NC what are you doing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jello63, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. MNO

    Horde vs Alliance is Good vs Evil. In WoW it's represented in a softened up way, but it's still good versus evil. Know nothing of warcraft yet make completely ignorant posts on the subject, gj.

    Again, the music or 3 sentences that no one reads about the faction means nothing. Just because you feel your servers NC sucks doesn't mean it's the same everywhere. So bored of the generalisations.

    VS must be full of transvestites and the religious I guess. Just makes sense, like your posts.
  2. Bape

    Sorry but im guessing you haven't figured out the true problem why most of the NC are just straight up R3TARDED. This happened about 30 times so far which shows that half the NC don't know how VA or TR looks. Like when we took over a base in matterson we decided to make sure no VA or TR is poking around before we leave so i went up the tower. What do I see? 5 NC enjoying the view ..... But what cought my attention was the one in the middle the 6th one. BUT WAIT I THOUGHT YOU SAID 5? Dam straight i said 5 a vanu was in the middle enjoying the view with them. Then he moved backed shot 4 i quickly capped him in the head and the 5th one then turns and realizes that 4 of his teammates are dead.
  3. Rodriguez

    I play mainly on Essamir, and fights with NC are fairly frequent. Much more frequent than fights with TR, I think I'm at around 3:1 NC to TR kills.

    I do also find that NC has less situatlional awareness though. Sometimes I'm just standing in the middle of ten guys and only one of them notices by the time I've popped six of them. Maybe it's a colour thing?
  4. MNO

    I have a 4 K : D and I'm NC.

    This must mean that TR and VS on all servers are particularly bad at FPS, right?

    :/ Makes no sense.
  5. Rodriguez


    *I also find that the majority of NC players on my server have less situational awareness.

    Though you can continue to think of my anecdote as a personal attack if you wish.
  6. digimortgel

    Don't know about you but when I am playing 80% of the time, I am either repairing or re-ammo everyone on the server. I usually earn more certs from non combat activities. Most of the time I play as the engineer. I only usually change because I get bored with all of the repairs and want to do a bit of combat or push on a base that is flooded with tanks.

    Find a team (or group) that covers a bit of everything.

    NC gets their ***** handed to them on the Briggs server but that is only because it is usually 2v1
  7. Hordak

    I agree PS1 had a descent - great tutorial vs what we have here in PS2. For a game this intense there should be a greater tutorial available for players who never played and returning players (I myself have been confused at times).

    I do how ever believe they are working on fixing this.....not 100% on that
  8. Cyridius

    K/D is meaningless. This isn't CoD or BF3, thankfully.
  9. Jello63

    Nice that you can use the word assumption, be better if you actually knew what it meant, as it's obvious you assume a lot yourself as shown in each of your posts.

    Answers a lot, MNO is a WoW player ;).
  10. The Fizz

    ...meh I don't care if we are under/over powered, lack organization, or all former cod/bf3 payers (dumb point btw).... I still kick elmo and barney **** every chance I get and I love it.
  11. Jello63


    It's only that they are their previous game mindset.
  12. MNO

    Yea I am, I played Open Beta like a million years ago. Such a WoW player bro ;)