
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shendo, Dec 1, 2012.

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  1. Maderas

    I replied to what you said. What you said was wrong. There's plenty of evidence that hackers will continue to hack even if there's a price associated with it. Buying new copies of a game after getting caught and banned isn't an uncommon occurrence where prolific hackers are concerned.

    Sony isn't going to force people to divulge their financial information in order to play because it would turn people off and cause more harm than good. I can promise that you'd see far more complaint over having to tie a credit card to your account than you do now over hacking. It wouldn't matter anyway since debit cards are easy and cheap to acquire.
  2. MechaSmurf

    Using a payment method as a way to verify identity doesn't cost players anything more than 5 minutes and typing. Your right that it wont stop it, at least not the first time. However, combining it with statistical analysis from the game means that cheaters can be easily identified and we can be reasonably certain that they will only be able to come back to the game a limited number of times (until they run out of bank accounts and credit cards) before they're gone for good. Since we can't make it too risky to cheat like we try to with actual crimes the next best thing is to make it too inconvenient.

    I think a fair compromise would be to add a server available only to subscribers. Then those of us willing to pay to keep the game afloat and hack free can play in peace and the rest can take your advice of "deal with it and hope".
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  3. Maderas

    You're neglecting to mention how **** people get about having to reveal their credit card information if they aren't planning to buy something. I've seen this exact same system recommended in other games with cheating problems and it's never implemented because people start frothing at the mouth. It would be even worse here since we're dealing with Sony who were very publicly hacked and called out for lax security after losing customers' information.

    PS1 was subscription based and had no shortage of hackers. It's not as simple as making people pay more money to get rid of them.
  4. KaosWarMonk

    up for coverage
  5. Shendo

    i like how this thread is building maybe the devs will hurry up and do something about it.
  6. Shendo

    i can understand it takes time but it take couple clicks to ban someones account. when they get reports of players in game they should look into it right away and watch that player and they can see they cheating and ban them. like right now im watching agent48victoria again aimbot on my server. and people are reporting her but is still playing and ruining the game for everyone.
  7. sinister agent

    Hi, this is my first post here. Planetside 2 has been great fun so far, and I've seen no definite hacking (though once I had my suspicions, but someone could have just been having a good night), until tonight. Some pathetic dweeb with username HEIIISH was using a speedhack and I think some others, as he was rapidly taking terminals as an engineer, shooting far more accurately than a hacker could (let's face it, if these people were that fast they wouldn't need to cheat).

    Just wanted to say thanks to the people who gave the "/report playername" function in here - I used it to report him and asked others to do the same. Doubt they did though, as nobody seems to pay attention to chat, and he was still there later. I hope it continues to be unusual to see hackers. It would be pretty tragic if they ever got out of hand.
  8. Shendo

    ya but what does /report playername do. i still see the same people hacking in game and i know a lot of people have already reported them even people from their own faction, looks like its useless. currently on waterson lllllllllllllll is using speed hack with aimbot and saying he is hacking to everyone is chat i just logged im really done with pside for now cant even enjoy the game anymore to many cheaters. excellent game but cheaters ruin it.
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  9. LittleBlackRainCloud

    Same I'm done as well, it's not just the blatant hackers .. o those are just assure that quitting this game is a reasonable act. I'll come back monday / tuesday to see if any address is made if not .. I'll wait a week .. after that a month .. nothing done .. I'm not coming back .. I'm fed up with the minor hackers even more .. at least with the blatant hackers I can explain off why I lost. But 'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel either .. and if I have to wait this game out ... I will there is no use in playing a game even a very fun on worth actually good dollars for it's high quality if it's just going to allow abuse of my free time.
  10. LittleBlackRainCloud

    Post Post-modern hackers are going to win this one, and society will lose when people enact new laws that will yet again force punishment on the innocent, and only temporarily / partially fix the problem.
  11. Koffee

    Games are short term these days, you wont find yourself playing more than a few months with most games, so enjoy while you can.?

    P.S. There's NO way to stop hacking--MS can't do it, our government can't, nsa can't, sure sony's games division wont.

    Best thing to do is play it and deal, or move on.
  12. Mafia Puppet

    Just ban anyone with a 50/1 KD. Would get rid of rocket spammers too.
  13. Ghoest

    I already have a guild mate who liked the game but has decided to to a break and look for something else because of this.

    Its a real problem - everyone sees it.
  14. Solafide

    You will just never get it...If you read my post before responding..well, I doubt that matters to trolls like you...I have seen many hackers run free unpunished, still here today, so tell me troll, what are they doing? Nothing, and all your trolling won't change that fact
  15. Solafide

    But at least try..They talk a big game, twitch channel they are talking up a big deal, and the blatant hackers are still here..took me 30 seconds to prove several players hack, they take your cash then don't support their product..I have played many games where the GM's were active and soved the problem, with all their resources and our money, why can't they? Because they can care less, it's all about take, take, and never give back to the community and customers that pay their salary...
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  16. 71dana

    There are so many in denial about hackers/cheats. As a medic I went into a room with no windows to revive three bodies, only to see bullet trails (sniper shots) come directly through the roof & drop 2 other medics responding to the deaths. Retreating outside to the assumed shooters location to see a sniper high on a platform shooting non-stop. Seeing the players name, & noticing that that kill feed was all him, I reported him, & called him out as a hacker using /y (yell). Other thhan getting headshotted by him seconds later, I received tons of abuse questioning MY skills in chat. Not a single comment about the hacker.
  17. LittleBlackRainCloud

  18. Jet Uppercut

    I've seen a lot of weird hacks/lag. There was an NC HA with no head and a permanent forcefield who hovered around killing people with the LMG the other night. Landed on top of him with my drop pod and he didn't even shrug.
  19. Neodrauka

    I agree with most of what has been discussed in this thread, about people finding an unfair advantage and exploiting it. It's a difficult issue to tackle for any game, as all appear to have these issues, especially the FPS genre.

    I will say, on Briggs (The AU server) I haven't seen "A LOT" of misconduct, but it's certainly there. You can usually pick an aim-bot by the speed and accuracy of his assaults, be they at range or storming a room full of people and doming the lot of them. They aren't invincible though. While I hate these scum-of-the-earth people that try to ruin the game for others, I take it up as a challenge, and give him a GOOD tea-bagging when I knife him in the spine.

    I've reported names I've managed to gather from different servers so hopefully at the very least, if they're followed up, they'll have to begin at BR1 again. Here's hoping, despite being a F2P model, something can be done to discourage cheaters. Even though it's hard to tell if someone is ACTUALLY aim-botting, they are there, just being careful. Just don't be like some people and accuse EVERY killer of using third-party software. >.<

    PS : I'll see you filthy Vanu and NC at the crown later tonight! :p
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  20. Woshee

    I have always been skeptical of calling people hackers as usually it was the cry of someone who just wasn't very good and I like to look upon my death as a learning experiance. But last night and today I actually saw it first hand. People running around faster than lightning's. Lagging individual players that warp everywhere and somehow still kill everyone without missing on multiple different occasions. I have seen other things that really make me scratch my head but there is a small chance they are just a bug or simply lag/server issues, though with the other hacks around I'm skeptical.

    This is on top of team griefers who shoot people down, run over team mates and so forth. Honestly this game is a griefers paradise atm. I get you can't stop every hack permanently. But a decent percentage of these hackers are using hacks that are so obvious it is almost comical.
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