No points for Defending Points? No fun....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yutty, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Yutty

    Right now i'm sitting at a point to prevent the other team from taking it over. I've been here for 10 minutes or so listening to the awesome sounds of my battle goin on outside. We got 2/2 and TR have 2/2 and its gonna be a long battle so I thought i'd provide sum feed back. This aint fun, i'm tempted to just run off and join the battle get kills, blow **** up get xp for certs so i can progress.

    Can we get xp back for proper Defense of bases? this battle is coming up to 20 mins and gonna be longer. I can't leave cuz they took us down halfway before i realized no one was on the point. Just saying it'd be nice when this was all done if i could get sum xp cuz i probably woulda had alot more fun shooting stuff and got at lease 1 cert.
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  2. Mansen

    You're already getting a hefty passive experience bonus for defending the facility as is you greedy piglet. One that will most likely outcompete the points that attackers would have received completely in most cases.
  3. Yutty

    You only get those EXP if you actually doing something like repairing, spotting, killing, assist. Ect.
    You know how much exp i got for sitting on Point A for the majority of the battle? was a close fight that didn't make it to the points and i wasted 20-30 mins of the fight on point so our influence didn't go down.
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  4. Mansen

    Works as intended - you're not getting any points either by sitting in a van outside of the base for 30 minutes.
  5. ChipMHazard

    I thought it was just a bug, I've been wondering why I haven't been getting any xp for defending.
  6. Xasapis

    This particular aspect of the game works as intended and works properly. Let me explain.

    The attack reward is a static number of exp/certs
    The attack reward is 1000 base exp for the big bases, less for the smaller ones. That's 10 infantry kills worth of exp in a battle where people will die by the thousands. They don't give percentage exp for assaulting, because that would promote stalling the capture to get as much exp as possible. Instead the flat exp bonus means that the longer it takes to cap a base, the measlier that 1k exp reward becomes.

    The defense reward is a percentage based increase on exp/cert gain
    On the defense side, any action you do rewards 15% more exp/cert etc. That means that you need to be actively defending the base to get rewarded. It prevents people from deploying in a base and then going afk waiting for others to defend. The longer and the fiercer the defense is, the more rewarding it becomes.

    That's my personal observation, but from what I've witnessed, one hour of defending produces at least three times the amount of exp/cert compared to one hour of attacking, especially when stuck attacking the same target.

    All he above from the point of view of an infantry grunt.
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  7. Yutty

    ya i understand why they took it out but now i'm more motivated to say **** it let them chip away our influence and just go shoot **** like everyone else. This was the air base where the point is tucked away inside and the battle was stuck outside for the entire time and now i realized why no one was one point for the longest time, the fun and exp is eleswhere
  8. Xasapis

    You'll eventually realise that if you are after cert/exp, then being an active participant in a heavily defended base is by far the most rewarding activity an infantry grunt can participate in. Defense stalemates reward massively compared to anything else in correlation to time spent (again as infantry).
  9. Yutty

    i know...thats why i'm little annoyed i ended being the guy baby sitting point cuz no one else was, while everyone was actively doing all the stuff i wanted to do. They could atleast throw the ppl who defend points even though the battle might not reach them some exp. Not expecting much but 100xp wouldn't be bad for being the guy that prevented them from taking whatever influence we had left off.
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  10. Neelkanth

    Sitting in a van outside is not part of the capture mechanic though. When enemies start capping, defenders can slow the rate of capture by being in close proximity to points (shown as 2/2 for example when 2 players are near the point). This is an important but boring and thankless task with no XP reward. Often I see defenders ignoring the points completely so they can go farm some kill XP, leaving the base to be capped faster by the enemy.
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  11. TheBloodEagle

    I believe you are your own problem regarding "no points for defending". Plus it is a team game after all, so sometimes you do things even if it isn't 100% direct benefit to yourself.
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  12. Mansen

    You're arguing that defending a point which the enemy in most cases has to capture to win the battle is boring. You are your own problem lad. The radius on points is large enough for you to get to a vantage point where you can take potshots as needed.
  13. exLupo

    To me, that's 2 enemies that defenders can kill and get bonus xp from. Then you press out and let the point auto-recap.

    Unless they broke the auto-recap. Does it not do that anymore?
  14. Yutty

    ya your right i shoulda just said screw it when it was 0/2 vs 2/2 and with them already taking 2/3 of what we had since everyone else was "getting points for defending"
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  15. Vashyo

    Don't defend if u want to progress faster, it's not worth the extra 15% if that 15% doesn't even get you close to 250xp-1000xp.

    Attackers get that 1000XP just for being in the area, while defenders have to compete for kills/repairs/etc to get even close to 1000XP.
    Right now active capping with the zerg is a better solution than defending progression-wise.
  16. Monnor

    I get alot of points while defending. Maybe you should kill something, or drop ammo, or heal, or repair.
  17. Vashyo

    Tech Plant-camp with sundy, yes. Everything else, no.
  18. OL1VJ3

    But he´s right...

    Lets take the Crown as Example...

    Just asume the attackers have taken b or c and have many trops there, so it will take a while to kick them out.

    Some of the defnders have to stay at A in order to prevent the base from being captured.
    And seriosly, at the cappoint A of towers you can´t do anything benificial for the fight outside.

    Either succesfully defending a base schould give points to, or staying at a cap point of a contested bas gives you a point tik as healing or repairing (with maybe 10-20% speed)
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  19. Yutty

    umm....have u seen some of the base designs? not all long fights make it to the points till the end. I'm complaining about not being rewarded for preventing the base flip and helping win the battle.
  20. Xasapis

    Depends, if the base is undefended and you take it in 15mins, maybe. If it ends up in a stalemate and it takes you 1-5 hours, then defending percentage based reward is by far more rewarding than 10 infantry kills.

    You have a point there, was just not clear on the original post.