Why are engineers able to put tank mines of top of a tank?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Baine828, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Thardus

    You probably think ladder tanks are a broken cheating exploit as well, don't you? It's called emergent gameplay.

    Besides, the fact still remains that if you're letting infantry get close to your tank, you're in trouble. Back in WWII, a single man could destroy a tank with nothing more than a match and a bottle of alchohol, or other flammable liquid. Most classes can C4 them, HA can use massively powerful dumbfire rockets without missing, easily strafing around to your rear armour. Hell, all an LA has to do is climb on top of your tank and you can't do anything to him. Stay behind your lines and it won't be an issue.
  2. huehue

    Why can we exit aircraft and land without parachutes.
    How can the VS use batteries for ammunition.
    How can we instantly build vehicles from nanites.

    It's a sci-fi game. Maybe the land mines work by magnetic field? They need only sense the magnetic field of a vehicle? Surely with re-birthing technology humans don't use pressure plate land mines technology any longer.

    If you're talking about balance wise and not logically, then ArmaGetitOn brought up a good point - you got yourself in a bad position where some dude could literally walk on your tank and make a fool of you. Get a secondary gunner to cover your flank? Don't get your tank in a position where it's surrounded by buildings, get some awareness.
  3. Morro

    Mines are described as having some kind of IFF proximity detection. Any how, I remember when people used to whine about massive tank zerg rushes. Now mines are a threat (though a minor one).
  4. Baine828

    I clearly think that mines being used as C4 is a broken cheating exploit. I'm aware that letting infantry behind your tank is an awful idea and you shouldn't do it, but mines aren't intended to be put on top of a tank and detonate 3 seconds later, that's not even how mines work. If an engineer puts mines behind your tank and you back up, you're going to be dead. But I guess you can keep mindlessly insulting me when i'm just trying to bring up something that quite honestly doesn't make any sense.
  5. Freyar

    Boomer Bombs in Left 4 Dead were called "Emergent Gameplay" by the supporters of that method. Bind "kill" to a key, and boom.. no retaliation. Suicide by dropping off a high building? Boom, no retaliation.

    That was patched out quickly and I suspect that the way these mines work might change too as they are essentially copying another item in the game as far as their use. Now, say you put them under and waited till the sunderer moved? That would be fine.
  6. Baine828

    I'm not talking about balance i'm concerned why a mine explodes on top of a tank, considering that's not how mines work, but I suppose nanites.
  7. huehue

    How would you know how mines work? How do you know what the game developers intended for them to trigger and blow up? There has been months and months of beta and mines worked the same way since. It's not a question what makes sense or not(see Vanu battery ammo).

    You're saying this is a cheating/exploit yet we've had so many patches and nothing has been done to the mechanic, this is a cheating exploit only in your tiny mind.
  8. Baine828

    I guess you don't know what sarcasm is but besides that I guess you also can't read the thread title, I'm concerned why mines are able to be put on top of a tank and pretty much ensure the tanks death. Also I didn't see mines at all in beta so I had no idea what they are capable of doing but I suppose that's my fault to. I've only been seeing them since the game was released.
  9. Craeshen

    Simple way todeal with this get proximity radar for your tank. Or stay back a bit. Mine guard is only 30 certs and surprise surprise makes mines a none instant kill. You have the tools to prevent insta death by mine use it. Mines cost resources quite a bit of resources in fact imho soe really needs to bring back the specialization system they had in ps 1. Yes I liked being combat engineer I got to giggle with glee everytime a fully loaded sunfy drove over my minefield.
  10. Baine828

    Assuming SOE is lazy at coding I guess I could try and get a mine guard, assuming there not the mine guard wont do anything considering the mines would be on top of the tank. This isn't a thread about mines being overpowered versus tanks, I'm asking why mines are being able to be put on the tops of tanks.
  11. Thardus

    How do mine's work then? My understanding of them is that they're an explosive, that fires a shaped charge, and deals serious damage to armour. These explosives activate (as the tool-tip I believe says) in the presence of vehicles. How it can tell, I don't know, probably something to do with the electromagnetic energy given off by the vehicles.

    Basically, they're objects meant to kill tanks when the tanks are more or less in contact with them. Placing them on top of a tank would sure fit the bill. Why shouldn't a mine be able to damage a tank when placed right against the hull? It's really no different than dropping them on the road in front of a speeding tank, then ducking away as the tank hits them before it has time to stop or react, and I can't think of why there'd be anything wrong with that tactic.

    They're anti-tank mines, they blow holes in tanks, it's what they do. If they're blowing holes in a nearby tank, they're working as intended.

    Finally... I'm not insulting you, and I have not insulted you throughout this conversation, beyond simply stating that I suspect you dislike the idea of emergent gameplay.
  12. Baine828

    I still don't see why engineers are able to put mines on the tops of tanks to begin with, but I suppose in 2885 or whatever year it is in this game they've found out how to put mines on top of tanks. Probably advanced super nanites or something
  13. Arrrr

    Take object -> put it on top of another object. I can do this in 2012, I'm sure they have developed much more advanced hand to eye cordination in 2885.
  14. Thardus

    Find a book. Pick it up. Put it down on something. That's how. Mines aren't some super-advanced, difficult to set up trap. They're bombs, that detonate when things get too close. All the technology and triggers and fancy stuff is already in place. They just need to be armed.

    Seriously, you can lay an anti-tank minefield by sticking a couple dozen mines inside an artillery piece and launching them off over the horizon, and they'll do their job just fine.
  15. Baine828

    I'm sure.
  16. siiix

    so whats the difference C4 or mine your dead either way , deal with it ;) ,,, it does not really matter anyway even if they would not be able to put it ON the tank , mines explode by proximity so your dead no mater what

    so this rage tread is pointless

    i love driving a tank but even i think that c4 should be exactly be as effective then a mine, so if anything 1 C4 should be enough to blow up any tank... it is hard enough to get close enough to a tank to plant C4, its ridiculous that you need 2

    BTW it happened to me ONCE each to get blown up, so it does not happen that often that this should be even discussed... its like once in a blue moon scenario
  17. Baine828

    I'd rather back up onto 2 mines an engi put behind me then have 2 dropped on top of my tank, also I agree this thread is pointless now.
  18. Pashgan

    Real life argument: you can put tank mine on a tank and detonate it in real life - so I don't see any reasons for this not to happen within the game. Standard kamikaze tactics, makes sense.
  19. Niv

    Because this why there is C4, come on what wrong with u ppl its ok if engering sneak behind tank and put AT mine right under the tank caterpillar so when that tank drive 1 meter backward he blow up, its the C4 job to be stick to enemy cars and then click the red button to blow him and if the tank driver will notice he can blow the player who stick C4 to him before that player click the red button, tank mine arm them self in 3 sec after u put them on the ground and those tank mine are not stick mine they only suppose to go to the ground and probably its exploit of a bug that combine the C4 stick effect on the AT mine, and if it wont be fixed fast u see ppl put AT mine in building like they were "bouncy Betty", and players who didn't play planetside 1 and dont know how the AT mine work should be quiet and not talk ******** everywhere they can.
  20. Recca

    Why is it always the guy with a Tank Avatar complaining about Anti-tank Mines. Who cares if they can be thrown onto tanks. You keep comparing C4 to tank mines but there a huge difference, c4 can also be used on infantry, it has a button to activate, while a tank mine needs a tank to activate.

    I'm also a tank driver, I split my time between infantry and the prowler, I don't do air cause I suck at flying. I only ever died once to a tank mine and that was because I ran over it. I rarely get c4, maybe like 6ish times so far since released.

    I don't get why you're complaining about tank mines being put on tanks, if they can get up to you without noticing, it's your fault. Also, this is a sci-fi MMOFPS who cares if it doesn't work the way you want it to work.

    If you're really dying that much to tank mines, get mine guard, I used it on my sunderer.