Instant kill Claymores and n00btubes don't add anything positive to the game, from fun to skill.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Dec 2, 2012.

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  1. IshanDeston

    Maybe try Flakarmor and to pay attention to where you are going. Those mines are quite visible. Even got a small icon on them.
    Also maybe you want to avoid storming on that cap all at once. Just a though.

    And usually you are working with a team. So you die. So what? Your medic will revive you. Also try having a heavy Assault in flak armor go first. They have a spiffy shield to absorb damage. Team game and all that.

    Die i mention Flak armor and Heavy Assault shields when you move with your team? Oh your not? Well in that case.... your doing it wrong.
  2. Lightwolf

    Think more SWAT and less ULTRAMARINESCHARGE!

    Also, those underbarrel nade launchers aren't something you see often. The switch time isn't worth it in most people's opinions, they only carry two shots, and you're sacrificing a foregrip or laser for them.
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  3. IshanDeston

    And their damage drops even further as soon as people start equipting Flak armor to reduce explosive damage. The only one thats a bit useful is the smoke one.
  4. ImGladUmad

    Like I said you can't see them when using jumpads or elvators......I doubt 20% flak armor will make me survive but who knows, somebody needs to test this.

    Also Heavy Assault shields run out in case u dont know....O well Skilless instant kills r doing it right I guess.
  5. Vachek

    It doesn't require skill to throw aoe explosives for insta-kills=lowers the game
    It doesn't require much skill to noobtube for aoe insta-kill=lowers the game
    Its "easier" and more lazy to use explosives instead of improving skills to be competitive and improve the game.
  6. IshanDeston

    I can tell you for sure, that since i am wearing my flak armor instead of nanoweave i haven't been killed by an Heavy Assault with Rocketlauncher anymore. And i only have level 2 so far. (But thats also atributed to not getting hit into my face by them. The rockets fly slow enough to strafe)

    Yep, they are an ablative damage soak. The standart one absorbs a certain amount of damage. It should be enough, in combination with a Flakarmor, to survive. At least i've seen them surviving like that during beta.

    And when in doubt, throw a granade or Rocket down the chute. It will detonate any explosive surprises.
  7. Beartornado

    Old news.

    Grenade Launchers and Rocket Launchers take forever to reload, both only get an insta kill if you land a direct hit, and some players with health/armor boosts will still resist dying anyway. There is no aoe insta kill for noob tubes and you should be shut off the forums for a few days if you're going to blatantly lie because you're so upset.

    Claymores do not single-handedly defend a position. They might discourage your advancement but infantry are free and quick to respawn. Once they are used up you just keep pushing forward before the enemy can lay more.

    And fighting noob tubers is easy mode. If the attacking force has even some remote level of skill and organization they will be more than able to rush in and mow down all the morons reloading their "noob tubes." The fact remains 10 players firing guns are going to be more effective at stopping advancing infantry through doors than 10 players with rockets who all fire on the first yahoo to run in then spend 6 seconds reloading while everyone else runs in and shoots them.
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    there ya go. stop campin skillless n00b
  9. MobileAssaultDuck

    Actually, I highly disagree on the "no fun" part.

    The subtle click of someone tripping over a claymore, that quick explosion, and the stream of curses you hear from your victim are among one of the most fun things to do in shooters.

    Seriously, I was a bloody claymore surgeon in CoD4 and that "click...boom!" was one of my favourite sounds.
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  10. Tobax

    I can't be the only person sick of the word "noobtube" can I?
    Get so tired of people crying about it, just reminds me of playing COD and the little kids will moan in chat for 10 minutes over it anytime they get killed from a grenade launcher, well here is a reality check for you because we are enemies fighting a war which means that I'm going to use all the weapons/equipment at my disposal and if that means 1hit killing you with a grenade launcher then that's just tough for you, its a legitimate weapon and you can go cry to someone else.
  11. siiix

    BOOOOOO to this tread

    both n00b tubing and caymores are just fine

    your just a big whino ... cry some more please boooohoooo

    you know how frekin hard it is to hit someone with a rocket , especially from distance, how stupid that person has to be not to step aside ? a rocket comes at you in like time loop speed and you dont step aside and then you cry and whine... get out l3mo :)

    you know why its a good name to call it n00b tube ? because your a n00b if you get hit with it in a distance, and if its close by then you have a bigger chance it wont hit you and you will have the satisfaction of killing me because cant change weapons or reload fast enough... so get a grip and learn to play
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  12. Faction

    claymores are bad and you should feel bad if you use them
  13. ZackSide

    Pretty much my reaction - guess we should also remove grenades too? How about the Dalton as well? Anything that gets 1 shot remove I say!!!!
  14. Talizzar

    Nothing better than being back at a Warp base and getting a kill notice! This is a strategy game not charge the flag without looking. Too bad most have not figured this out. Rarely do you see anyone guarding the rear flanks and scanning the hills and high points for snipers. Most of the time a point is taken and everyone runs off without clearing out the point so that the support engineers and rebuild the place. Everyone is in such a rush for the Certs and kills. Slow down and enjoy the game a bit.
  15. Monnor

    I have a underbarrel nade launcher, and he was all worth it. I shoot into a camping bunch, and count the cert, cause i can do it. Do i run around an cry, wah the tank killed me? No.
  16. ImGladUmad

    I run around Rambo style killing ppl.
  17. TheEvilBlight

    I guess I'll have to use that Lasher to clean up the doors before people pop off an underslung grenade. I get the feeling that the grenade will still win...
  18. BadLlama

    Jesus dude, if we add up all your post and put them together than everything except running around as a HA with an LMG is "Skill-less noob tactics" the irony being HA with an LMG is hands down the easiest class to play in this game.
  19. ImGladUmad

    Is ok man, if u can't handle gun battles......
    Actually is quite easy to hit somebody.....Grenade launcher has a nice area damage, enough to get rid of the shield.
  20. SkepticJerry

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