Camo Should be for Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lazer017, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Lazer017

    As i play through the game I try to blend in with the surroundings but I dont want to use real money. It's not that i dont support the game, i do, it's just i want my giraffe camo with the time i've spent playing the game. Thoughts?
  2. Sikab

    Then don't want to use Camos.
  3. AetherStrike

    Camo is a vanity item, and does not affect gameplay. therefore money maker for SOE.
  4. Fugly

    camo absolutely affects gameplay

    Equip African jungle camo on light assault. Go to Indar or Amerish. Fly into a tree branch or the tree tops in biolabs. Use a silencer. Take your sweet time with a 4x or 6x scope head shotting everyone with a carbine. Your only real threat are other light assault players trying to do the same.
  5. Lazer017

    yeah i guess its for money for SOE but it affects with blending in with surroundings
  6. Sikab

    Or i just can turn to a general direction, press Q and your "camo" is blown.
  7. Lazer017

    but you wouldnt expect it unless you spam Q everywhere you go
  8. Sikab

    is there really any1 whos not spamming it? i sure do.
  9. Lazer017

    i guess im the only one who dosent
  10. bPostal

    Sure it may give you a slight advantage if you're standing in the exact correct spot in the right lighting. From your avatar I take it you're VS? Wait for night and you'll blend in like a mofo as it is.
    SOE's gotta get paid damnit!
    What we need, are hats.
  11. ed_anger

    and i want a pool full of money and a jet.
  12. MasterIQ2

    Costume items in F2P games are almost always money. its the 1 true thing they can offer without really really really hurting gameplay.

    Everyone spams Q unless you made the button Y then you spam Y unless you made the button ~ then you spam ~....
  13. Jackflash2

    I lol'd
  14. Yetii

    Without making money from camos SOE makes none. With no money they can't pay devs. Without being payed devs can't put food on the table. With no devs game stops.
  15. Tungsten

    Thanks for the economics lesson Yeti but your forgetting boosts and memberships.

    I would sure feel better about SOE if everything could be earned in game but then im one of those people who feels company's need to earn my money.
  16. Kediec

    50 SC for a camo you can apply twice ( comes with 2 applications of it ) isn't exactly gonna break the bank .

    Camo's and fluff items are the ones that will bring extra revenue in once players unlock their weapons of choice . Leave them as SC is my opinion on it.
  17. KlyptoK

    My keyboard does it every .075 seconds, but it makes me ask for ammo a lot (lol sorry engie, I'm full)
  18. ShriekXL

    So now the camo's are pay to win?

    • Up x 5
  19. Vibe

    And then someone presses Q while looking at the tree because he saw where the fire was coming from
  20. Luft

    Anyone who doesn't spam Q constantly must not want to actually win ever. Camo is pointless and ugly and breaks the art design, except for the really cool looking faction specific camo, which I love.