Buyer Beware - VS Infil Helmet

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bags, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Bags

    Hey, I got this as part of the 700 SC 6 Composite helmet deal.

    This is how un noticable the 250 SC VS infil helmet is

    There's literally no reason to spend money on this.

    Just thought I'd make sure people realize this.
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  2. Flingurt

    Terran infil is kinda the same deal..
  3. Bags

    Wasn't sure. I know for a fact the NC infil has a big change, they go from goggles to a full helmet.
  4. mercnet1980

    Should have gotten the composite bundle. I don't play that stupid class unless I need to hack a terminal so meh. NC Engineer composite armor is beast. I look like a heavy in it.
  5. Flingurt

    Yeah well, the vanu is the worst after seeing this, the terran are a tad better since they get atleast a half of a gasmask, and let's just not talk about the armor..

    The nc infil is generally more badass imo ^^
  6. Bags

    But I did get the composite bundle. It's the only reason I have this helm. When previewing it I couldn't see a difference. :rolleyes:
  7. Juni

    The Vanu infil helmet gets small armor attachments on the side of the helmet.
    Nothing major.
  8. Bags

    Thank you? :confused:
  9. Dodgeit

    What are you talking about?
    The Chin shrinks by at least10mm! Frankly, thats a bargain for 250SC!

    I know people who have paid £5,000+ to have a smaller chin...
  10. Bags

    Er, had a youtube issue, reuploaded.

  11. DeathFaith

    Yea model variations are kinda cheap made , all guns of the same type look the same exremely tiny variation no one will ever notice kinda sux...

    Only ones that are a tiny little bit better are premium early access helmets but even that is a joke n how much work they had to put in to make them unique looking ...
  12. Jac70

    You're right OP but people can see what the thing looks like before buying. I was going to buy the MAX composite helmet but looked at it, decided it was barely any different and so didn't buy it.
  13. ScorpDK

    what faction? There's a big difference in my VS MAX composite helmet. It's got a mohawk-like ridge on top of its head.
    ...yes, I bought the bundle, I wouldn't be putting a Mohawk on my MAX.

    But the infiltrator helmet is a real shame. They could have changed the faceplate a little or something. 2 small ear attachments to protect from harsh language ain't doing it for me XD
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  14. Gunnisson

    That's like me after I had my jaw surgery. What a waste of SC :eek:
  15. Jac70

    I'm talking about the VS MAX - the mowhawk wasn't enough for me to splash SC :)
  16. Bags

    Well, I dunno about anyone else, but I thought the preview was bugged. I seriously thought they accidentally set the old model as the preview model.