killer vehicle pads

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by water fowl, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. water fowl

    so... wouldn't it be easier to just boot the person off the vehicle pad INSTEAD OF ******* KILLING THEM??! -_-
  2. VKhaun

    No. It's easier to just have them die.
  3. Xasapis

    The area on the pad and the exit are dangerous. The first, because it's insta-gib and non rezzable when a vehicle spawns and the second because for a few seconds the driver has no control over the vehicle so as to slow down and not run over you.

    Also remember, FOV on those vehicles are horrid. Both a blessing and a curse. A curse because I was stepped on so many times by side-blind magrider drivers and a blessing because I can do suicide runs with explosives on vehicles as long as I'm not on their direct FOV and they don't have any reason to check on my direction.

    In this regard magriders are at a disadvantage compared to the other armor vehicles in terms of awareness. They need to turn the whole sluggish beast around to check for potential threats on feet, while exposing their sides/rear to a threat. While the other two factions can just turn the turret around while keeping the exposed front side facing the direction of the immediate threat.
  4. Punchdrunk

    If someone is at the terminal or even close to it...i stay well away from the pad. its called common sence.
  5. Sanguinon

    When a child burns his hand on something hot, he learns not to touch hot things. If standing on vehicle pads kills you, what should you be learning not to do?
  6. SupaCoopa

    I've heard people complain about this soo many times it's ridiculous. I literally saw 10 people die and complain about how ******** vehicle spawns are and eventually I just yelled at them for being dumb and running into vehicle pads. This whole situations reminds me how McDonalds got sued millions because someone burned themselves on their coffee and wasn't warned it was hot. So no the cups warn them it's hot. Maybe Plansetside needs the same thing. Warning, vehicle spawning pad DO NOT TOUCH in front of every pad lol.
  7. Orbital_Butt

    I will present to you a bulleted and easy to follow list of ways to no longer suffer this shame

    • Don't stand on the pad
    By following these Three Easy Steps, you boneheads will never stupidly have to idiot die to maroon this simpleton avoided problem, you knob
  8. Gavyne

    The first time it happened to me, I was confused. Second time it happened to me, I was angry. Third time it happened to me, I was angry at myself. After that, I stopped standing on the vehicle pads. I haven't been killed by the vehicle pads since. You live & learn, once you learn to stay clear of the pads, you won't get killed anymore.

    Now people running me over while I'm just running along is another story. When I see careless driver, and I don't run along the road where vehicles should drive on, I C4 the vehicles. Next time a bomb explodes on them, they blow up. Sucks for them, they better be more careful driving next time.
  9. water fowl

    Trust me, I steer clear of vehicle pads since the 3rd or 4th time I got gibbed.

    The last two times it happened though was just bad luck.
    1. was in a sundy that was on a vehicle pad. He decided to park there. I have no clue why, but I suddenly died inside the sundy, and it said I was too close to the vehicle pad... but the sundy wasn't blown up or anything, and the driver was fine. Did he kick me while someone else spawned a vehicle? Or evil bug....
    2. Was in a friendly base and someone deployed their sundy near the vehicle pad... within a second of spawning I went SPLAT
    3. And then I was running across a base that was being captured, and since no enemies were in the area I thought it was safe to go across the vehicle pad. Nope. Someone hacked it and spawned a vehicle. SPLAT.
    I just think it's silly how scared I am of vehicle pads now.