Why I really enjoy NC gunplay.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by d1spatch, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Tiny

    If you can aim with the NC Assault gun, the gun is by far the best.
  2. d1spatch

  3. StrangerDanger

    Thing is, those guns are f-ing beasts in the CQC battles where aiming isnt exactly a huge issue and recoil and bullet spread dont matter as much.

    This is exactly the scenario, walking into a room as a LA or HA and seeing one NC. I see him, he sees me, its me dead and the NC alive but barely. Those guns are beastly close range and ill do everything i can to stay in med range of NC because of it.. thats not to say their guns dont shred me at mid range, just i have a slight accuracy advantage then and some hope.

    VS...well i like running into lone VS at CQ...not so fun when they see me at a distance though.

    But yeah those NC guns suck at picking people off at a distance, its a nice tradeoff i guess to be able to own the CQC situations.