Use an other software like teamspeak skype etc.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Yeo-Yin, Nov 29, 2012.

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  1. Yeo-Yin

    Is it allowed ?
    In my opinion, the answer is ->NO<-

    Why ? When are dead, you cannot talk (as it said ingame) so use an other software allow you to talk when you are dead.
    So, for exemple, you can use it to say to your mates where the ennemies are (if the ennemi is hidden).

    I am not saying that we can do something (as people will always find a way or an other software like teamspeak), but i think that we should say clearly that it's not allowed. Like wallhack, it's not allowed but it can be hard/impossible to detect.

  2. Aelloon

    Or, instead, we should just get the ability to talk while dead.
  3. PoopMaster

    You can probably use it but I wish they had a way to prevent it. It's cheap, and you can't talk when you're dead for a reason.
  4. LevonVeldspar

    What a stupid thread. Bad thread.
  5. Urquhart

    This thread is pointless.

    Preventing Programs like Ventrilo/Mumble/ICQVoice/Skype/Teamspeak/*insert any VC-Programs ad infinitum* would mean having too much invasive, utterly pointless, outrageously easy to abuse software on my system.

    Not gonna happen.
  6. Beartornado


    Also unless you've managed to kill someone with a knife your gunfire automatically lights up your location on an enemy's map. Realistically it wouldn't matter if the dead player could talk, people are going to take notice. And who just stands by the body? If you're concerned about other enemies finding you then you would get the hell out of there and try to give yourself the upper hand if you have to confront them.
  7. Yeo-Yin

    1) the reason why we cannot talk when we are dead it's because we can see our body and the ennemies around it. So, you can say to your team if it's a safe place or where are the ennemies and so on.

    2) if you read my first post, i DIDN'T say that SOE should do something like a virus to avoid a use of a lambda teamspeak-clone. No, i just said that if you are found using one, you get a ban (just like it's hard to find if someone is cheating but if you find it you ban).
  8. Zhypher

    The ingame voice comms are unreliable and does not meet up to the standards that outside VOIP gives, there is no such thing as priority speaker or voice channel commander, things that are needed when your playing a fast paced shooter game on this scale.
  9. ZombieRommel

    It's not that big of a deal, honestly. This is not a competitive tourney game like CS. It's a big MMO with thousands of players. You can't prevent guys from teaming up in voice chat if that's what they prefer. Maybe they are friends and want to play casually and talk about life no matter if they are dead or not. You're trying to exact tourney-rule measures on a giant pubber-filled game. Not appropriate.
  10. Ashur

    This totally isn't a stupid thread and we should totally punish people that want to coordinate with eachother because this game has too much of that right now.
  11. Nocturnal7x

  12. Yarma

    Yes lets ban the use of TS3, Mumble, Ventrillo and any other communication software. Then lets see how many outfits are actually left. No outfit, clan, gaming community that is worth a damn is gonna play a game that doesn't allow them to use their preffered communication software.
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  13. Yeo-Yin

    Yarma : you can use it when you are not playing, and you even can use it while playing as long as you don't talk about the game. Otherwise, you get an advantage that normal players don't have. It's a kind of hack/cheat.
  14. Luft

    ITT: players whining because they don't have an outfit.
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  15. Rendezvous

    So you're saying that we should listen to the spam of endless amounts of people talking in game? People talk on TS3 or any other voice programs because there is control over people talking.
  16. Cl1mh4224rd

    I wouldn't bet on that. I showed up in an Amp Station with a dozen friendlies already there and a compromised generator. Not one made a move for it, even after it blew up.
  17. KiwiEffecT

    I would use in game voice chat if it was good enough to hear people without them sounding like they are talking through a cup phone... really what happened? it was good early beta and now its all muffled
  18. reFre5h

    What are you talking about? You can use vent when playing competitive games... Google the Astro A40s, they have a setup for use in LAN/Console environments and are popular.

    It's not a hack or cheat, quit playing alone and start playing an MMO for what it is. You will not be very successful trying to play this game solo.
  19. Yeo-Yin

    i wouldn't have a problem with that if planetside itself didn't bridle the tchat when you are dead. When you use a third-party software you bypass this bridle.

    Or do you think that soe put this bridle there to say "don't use our system, we restrict possibilities on purpose, only because we WANT you to use another software, because our system is meant to not be used." ?
  20. Adeon Hawkwood

    Yeah not allowing people to talk while dead is stupid. All it does is encourage people to use 3rd party software which in turn isolates people into different channels.
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