so often (with the spread of NC weapons as wide as a barn at 20m its sometimes hard to tell though).
    More concerned with my buggy scope that shoots 6 feet low at 5m or the few times i shot and it shot me giving a suicide (maybe it thought i was in front of the barrel, silly hit detect system):eek: Had not had this happen since release, until last night. 3 respawns and the scope was off, least i didn't shoot myself, typically death/switching classes/suicide would fix it in beta.
  11. Kozmyk

    At that distance with a Lasher you may well have been hitting yourself, useless piece of s**t that it is. ;)