3 years of grinding vs instant access for $300 = P2W

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bejita231, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Badmethod

    ^^ This. I blame games like WoW for all the hand holding free top end loot. Now if folks don't get it all just handed to them straight away they just hit the forums and cry... So sad...
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  2. Soulshox

    The stock weapons in the game are the best if not just under the best weapons in the game. This is no COD where you get given crapiest gun and have to level to get a ak47 or ak47u.
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  3. RF404

    It would be awesome though
  4. Sienihemmo

    First off, you don't need to unlock all the weapons. For infantry, all you need is to run the trial for all the guns and just buy one for every class, the one you like best. Besides, it takes about a week to save up certs for a 1000 cert gun, which to me is pretty decent, since if the prices were too low, in a few months people would start whining about having nothing to spend certs on anymore.
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  5. StockpowerXD

    This is a stock-market: You can pay2win (rocketpod-> free kill, no skill) or you can pay2lose (Skyguard...)
    If you invested in the right thing you can monopolize on your advantage and earny extra certs.
    The economy is a tad complicated though... you need to be quick to make the most of your advantage and good predicition to know when your advantage is going to be taken away from you (nerf).

    If you invested in the right places, you'll be able to go with the next OP-thing with the certs you have saved up, but if you made a bad investment (pay2lose) or are too late and everyone already has it or focusses on killing the "OP-thing" or it gets nerfed right after you bought it, then you need to make another BETTER investment.
  6. Tribeca

    Depending on how much time I play on any given day. I can earn between 200-500 certs a day and this is with a horrid k/d.
    Best advice I can give is join a large organized outfit and don't try to lonewolf around unless you are a FPS godmode type player.

    There are some really good players in my outfit that go on insane kill streaks while our outfit runs ops and they rack in about 100 certs an hour.
  7. Hodo

    TR weapons are not better than Vanu, or NC, they just are used differently. If you find you get more kills with TR weapons in one situation try fighting with that weapon in another situation. Like the NC Carbine is GREAT up close, GREAT damage per shot, but heavy kick low mag size. The Vanu carbine is good at a distance because of its lack of drop, but its rate of fire is pretty decent to, but up close not as good as the other factions carbine. TR carbine is good at medium to short range fights, but doesnt have the DPS of the NC carbine, but does more than the Vanu carbine, but has a pretty wild scatter pattern.

    Some of you are less than educated on the weapons your using and just simply using them wrong.

    Watch this video.

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  8. Pashgan

    As long as there is no gold ammo with 50% DPS buff a-la World of Tanks - I'm ok with any "pay2whatever" scheme. Especially when there are 50% discounts.
  9. Caracal

    to clarify, you think you should have access to every item in an MMO...

    I think you should start to wrap your head around specialization.
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  10. Hadrian

    you dont need to unlock everything tho do you .
    what gets me is for the price of a regular mmo expansion (wow burning crusade ect ect ect ) we can buy roughly 4/5 weapons ...
    i love the game but i really hope SOE falls flat on their *** with this model as it sets a bad precedent . who is ever going to give us all that content for an expansion again when you can knock out 4/5 gun models and make the same return from a player ?
  11. UrMom306

    when i first started the game, since i had some station cash from a promotion i decided to look at the guns...honestly i compared most of the stats and a lot of the base guns are better. In most instances every unlockable gun had some sort of drawback compared to the base guns.

    Also why would anyone want to instantly unlock all the guns? I mean heaven forbid you have to play a game longer than a month to actually achieve something. I swear the gaming community is so ADD its unbelievable.

    And if your getting your **** kicked after 3 years....well you should probably stop playing multiplayer games...
  12. Hodo

    Its this generation of kids. The generation "I am entitled to everything now!" kids. You know the ones born in the early 90s who are now thinking they know everything because they survived Y2K!
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  13. KodiakX

    Show me a single weapon you can exclusively purchase only with station cash.

    Until you can you're just another entitled individual who's complaining they have to work harder to get something because you either refuse to spend money or are unable to.
  14. ABPositive

    If someone thinks they can win the infantry game by paying, they are in for a big surprise.

    Regardless of how much SC the opponent spent on his character, you will win a firefight if you get the drop on him. This is 90% of encounters. To get the drop on someone, you have to know the playground, inside and out. You can't buy this. You need to play.

    Actual in-game experience > Station Cash
  15. ikon

    so op would play planetside 2 for 3 years without paying soe anything lol?

    much less, you can put in basic certs into pretty much all classes and still compete
    or specialize, whichever
  16. Krona

    I suppose if the definition of "winning" is unlocking everything in the game, then yeah, sure that's P2W.

    That's assuming they never add another gun/vehicle ever too, which we know they are.
  17. foesjoe

    Hahaha, way to show off you're a kid yourself.

    I remember when you bought a multiplayer fps game and you got everything right from the get-go.

    Guess I'm too old to find this "recent" trend of time / money you can invest in a game being more important than your actual skill at playing the game good.
  18. rayvon

    I feel sorry for you, you paid $300 to be better and yet you are still a crap player.
    They are not upgrades, they are side grades you thick yank ****.
  19. Hodo

    I remember when "multi-player" meant more than one control at the arcade machine.

    I am a kid, my gaming experience started in the 1980s when I could reach the joystick and buttons on my own and mooch quarters off my parents. Yeah your right I am a 35y/o kid who is also an a55hole, at least I admit to what I am, whats your excuse?
  20. phreec

    That makes little to no sense since early 90's gamers grew up with proper FPS titles compared to those born in late 90's that familiarized themselves with consoles, and newb shooters like CoD started to show up on the market.

    And LOL @ OP.