Why are Planetside players so scared of Change?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jourmand1r, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    If I've noticed anything on these forums, it's that any suggestion made by anyone that suggests changing the game immediately gets shot down.

    Guys the game isn't perfect and it currently has a lot of issues. IDK if you guys are bigtime conservative or just older IRL and scared of change, but come on.

    Things cant get better until you accept that they need to change.
  2. Dubious

    Depends on the change..
    Most idea on the forum is stupid
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  3. Freyar

    The big problem is that changing anything early on can have MASSIVE implications later on once people have access to late-certed gear and attachments.
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  4. SenEvason

    Because everyone has a different opinion. From what I've seen, people seem pretty open to change and improvements. The only thing they disagree on is how it is implemented. Otherwise they are refining ideas. Very few people are claiming the game is perfect.
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  5. CoreDave

    ill thought out change is often worse than no change at all. Many of the ideas on the forums are born out of a biased or skewed viewpoint. Also even genuinely good ideas will usually cause a certain group of players to loose out in some way.

    Lastly this forum like so many communities for online games seems to attract some of the most deliberately confrontational people around who get a kick out of being mean about pretty much anything for no reason other than to get a reaction. Add all that up and its a whole lot of negativity some justified most not. Not that it matters because I doubt very much the devs spend any meaningful time on these boards.. I mean would you? So all the ideas are just lost the either anyway.
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  6. daicon

    Because you look totally bad@$$ when you tell someone to L2P :cool:
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  7. Mathematics

    I think it has more to do with the fact that people, in general, like to artificially boost their self esteem by belittling others and/or their ideas.
  8. Patrician

    Any specifics?
  9. Landtank

    If this is in response to your "port PS2 from forgelight to UE3" thread, then please reconsider this post.

    If not, then I agree to an extent. There are a lot of bad ideas being thrown around, and those need to simply be shut down if nothing good can be gathered from the discussion.
  10. badname02

    Because even though everyone LOVES to whine about everything in this newly launched mmo (face it, it's an mmo) they still love it dearly... That's why they whine so much: it's their way of showing they care even though they say they don't.
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  11. Tuco

    Why are Planetside players so scared of Change?

    Is it change we can believe in? Is it change, or more of the same?
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  12. Hellkyte

    I am the 1%
  13. Tuco

    He ran the most generic campaign in the history of mankind and still won, what does that say about the opposition.
  14. Bigperm

    Too many ideas are obviously not going to happen. So obvious is that fact, that people get tired of having to sift through silly requests to find topics worth reading.
  15. Hellkyte

    All I mean is that I'm ok with no changes on anything until people start certing more stuff. I thought the Tech lab had a completely broken design until more shield buster sunderers started showing up
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  16. SenEvason

    They didn't have cookies.
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  17. Freyar

    That, my friend, is exactly why I'm very cautious about any "balance change" this early.
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  18. TripleAych

    When the change is for the worse?
  19. Cirno

    The group "PS2 players" is comprised as individuals with different strengths/weaknesses/preferences/hopes/dreams/opinions on Marmite.
    For every issue, there will be difference of opinion, and therefore a person speaking out against a suggestion is a member of the group "PS2 players" speaking out against said change, which can therefore be perceived as "PS2 players" being opposed to said changed.
    The trick is to not perceive individual action to be representative of the group as a whole.
  20. Gavyne

    ^ +1, unfortunately one of the bad changes was proposed by the OP with regards to changing this game's engine to Unreal engine. Not only is it unrealistic for a launched game to swap engines, but the suggested engine does not work well for a large scaled MMOFPS.