C4 not getting kill credit - please fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by psychobilly, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. psychobilly

    Happens to me all the time... I flank the enemy lines, sneak in behind the tanks... I drop two C4 on the rear of a tank....

    Then a heavy assault shoots his rocket from a safe distance, one shots the tank because it detonates the C4, and I die from the blast while getting zero kill credit and zero xp. C4 kill credit should go to the guy who planted the C4, NOT the guy who accidentally detonated it.

    PS. I hate all you heavy assaults who shoot tanks even when you see a friendly light assault standing next to it. I seriously hate you guys.
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  2. TheBloodEagle

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  3. Bigperm

    I'm ok with it personally. 2 c4 and a rocket will insta gib a sundy without blockade armor. I'd rather it be bursted down with that rocket than me detonating and hoping a rocket is on the way before repairs happen
  4. psychobilly

    You're OK with getting zero credit from your hard work? I can understand being happy that the thing you put C4 on died... but if you are cool with getting zero credit even though your C4 that cost resources did most of the damage AND you get no credit for it... well that is just stupid. I think you are a tank driver and you be trolling.
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  5. Bigperm

    I don't feel that c4 would amount to a large enough increase in my xp gain to warrant worrying about. I understand the point that you're making, I just don't agree that it's a big deal.
  6. psychobilly

    Sorry but 200 infantry resources means something to me. I'm not saying it is a huge deal, in the greater scheme you are correct that the XP increase is not monumental... but I am saying it is an oversight in the XP system that should be addressed.
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