Focusing my infiltrator on med-close engagements.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Snarkyfoo, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Snarkyfoo

    I've been playing a TR infiltrator for a while now, and I truly enjoy it. I play with my outfit, and I'm often called upon to hack terminals on bases we're assaulting. But it's very difficult to be a forward troop with my current loadout, often needing someone to go with me to take those terminals/turrets. Sometimes I'm not even able to get the terminals hacked before an attack, which makes my part feel arbitrary.
    I hate sitting at the back, picking off soldiers that run out of the spawn tubes, but I also dislike sulking around with a pistol in CQC. I'm looking into getting a scout rifle, but I need some advice on which one to get, and other suggestions that might make me more potent in softening up a base for attack.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. grin

    You should look into the "Scout rifle" type in the market. They are called the HSR-1 and the SOAS-20. Thorbinators data analysis states that these should perform exactly the same as the Vanu counterparts which i happen to have in game performance data for.

    Fully automatic 20 round carbine.
    bs dam5.5
    hs dam11.0
    dps bd61.1
    dps hd122.21

    I personally don't like it's extremely tiny clip size and low potential damage.

    bs dam13
    hs dam26
    dps bd52
    dps hd104

    This weapon is essentially the default scout rifle with short range scopes from 1x reflex to 6x scope(and thermal scope). Because it uses shorter range scopes, the breathing wobble you get with the other rifles is not noticeable but can still be stopped with the shift key. It has compensator, suppressor, flash suppressor, and laser sight available. I recommend the compensator for mostly long range, and laser sight for use in short range.

    It's hipfire spread is tight enough that you can comfortably hipfire it at about 3-4 meters.

  3. MedEx

    I have the SOAS-20 and enjoy it greatly. If you want something for effective medium-range assaults, this is your gun. Fully automatic, and with a forward grip and a silencer, you can stay mostly hidden (you are a stealth class, after all). Give it a shot, I was not disappointed.
  4. Carlos Spary

    I have the SOAS 20 and the HSR-1 but i loved and use the SOAS20 (-Silver Medeal ) with Forward Grip and the HST Scope (the Frist on the Top) very nice so the next i get is the Silencer after i skilled Claymores...

    HSR1 is a good gun but ... it's all ... a good gun...
  5. ThElement078

    DONT GET THE SEMI-AUTO ONE YET, ITS ****. Get the full-auto one, and make sure you reload after each kill or at least discipline your self into switching to your pistol when you run out of ammo i your mag, cause it has a REALLY small magazine, 20 rouns with such a high ROF. Make sure you try to get the extra ammo cert, you only get like 120 rounds total.
  6. PanzerGoddess

    TSAR all the way. Still making love to it since we went live lol.
  7. BigMcLargeHuge

    Tbh I find it very had to like any of the scout rifles. I think you give up a lot going after anything over 40m. And I don't find it really has a major advantage over a well aimed handgun at <15m since handgun hipfire is so insanely accurate and headshot machines at that range. You get a very specific range where the gun will have an advantage over your other weapons, not so much that they are going to let you go room to room and have a chance against other classes unless they are looking the other way.

    I understood why shotguns was a bad idea for us. But what we ended up with just isn't very useful. Further more our emp nades which should let us do something for room to room the explosions go through walls so you knock out your own shield or the shields of your squad because the blast radius is so massive.

    Atm our best method for dealing with targets in buildings is put a claymore or two in the building and get the other guy to walk over it.
  8. Krytical

    The semi-auto and full auto rifles available to infiltrators are easily the worst weapons in the game along with the battle rifles available for other classes. The bolt-actions are okay if you can get headshots reliably.
  9. Blackhand

    I've got both the SAOS and the HSR-1 slotted exactly the same with attachments. I like them both, but when it comes down to it, the HSR-1 is just a more versatile weapon. The low clip size and pitiful damge of the SAOS really hinders its usefulness.

    With the HSR-1 I can still snipe fairly well at long range, and it hits hard when I shoot from the hip in CQC.

    The SAOS is IMO a 1v1 sneak attack only rifle. Don't even bother trying to hit people at range with the gun. It's basically just another pistol, where you should be firing at close range. Don't get me wrong. I like the gun, and its saved me more than once,but don't expect to be killing more than one person per clip with it.