Terran Republic Seize Connery

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Protection, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Protection


    Just a shout out to the TR that just took and held Connery last night.

    Much of the fighting was in prime time, as the TR sacrificed Amerish to take Esamir from the Vanu (who had held it for over a week straight), followed by a late night blitz to reconquer Amerish while defending Indar and Esamir.

    Some of the outfits involved heavily:


    and of course the mighty pug-zerg, who single handedly rolled every outfit and platoon that stood in their way through sheer attrition.

    So congratulations on winning Planetside 2. At least until there is more metagame. (shameless plug: my suggestions for a fuller metagame -- http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/...l-birds-with-one-big-stone.55227/#post-687480
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  2. RainQQ

    Absurdly overpowered TR guns + continued and growing population advantage /= skill.

    Don't worry, the TR gun nerf is coming. And man do I hope it is a massive, massive nerf. Else PS2 is going to have a very big problem with TR populations getting even more lopsided.
  3. UberBonisseur

    Be quiet
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  4. Curze

    90% in a contient while still having 15% and 27% in the other 2?
    good grief.

    I dont know what will kill this game faster, the rampant hacking or the way TR is a massive zerg in pretty much all servers...we should start taking bets
  5. Tribeca

    Good job coming in 3rd place. NC still have the server first and second 3 continent caps.
  6. Alexii

    Yeah rain. And the bad dancer will claim his balls are in a way.
  7. Sykosis

    Us 10 guys that still play NC on Connery conquer Amerish every morning at 6am PT.
    U see those percentage numbers.... we had 1 guy on Indar, 2 guys on Esamir and a guy logging off on Amerish.
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  8. Superdano

    Population control needs to be addressed, and yes their guns are the best in the game. I hate screaming nerf this or that, I would rather just not get constantly zerged by the TR. Population control would allow less zerging, and at least make the numbers more even. Also, it would make people need to play on more then one continent!
  9. Protection

    There aren't any massive TR outfits on Connery to do a mass log in at 4am and capture when populations are offline/asleep - we actually had to fight for our victory ;P

    There's a reason why the NC never hold a single continent in prime time...

    ... oh right the guns. 9_9
  10. Curze

    because TR are a trillion, maybe?
    skill, they said....
  11. RainQQ

    In a word, no. TR pops are out of control on Connery and most other servers too. Heck, your own stupid graphic proves it. It's just an amazing number to have 90% on a continent, and still maintain 15% and 27% on the other two. So thank you for proving the point.

    By the way, "massive outfits" has nothing to do with it. TR pops are zooming past the other factions, primarily because of totally unbalanced weaponry. Period.

    But keep trying to convince yourself there's some other explanation. If you think 90% pop on a continent is a "fight" for "victory," there's no hope for you, or this discussion.

    Frankly I'm glad you posted this boasting. It should be a major wake-up call to the developers.
  12. Burnview

    Wow, with as much people you guys have (popualtion-wise) you finally got the 3 cap...

    But for all the hard work you guys did while the rest of the NC were asleep here's a reward


    Enjoy it
  13. SGTalon

    Not sure about this TR gun thing. I realize that i am a TR, but i get spanked in 1v1 as often as I don't. I really think it is more of a skill thing than gun thing. Haven't they told us exhaustively about how much effort they put into making sure the DPS of each gun is very close, just different ways of delivering that damage?
  14. McKnighter

    Dunno why everyone says TR swarms everyone with numbers.

    At least on my server, it's always the Vanu who boasts at least 6% over everyone else.
  15. D0n

    The damage done by these weapon imbalances to populations is going to start the same problems as in beta where the NC rolled all servers, everytime they nerfed NC to the ground for no reason, other populations started growing.

    Clone all the weapons already for the love of Christ.
  16. HadesR

    Weird since NC on Connery took Amerish last night around 7pm PST ... and what do you class as prime time ? Since when I logged off at 9pm each faction held a cont and no one was close to owning all 3
  17. Dornez

    Hey we capped your home conts, now we get to drive your.....oh wait, that was the good planetside.
  18. Udon

    The NC did the same last week so I guess it's the VS turn this week.

    I'm convinced that population on Connery is low overall. One outfit switching continents makes a wild swing of percentages there. If there are only a few hundred players on each faction at any one time than if 20 move continents together that's going to have a huge impact on balance.

    I don't know about other servers.
  19. HMR85

    Congratulations on being the last faction on Connery to conquer all three continents. :rolleyes:
  20. Badname3073

    Waht about uber 666 Devils Dawgs? I've heard they even wear dawg patches IRL, so did their patches work?