Shimmycocoapops hacker on soltech TR [video] speed/aimbot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drellings, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Drellings

  2. HadesR

    Should just pm the vid to GM's ... posting on the forums doesn't fix the issue
  3. 13lackCats

    You do know that infiltrators have "fast move" as their special skill, yes?
  4. 13lackCats

    Then, his aim was superior to yours, after an excellent evasive maneuver.

    Have a nice day.
  5. Weyna

    i saw this guy earlier; he's not even trying to hide it.
  6. Drellings

    iam aware of infiltrators abilities THIS was not that. also i was unable to fid how to contact a gm about hacking/reporting players sorry.
  7. Drellings

    also pretty sure trac 5 is indeed a LA gun
  8. d1spatch

    saw this dude earlier too def a hacker
  9. Drellings

    can someone please tell me how to comtactsupport regarding hackers/general reporting of players ? sorry i couldnt find it im probably blind lol
  10. Pacifer

    This tread if full of hackers trying to deny the truth

    Keep up the good work guys .
  11. HadesR

    Can just click a mod's name .. Ie: RadarX
    This will open up a window .. choose " start a conversation " im which is pretty much just pm's
  12. Drellings

    THANKS! i wasl ooking in game for ever lmao
  13. JP_Russell

    I believe I've seen others say you open up the chat and type "/report playername", minus quotes.
  14. HadesR

    Ingame yes ... but since he has video evidence thats a lot better being sent rather than just using the automated /report system
  15. ReaperOne1Two2

    Naming and shaming is against the rules! Use /report as clearly it solves all. /s
  16. Drellings

    naming and shaming and providing video of someone clearly hacking are two different things. im sure a mod will change my title if they dont agree

  17. Palidan01

    lol got one of my own had like 18 more but they got wiped