Is this the only way to attack a tech plant?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZombieRommel, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. ZombieRommel

    Well is it?

    I spent a good 2 hours yesterday with my NC squad trying to take down a Vanu Tech Plant to no avail. We had a Sunderer parked outside the giant shield gates, and we spent the whole time butting our heads against the wall. I mainly was dropping ammo to everyone and repairing our Maxes, who were brave enough to poke their heads out long enough to take pot shots. In between I'd throw grenades against the shields to frag dummies who leaned up against them too much.

    Eventually we went around to the side doors (that LevelCap alludes to), but just like he said, those doors are chokepoints of doom and immediately upon entering there is a hailstorm of fire and brimstone coming your way. I got a lot of revive points around those doors but we couldn't make any actual headway toward taking the base.

    I just don't get it... are the only ways to penetrate REALLY to jump over with Light Assaults or take it down with the Sunderer shield dropper perk? Or of course the rooftop Mission Impossible method... but dayum... In all 3 ways it seems like the odds are incredibly stacked against the attackers.

    I thought there was something I was missing... like maybe my squad and I could just attack a tertiary generator somewhere and drop those big main-room shields. But it seems that the generator for the main room shields is WITHIN the main room?!? That's madness.
  2. AuditMF

    There is always the Overwhelming Force option.
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  3. Perls

    I'm curious about this too. We were trying to take one for almost 5 hours yesterday. It's just a grenade spamfest at the doors. No strategy, all about overwhelming numbers.

    It was fun at first, and incredibly annoying after.
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  4. Flarestar

    No. See one of the other eighty threads by other people who didn't bother to use all of the tactical options available either.
  5. ZombieRommel

    "Overwhelming Force" meaning what?
  6. Fusion94

    more people... moron
  7. ZombieRommel

    More people spamming nades at the big shields? It does nothing. You mean more people attacking the side doors?
  8. AuditMF

    MAX Crash the two doors with with a bunch of Medics and Engineers backing them up. And I'm not talking about 2 to 4 MAXs. Very large emphasis on "overwhelming."
  9. Aghar30

    theres 2 back doors ya know, and yes limited attack options are kinda the point of any well defended structure, when attacking a base the base is supposed to be laid out to make it easier to defend not attack. Honestly I wish more bases were like tech plants.
  10. Jolly

    Such as?

    I'm pretty sure he covered most of them in his initial post.
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  11. Cevera

    So you think you should be able to just walk through the door & take the facility?

    If you are not enough people to zerg the enemy to death than use some of the tactics you mentioned.
    2 Galaxies of people landing on the roof can turn the battle in an instant..
  12. foam

    That's always the best option.
  13. Flarestar

    According to his initial post they:

    • Stood outside the vehicle bay doors and got shot to hell by everyone inside for a while, then
    • Tried to rush through the two most punishing choke points in the entire base for a while.
    There are quite a few more ways to assault a tech plant. Most of them require coordination. All of them have a much better chance of working than either of the two they tried.
    Again, tons of posts about this exact issue. Most of them have quite a few other ways in them to assault a tech plant. Go read. Too lazy to repost again for people who aren't bright enough to figure out how to use tactical options instead of just hurling themselves face first into a bullet hailstorm of death.
  14. Aghar30

    Tech plants are easy to take if you know what you are doing, first things first secure the roof.
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  15. Nathaniak

    2 sunderers, each with 12 MAXes to each vehicle gate. Engage null shield and deliver 48 maxes into the enemy base. Kill the AMS, push forward to destroy the defenders at the main gate from their back, allowing the zerg to gain entry to the base structure itself. If MAXes are unavailable, HA will do. Get your squad together, or even fill the sundies up with randoms. Use chat. Co-ordinate. It's not too hard.
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  16. Jolly

    Actually, if you read the initial post you will see that options such as assaulting from the roof and crashing the superstructure shields with a Sunderer are listed. As are using Light Assault to go over the shields or simply tanking the double doors.

    So, I ask again....... which "tactical options" has he missed? Which genius entry point has been over-looked?
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  17. ExarRazor

    overwhelming force doesnt really work when you can blindly throw a grenade towards any of a tech plants points of entry and get 5+ kills
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  18. AuditMF

    If it fails then it wasn't overwhelming.
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  19. Flarestar

    Oh, I read it. They just didn't try it. Which was kinda my point.

    And again I say - go read.
  20. siiix

    i played yesterday about 10x overwhelming force did not do jack s**t, after 5 hours i just got tired of it and logged out

    ONCE in 5 hours we tuke the generator for less then 10 seconds it was down, never again

    it was on waterson , and i played TR, the facility was under NC control.. i gona log back in i bet ya its still glue
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