Suggestion: Underground Continent

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MobileAssaultDuck, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. MobileAssaultDuck

    Infantry focus with a few places big enough for vehicles.
    Entire stretches of dark tunnels where flashlights finally have a use.
    Interesting vertical base designs.
    Giant caverns for Tech Bases and Biolabs where Air can actually get involved (the opposite of above ground where Tech and Biolaps are infantry focused fights)
    Destructible tunnel areas that can be cleared or collapsed with explosives to funnel the flow of battle.

    So... Core Combat 2.0?

    I'm game :D

    For those who don't know "Core Combat" was an expansion for the first PlanetSide that involved going underground and capturing bases for exclusive weapons and vehicles that could then be used above ground on the main continents. It was awesome.
  3. MobileAssaultDuck

    I never played PS1, but good to hear this kind of stuff already existed, as it increases the chance it'll exist again.
  4. Fuse

  5. MobileAssaultDuck


    You should check out some old PlanetSide videos of the core combat. It was really a lot of fun. Ziplines, hiding spots, extremely infantry oriented, and really awesome design style.
  7. LuckyImperial

  8. BCeagle08

    I felt the underground battles ruined PS1. So awful
  9. Alduin

  10. Pex

    I don't think we need an underground continent, but some underground bases, or mines would be cool. Basically an area where you can have cover from air attacks to cross a zone if you are able to take the tunnels.
  11. LuckyImperial

    I don't understand out it "ruined" planetside 1? You could easily not play there. Most people didn't.
  12. Eyeklops

    I am fine with caves, just not the horrible, confusing, zip-line infested, rats-nest of junk that was PS1's caves. They were stupidly over complicated and confusing for many new players and IMO one of the worst content expansions I have ever seen.
  13. DreadPirate

    Ya, I hated the core combat caves from Ps1. I would be fine with caves in Ps2, but not the way they implemented it in Ps1.
  14. Fuse

    That actually was the main problem, it divided an already shrinking playerbase.
  15. Steppa

    Hell yeah. Core Combat was a lot of fun and I'm very interested in seeing what PS2 does with it. Especially the eye candy. Hopefully, we'll get BFR's too. Again...can't wait to see what the PS2 engine will do with that.