Engineer ability issue and Sunderer Equipment suggestion

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Ztiller

    Right, so i have 2 things that have cause me no little amount of grief.

    First off is the Engineer ability/weapon swap. Whenever you put down a Ammo pack or a Turret, you automatically swap to your primary weapon. This is regardless if you have swapped to something else manually in the time before the auto swap.

    This have numerous times lead to me putting down an ammo pack, beginning to heal a Max only to automatically pull out my rifle and shoot him in the face, sometimes killing him.

    You should do what many other games do, to change your weapon back to whatever you had previously. And do it instantly. That little window of time in between, after you put it down and still hold it in your hand, before the swap is all it takes for me to accidentally kill someone.

    Secondly, the Sunderer weapon terminal.

    So many time i have spawned in the middle of a firefight. Oh, you want to get in the cannon? Here, look at all the fancy classes you can choose here.

    My suggestion is that for the Sunderer, some other hotkey is used to change class. I feel very comfortable using the E key for most things now, but i have simply died and lost my vehicle too many times to just ignore it. Perhaps add an option solely for the Sunderer weapon.

    Just something to prevent this.
  2. Grimpiggy

    1. Can be a real issue at times like as you said when healing a max.
    2. Not really an issue.