Dear non-Snipers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MinisterofDeath, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Monnor

    You stand on a point while people start to storm it ? seems your at the wrong position.
  2. MinisterofDeath

    Just kill them. Seriously. It's not even a once in awhile thing, it's every major battle. They will get you killed anyways, so leave and when you do, thank them properly.

    I read these replies full of excuses. "I'm bringing ammo." "I'm scouting Sunders." Look, if we need it, we'll ask. If we see it, we'll call it out. There is no excuse to ruin a snipers position that is on our own team. It's pretty stupid and selfish of them to think otherwise.
  3. MinisterofDeath

    800 yards out? Do you even know what you're talking about? No wonder NC is terrible.
  4. Aghar30

    It's also pretty stupid and selfish to think you are actually affecting any kinds of fight out there all by yourself. If you are up on a hill spotting that's great, taking out important targets (medics rezzing, people spawning vehicles, engies in turrets) that's great too. If you are just kill farming which 99% of all "snoipahs" do well you are just about useless and need to go away. Also when we finally do manage to get a foothold you need to get your *** down here and hack some terminals. I have won so many base conflicts because a infil came down and hacked all the vehicle terminals so we can spawn tanks right under the enemy.
  5. guitarxe

    Jeez threads like these from these moron "snipers" makes me want to kick them in the balls.
    You're useless. Okay? Get that in your freaking head. Killing someone in this game amounts to absolutely 0 net gain/loss for either side, because of short respawn. Your job is not to freaking kill people. Your job is to use your infiltrator cloak to move around unseen, locate enemy sunderers/spawn beacons, then report back the location.
    Your job is to also hack enemy terminals so they cannot use them, while the good guys all of a sudden can spawn tanks right on top of enemy spawn.
    Lastly your job is to provide cover for the troops that are capping points.

    You sitting on some hill somewhere 800m away from the objective and shooting random red triangles that you see makes you completely useless. You might as well not exist because you are contributing nothing to the fight. Your K/D whoring and stats padding doesn't do anyone any good, so shut up, quit stroking your ******, and do something useful.
  6. MinisterofDeath

    Agreed. That's how I play Infiltrator. That's why it's frustrating.

    Maybe some people just don't know their role? It's pretty obvious in the Infiltrator sub-forums, who doesn't know what they should be doing.

    Anyways, back on topic. It would help if our fellow teammates didn't ruin all effort from those of us that do our jobs.
  7. bPostal

    If you're playing the objective, then you should be on the cap point. You are not special, you are probably not helping. If you're in a good spot for me to use, I'm going to use it and we can go round and round until one of use gets weapons locked.
  8. Marinealver

    Watch your line of fire, watch other's line of fire.

    Think it would be easy with manned mana turrets but no one is looking your direction.

    V-V-M oh wait that dosn't work in PS2.o_O
  9. MinisterofDeath

    You described 90% of kiddies that tried and fail at playing Infiltrator. It's not useless. And as a matter of fact, my k/d is crap.

    You know nothing of this class. Some battles require you to be 800 yards out with a bolt action. Some require within 100 yards with a scout rifle. Some requires CQC with a pistol. Some requires harassing the other team by capping and hacking; most of the time, alone because all of you l33t assault spamming kiddies are too busy playing team death match to complete objectives.

    Did you know cloak is almost useless? I use it crossing a field. That's all that it has been good for. I bet you think that we're totally unseen while cloaked. Maybe you should stick with opinions about assault weapons and spamming 30 round mags and yell for more ammo every 45 seconds.

    Do you like enemy engie turrets killed before you round the corner? Do you like that an enemy MAX isn't being healed? Do you like when enemy tanks are not being repaired? Do you like when after you kill someone (by chance), they don't get rez by a medic? Do you like to know when enemy formations are coming and from which direction and how many? Do you like it when the enemy can't spawn aircraft or vehicles? Do you like it when enemy turrets are hacked and used against the enemy's own base?

    You think all of that is useless? The fact that I can do half that stuff before you even get to the fight, is that useless?
  10. Sugarfree

    I think thread-opener (if shooting with suppressors) is angry not because somebody sometimes randomly gets killed by a planned snipe but simply that once your own ppl realize that there is a "sniper nest" they won't go away and giving so enemy chance to spot them by drawing attention in that direction. Simple imho. (example: medics who try to heal snipers and everybody sees the big green flux :D, yes because strangely medics think that good hidden snipers need to be healed...)
  11. Xizwhoa

    I play infiltrator once a gaming session just to get some easy kills. I play til a death then I'm back to doing something useful. You don't sound like a useful person imo with the way you act. You're selfish, this thread proves that. With the way distance works in this game, you should never be 800 m out, I know you were exaggerating but still. While sniping you should be positioned somewhere that as soon as the push comes you can move in behind it, and do your job. Sniping alone is worthless in this game other than to pad stats, which is exactly why there's so many of the useless shhittys.
  12. Sugarfree

    NC is far from being terrible, it's just other 2 factions have zerg population numbers :D
  13. Zaik

    Likewise, stop coming over where I am and making people swap to Infiltrator to shoot back at you. When it's just me with my SAW killing people they will think they're bad, but when it's you people think they need to swap to infiltrator to fight back.
  14. IshanDeston

    I am not trying to be useful when i am going to play sniper. I am trying to have some fun after all the boring stuff you do while being useful, like driving around 5 minutes to cap that stupid mini base so we don't lose connection to our territory. Standing around bored at a cap point, while i am being "useful" to my faction.

    No, your right, my job is being an editor at the nightdesk at the local newspaper. I am in this game to have fun. And it is fun for me to hunt for that perfect spot.

    I am not doing it for you, nor for my teammates, nor for my faction. As i wrote earlier, i am doing it for myself. When i am getting out to play sniper, i am hunting that perfect shot. I am not out to kill someone, i am out to hunt.

    I am out for my own fun, and not to be useful or some other guys fun. I am playing Medic and Engineer the rest of the time, being helpful and useful. My K/D rating is completely uninteresting to me, but i assume to be a good shot, even though i am NC.

    Not existing is exactly the point. Its what this whole thread is about. People drawing unwanted attention to a sniper that doesn't want anyone know he exists. Well anyone except for the target he killed. Its exactly why a sniper takes care to select their spot. You select something remote, that isn't obvious. Something you can remain undected for a handfull of shots. And then you move again.

    You don't go on a killing spree. Thats not what a good sniper does. And no its not about helping the team or being useful. Its about the thrill of the hunt and enjoying yourself while playing a video game.

    If people feeling the need to turn into a Infiltrator to fight you, you are doing the whole sniper thing wrong. But thats the point of the complaint.
  15. Xizwhoa

    If you're playing a sniper just to have fun then have it without coming to the forums to complain about it. If someone comes to "your" spot move to another. I do the exact same thing, I play infiltrator to be a sniper once in a while just to get some relaxation from doing things like being run over by the tank I'm repairing. There's nothing wrong with that in the slightest.
  16. MinisterofDeath

    Your missing the point. "My" spot keeps me concealed because Infiltrators can't go toe-to-toe with assault weapons. Have you not noticed this?
  17. Xizwhoa

    Well you're 800 meters away bro, no assault weapon can shoot you from that far... I just can't understand why people get mad over video games. This happens to me all the time but I deal with it because who cares? I get run over by tanks that like to try weaving through entire squads to kill that one sniper or la on the ridge, and it doesn't matter because I'll respawn 8 seconds later 30 meters away.

    If they come to your area ask them to move. If they don't then you move. Most of the people going up that mountain with the sniper are probably new to fps and just don't know what else to do so they go to feel useful giving you ammo or healing you. I go up because once the enemy knows a sniper is there the la's or other snipers will come up the back side. Nothing sweeter then being an ha and seeing an entire squad of las not knowing you're there.

    Just relax and enjoy, game is new, new genre for many, I'm not an fps player really, but the common sense aspect comes slower for some.
  18. Coffinfeeder

    Dear special snowflake~

    On the other side of the coin, if you crouch down in front of me to get a shot, I will be sure to shoot through you once an enemy comes by. In fact, if you sit in front of me for more than 10 seconds, I will squeeze off one round into you, and another every 10 seconds after just so you know where you are. I'm not unreasonable, maybe it will take you a few seconds ro realize 'oops, field of fire' or 'sorry, quick pop and run, thanks'. that's fine, anything else, your new name will be "Swiss Cheese Boy"

    If you decide to retaliate, I simply write your name down on my little notepad here and any time I see you, you will be respawning... all night. If I end up respawning because I'm disturbing you and your precious hiding hole, I simply write your name down on my little notepad here and any time I see you, you will be respawning... all night.

    My friends and I share notepads too
  19. Runebane

    I see this all the time. And as someone who sometimes plays a sniper I just gotta laugh. Nothing like taking someone down and having a medic run over and revive them so I can do it again because they don't run fast enough. Sometimes I will leave the medic alone just to see how many times they will do it. Anyway, I always figured if the person you are healing is running away, maybe you should take a hint. They may have seen or know something you don't. Or they could just be dumb. Its crazy out there.
  20. Evilnox

    I won't even attempt to revive someone that is in view of whatever killed them. I don't want them dying again and I don't want to be stationary that long and risk being killed myself. When I pull out my medical wand of death it's most likely a safe area although I doubt other medics are so kind.

    I also circle around their body left and right for different increments just in case some sniper is watching I don't want to stand there and take a bullet that I don't need to. I have only had 2 people die right away after I ressed them, once from a grenade and we both died, and once when a tank came over the hill right when my res went off.....I ran my *** off, they got blown up again. I am at least cautious about it but things happen.