Lowest World(NA West Genudine) Pop 3 Cont Cap

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mr.39foreskin30k, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Mr.39foreskin30k

    inb4 "cheesed when we, barneys/smurfs were asleep blah blah QQ".

    We conquered it during prime time hours.
  2. Mr.39foreskin30k

  3. Phyr

    I wouldn't call that conquered.
  4. Mr.39foreskin30k

    Np we had Indar for awhile now. We are focusing on esamir and amerish more
  5. Wintermaulz

    Indeed. We made the push about a week ago and took indar, which hadnt been done on our server. I logged in to day surprised to see we had amerish and esamir (considering VS makes esamir their personal playground). WE TR here on genudine have the lowest population of the factions. GJ TR
  6. Fallout10mm

    Indar is the only continent TR ever seems to keep a stable population on, Esmier and amerish nearly always a Vanu vs NC fight w/TR warpgated (and at 8-12% pop), only seems when a couple platoons realize that there's next to no one on the Continent and the pubs start swarming in once they realize we actually have a shot at taking the place.