Solving the medic awareness problem

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Captain Sandwich, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Captain Sandwich

    We've all been there: Some guy nearly had his brains blown out, and he's screaming for a medic. You, being the calm, cool, and collected life saver, rush over to help as quickly as possible. You arrive, medigun already out and ready... and your patient RUNS. He runs off like you're about to give him a colonoscopy. He runs about like a chicken with his head cut off. His mad dash to avoid being healed is finally brought to a screeching halt when an enemy infiltrator puts a bullet between his eyes.

    Finally! He's standing still and now you can get to work. You revive him, and he comes right back up. And then he runs away with half his health... Then he gets slaughtered as soon as he joins the fray.

    How can we solve the problem of our patients avoiding the care they so desperately need? It could just be the fact that they have no idea we're there, or they're just stupid. Either way, here are my suggestions for game changes that would make helping your team a bit easier.

    >Make it so that calling for a medic goes two ways. When someone calls for a medic, it shows them where the nearest medics are.
    >Make a voice callout specifically for medics: "Medic here!", "Quit moving, I'll heal you!", "Did someone call for a medic?"
    >Give medics a netgun to capture your teammates so that you can heal them.
    >Start a medic awareness campaign so that people know that when they call for a medic, they should find a safe spot and stay still for a second.
    Please go ahead and share any of your thoughts on the subject.
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  2. VKhaun

    1) If he's running hurt, you can't help him. Even at full health he'll get pwned with no shields.

    2) Press "F' and you heal everyone around you. You can do this while sprinting, with your gun out, and you can even do it with your medical applicator out at the same time you heal them with that. Why I'm the only medic in 100 miles that actually uses the nano regen device completely baffles me.

    That said, I'd love a voice call out for 'AMMO DOWN' and 'HEALS AVAILABLE', but then we'd have new forum threads about who should walk over to who. The pettiness will never end.
  3. h1perkarma

    Agree on a net, 50xp per team mate you can catch in your net.


    Sorta like that, except I'm not a frog.
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  4. Captain Sandwich

    I abuse the crap out of it, it's a fantastic ability and I've already dumped tons of certs into it. Great for healing someone next to you while you're busy dealing with an incoming hostile, and it's saved me in so many situations. It's almost on par in terms of self preservation as the heavy assault armor, if not more so.
  5. foesjoe

    It's also very useful in combination with the Medic Tool, as it lets you heal people twice as fast.
  6. Peanut Butter

    You can already do this, kind of. If you hold down Q on an ally it opens up a command list, and at the top it says "Offer Healing", which gives you a voice callout. Sadly, he will not listen to you and still proceed to get his brains blown out.

    My solution is simple, but harsh. Max the med tool, and if he runs away, shoot him. Then you can revive him at full health :D

    Edit: Oh yes, and this also works with the engi for Repairs/ammo
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  7. areopagia

    So you guys may be aware of this (I think not though....) but the "q" menu has an "offer healing" option. I find the q menu outrageously hard to use, but the base is already there. That said, I have no idea what happens on the other persons screen when I do that. I assume it's like spotting; anyone nearby hears you say it. If that's the case then it's sort of a "i'm healing here, people" announcement. I'd like to see them add functionality to that so I can tell someone who's dead that I'm on my way to res them.
    Also I see medics using the aoe heal all the time. I use it to heal people I just resurrected if I'm trying to res a bunch of people before they respawn.
  8. Trenchfox1916

    So I am not sure if you guys know or not but when you are aiming at an ally and you hold Q a little menu pops up. pressing "look up" will tell them you want to heal them if they need healing. The problem is you can't do this with your medical applicator out. You should just be able to hit Q with your medical applicator out to alert them you intend to res them or you are trying to heal them.
  9. xyc

    the Q menu is slow and will get you killed if u use it mid combat, it's like the worst implementation for a combat sensitive command they could have found ...
    Spamable "offer heal" is indeed needed, but plz don't make it like the sorry command and be unreachable or cumbersome to use mid combat.
  10. Ixidron

    The voice command should say: "Hold Still swinehund this vill only zting for a moment"
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  11. ThElement078

    Actually, what we should be solving is noobs not wanting to revive us or heal us....
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  12. Noburu

    I like to think that if the dumb ***** are stupid enough to run away after I revive them they dont deserve the healing (different story if its in a fire fight). From my experience people tend to mostly ignore the voices. Just like earlier I had THREE Sundys drive right by me while me and 3 other people were wanted rides. All three Sundys were less than half full.
  13. godsavant

    Your description is hilarious, as is the netgun description. Now medics can join in the griefing, as well!
  14. Nonune

    Remember, they make a medic tool for reviving, and a nano regener for healing bullet holes...

    But they can't fix stupid.
  15. irishroy

    yea, that is ******, but if they want to be healed and they run away... i wont even try to heal them
  16. Morgoth

    Shooting them tends to get their attention if you don't have local vocal.
    And sometimes they even lie down on the floor so you have an easier time fixing them.
  17. CaptainDreads

    +1 for Netgun
  18. Blitzkrieg

    Netgun you say?

  19. NullPointer

    Some people do know to find a safe place to sit after calling for a medic. They are to be commended.

    But for those who run around like chickens w/o a head? My philosophy is to not run after them even in a safe place like a spawn room. Let them learn their lesson the hard way. Unfortunately, too many medic "XP farmers" will run after them.
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  20. andeh

    lol @ #3, if only :)
    1 & 2 are good suggestions though, especially like #1