Team killing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StrataDragoon, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Stigma

    Allies need to be a little more resistant to getting run over (require more pressure/speed) but that's about all that needs to be changed in this regard. Disabling friendly fire would change the whole game for the worse. No friendly fire promotes indiscriminate AOE explosive spam, and that isn't something we want more of.

    Kudos to the devs for actually making friendlyfire=on as standard for this game and not taking the easy way out so so many others.

  2. TheMeph

    I'll take the good with the bad. I raked up enough certs this morning to finally get the C-4, and the first thing I did with it was to TK. This ******* drove a lightning up the stairs of the tech plant and was running everyone over in the hallways, myself included so naturally i wished I had a way to kill him. Long story short, I cert C-4, I get some grief, he goes away.
  3. Grixxitt

    You could always take the Buddhist monk approach and stand in front of their turret until they drop a GD ammo box I suppose.
  4. Ganelon

    I always get the FF warning when blowing up generators......
  5. wolfva

    Here's a suggestion for tankers; watch your mini map. When you see those little blue arrows, you know there's a friendly nearby. Try to avoid him.

    I drive in 3rd person except when I'm fighting; and sometimes even then. It's not hard to do, but it does take some practice. Anyways, situational awareness is your friend. Learn to cherish it and you won't TK as much, or be TKd by accident.
  6. asmodai

    The minimap doesn't always show faction members I found out the hard way.
  7. WileeDarklight

    Only TK thing that needs a bit of work is the vehicle spawn railgun effect... a tank gets launched off the pad uncontrollably and a rather hefty speed into the poor guy who thought it was safe to cross, got halfway then there was nothing either of em can do... I've been on both sides of that fence way too many times...
  8. Fluff

    You pretty much sound like the standard team killer out there. I had some idiot yesterday in a tank behind me, first he shoots once at me cause I'm in front of him and that doesn't seem to make him happy, then he taps my sunder and I go sideways, he shoots twice at me to get my to move out of this way, I turn but the 2 idiots sitting at guns don't do nothing and he shoots a few more times and blows my sunder. This is A-Typical situation I have seen out there, lamers like you who will team kill anyone just because you are pissed off, if you are pissed off, get life, get out of the game and chill out.
  9. Fluff

    Hmm forum bug can't seem to delete this duplicate.
  10. Sandman2055

    I've run over many an idiot whilst in my magrider. Not for spite, not for fun, but simply because I didn't see them. And no, I don't shoot at pedestrians. It would help if pedestrians didn't walk down the middle of the road or stand right in front on the vehicle spawns. When I'm grunting it, I always make sure to hug the sides and stay out of the road and watch for traffic. Every single softy I've run over has been a *******.

    On that note, I've also gunned down quite a few people on my team. Again, not for fun and not out of spite, but simply because they decided to interpose their 'lil head into the stream of shots I was *already* firing. I stop when I see them, but most of the time there's already serious cranial perforation. Not that anything leaks out, mind you, because anyone dumb enough to stick their heads into a stream of flying ordinance has no brains to begin with. I've actually been sniping in a choice spot, only to have another sniper come up and inch forward until they are within my player model, an then just a tad ahead of me. Want to guess what happens when I pull the trigger after that?

    Sure there's a lot of TKing lower alimentary sphincters out there, but there's also a tremendous amount of of clueless noobs too.
  11. BadMannerKorea

    You misread or misrepresent what I have said. People who **** around with other players, and do dumb things deserve to be teamkilled. I don't randomly hit other players or teamkill them, and your example of the idiot you dealt with hitting your vehicle doesn't pertain to what I have stated (well, it does, but not the way you think it does). I teamkill the "idiot" who hit you. So yeah, thanks for calling me a lamer and at the same time, indirectly agreeing with me.

    Do me a favor though, and re-read my sentence..... "Get in my way, and **** with me, I have no problem teamkilling you". What two conditions do I state that must be met for me to teamkill you? Here, I'll just tell you since you have problems with reading comprehension.

    You must be in my way
    You must be ******* around with me

    Now, the idiot you dealt with in your example, were you in his way? Yes. Were you ******* around with him? No.

    I rest my case.
  12. Prithrach

    How can you stop people from Team Killing all the time? Sunderer APCs are prime targets with tank mines. This will get out of Hand Very fast. Very easy to create accounts Just to Team Kill other factions on the same server.
  13. Alforno

    I've been tk'd several times and it isn't from a dumb mistake. I've seen the other player point their gun at me and just kill me, or stab me with their knife. It's kind of a crappy feeling to be there defending a spot with someone and then they turn and kill you because their bored or mean. There doesn't seem to be any point in going for a revenge kill since then you are perpetuating the problem. I love the challenge of having to identify who the enemy is and so friendly fire is cool, just wish there was a solution to the ********. Reporting doesn't seem like a good solution because it could be used by the idiots tk'ing everyone as another way to grief.
  14. Sheena8500

    I don't understand this, in 30h of playtime i killed ONE guy from my faction and got killed ~20 times. All this playing as an infiltrator in the montains around bases. It's not like i'm supposed to be in the line of fire of anyone from there u_u
  15. StrataDragoon

    well tanks are probably the biggest teamkilling machine out there, especially when your in a middle of a heated battle. Atleast take the ability to run over your own team mates off in vehicles
  16. Exaar

    You do realize not all engi's carry ammo, right? I play primarily engi and I don't ever carry ammo, I carry mines instead. Mines are too good in comparison.

    FF should stay in. People should learn not to stand on vehicle spawn pads or run in the middle of the road. The road is for vehicles. Infantry stay off to the sides.
  17. Grixxitt

    You know you can deploy ammo by alt-selecting your turret right?

    I'm not defending my actions, truth be told it was a dick move, but I felt 100% justified at the time (tanks rolling in, 6 Heavies out of rockets spamming "Need some ammo", and here's an engi that doesn't know how to deploy an ammo box, was pretty frustrating)
  18. Babaganoush

    All I hear.

    There are a lot of times where newbs run into your line of fire or in front of your tank, but FF is generally a good thing.
  19. Zer0range

    I've stopped breaking for friendly infantry hanging out in the middle of the road. I actually enjoy roadkilling them.
  20. Rowe

    If someone runs me over and just couldnt help it, no biggie, but if that person had every oportunity to not run me over and just does for the H of it.. i make a mental note of that person and execute that moron on sight.
    Same goes with the moron that shoots me for no reason.